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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Shopping and drinking lots of lemonade and water because it is so damn hot!
  2. I am now at 3650 posts.
  3. I'm not even sure why I used to love it as a kid either - a talking Jamaican crab and a mermaid...But then again, I used to pretend I'm sick to also watch the Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck cartoons as well.
  4. The fresh prince of Bel-Air theme song is a classic
  5. From what I read Twin Peaks was pretty popular in the 90s but I have never heard of it before - weird.
  6. I did love that combination attack between Bang and his brother on elder centipede - it was epic! Too bad the centipede was super durable -_-
  7. There's also the Byakuya and Ichigo fight as well...
  8. killamch89


    I went fishing with my dad once as a kid - it was hilarious as hell because the first fish he caught he made me hold it. Needless to say with my luck, the fish smacked me in the face with its tail...
  9. They needed permission from Marvel to use their characters - There has to be a license in place for that.
  10. Final Fantasy Record Keeper
  11. Are they android phones or tablets?
  12. I heard dolphin is good but I am waiting for some of the games I want to be available for it before I start to use the dolphin emulator.
  13. I'm embarassed to say that I used fake sick just to stay home and watch the little mermaid 🤣 - sssh! don't tell anyone...
  14. Anime has a surprising amount of real-life lessons within the shows themselves. It's not just the action but the storytelling that really sells animes. The way Luffi finished him off was absolutely epic!
  15. It was epic especially when Black Panther and the other assembled - I was absolutely hyped!
  16. Terminator 2 - Judgement Day - 9/10
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