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Everything posted by skyfire

  1. I do go back to the strategy gaming and the MMO every now and then. Those sort of games are kind of good for change of focus and distraction to feel good.
  2. Games like fishing life or the hobby type of games niche, they tend to reduce anxiety but other games can be bad for the blood pressure.
  3. My vote would be to this game. A lot of chance for expansion but they did their best I assume.
  4. Co op system based games are not bad. This one is good too. Though I am not fan of their graphics but it's a good overall good game experience in the game.
  5. I like their scrolling side system and also the enemies are pretty fun. And it's lot relaxing and less stressful too. So I thought I should share here for folks who like something like this.
  6. I would say AVP 1st one and the game both kind of were good. AVP 2 however was horrible movie and predator which was recently released was also poor.
  7. So fishing mini game is not that bad right? I thought so. I wonder how other youtubers enjoyed it or not because lot of folks were surprised with minigame in it.
  8. I think the issue would be more of reliance on the EPIC. I can't imagine making use of the Chinese store for something serious. I don't want to get my data being read by them.
  9. Yeah and also they need influencer who do the good press. As in a lot of bad press was went viral while in the process. I think the case with cyberpunk is just community disappointment.
  10. Anyone has played skipbo? it's one of the fun games though not a lot of demand for it. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000205XI/
  11. Nah I don't find use of this childish trickery. i will leave the RGB to kids who can't grow up. I would prefer to have it disabled. and I did disabled it on asus the first thing I got my hands on it.
  12. India's serum institute has given vaccine to other nations in Asia and outside. So I don't know what propaganda you are running. https://www.livemint.com/news/india/india-has-provided-over-361-lakh-doses-of-covid-19-vaccine-to-other-countries-so-far-mea-11614303650203.html
  13. Yeah mac indeed is cheaper in comparison and also lot more premium quality, because macs survive for years. I have not seen the microsoft devices surviving that long.
  14. I'd say it is expensive hobby but we get into the gaming because we like it not because we find it costly in everything. we make adjustment with what can give us some pleasure.
  15. I think sometimes life can be pretty much hard and if the virtual world or fantasy keeps you alive and kicking in some dream. I'd say that it's not a bad thing but where to draw the line is another issue.
  16. There are some of the modes for the asus based keyboards where you can choose breathing, flashy and few other similar modes which can be pretty much distraction.
  17. Compared to all the heaty device designs out there. Black shark is known for keeping the heat in check. So yeah you may not like it but the design choices makes them money that means it is working for them and gamers.
  18. Yes that needs to happen because distributed manufacturing is the only solution when war, pandemic and other crisis comes into the play.
  19. Yeah considering they are kind of not yet learning from that design fails. It would take them few years and iteration to get the things back on track.
  20. Another thing is that by the time this will be normal the companies would be suffering from getting rid of the 2 years worth of stocks vs the new products and innovation to push. This is common problem in every recession and the market downturn to upward phase.
  21. EPIC has also added the apps now. So you can download gaming tools, browsers, and other apps including ebook readers. It seems EPIC is now taking the google and apple by their horns. China at it's all full strength.
  22. This is one of those retro inspired jumping platformer games where you have forward motion towards the goals along the way. In fact the graphics and the player movement looks pretty much like those retro games in the past. Check out the trailer and decide for yourself if it is worth it.
  23. Do you like nostalgic vintage type art? and do you like 2D? If yes to both then you should check out this game. I am sure you would find it fun to play.
  24. I like hack and slash co-op games. And RWBY is one of them. I am sure for those of you who like such games would find this interesting.
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