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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, once I'm feeling sleepy, it's all over for the game at the moment because sleepy mood have set in.
  2. Of course yes, I have over 1000 new ones that I can't even support their matches who don't even care about it like I don't either.
  3. Yeah, I'm sure that most old gamers took part in that act which was quite fun back then.
  4. As far as I'm concerned, if any video games are broken, they should be pulled immediately because its essence of existence is useless.
  5. I'm still stuck with my Playstation 4 and with no plans to upgrade to Playstation 5 soon. So, I wouldn't know to miss and not to miss from using it till I get PS5.
  6. I'm actually playing Dark Souls 3 already after my struggles with the previous series. Even though it's very difficult, I'm still pushing for it.
  7. I think that having or learning to burn the Undead Bone Shards in Dark Souls 3 which eventually will increase the power of your Estus Flask is definitely fun move for me.
  8. I'm definitely looking up how to make use of website you just recommended because I'm sure it's going to come in handy for keeping one's gaming tracks.
  9. Only the feeling of depression and feeling sleepy are the two things that would make me not be in the mood for gaming.
  10. Seriously, no one likes cheaters. I have lost some online games friends. Recently, the ones that I made from playing Top Eleven Football Manager simply because I didn't support his matches.
  11. Wow, that's a very tense plot. I think I'm going to look up the game and see if it's something that I can get into sooner than later.
  12. It's something that's very common growing up in my neighborhood. We even rent games from one another ; engage in trade by barter.
  13. This is exactly the same thing with me when it comes to not playing RDR but only RDR2. I got pushed to RDR2 and I took it hook, line and sinker without looking back for RDR.
  14. Some people tend to criticize what they don't do or understand at all how it's done. So, it's normal when I see any person who doesn't have a good say about video games.
  15. Personally, I'm really open to doing anything that would help one get better from ill health. If getting such gaming therapy can help fix issues of stroke paralysis, it's definitely going to be a good thing.
  16. I hope that you are not still wheelchair bound till now my friend? In as much as gaming would help change your mood most of the time, it's still far more better to play being fully healthy on your both feet.
  17. There are some mobile devices that are built specifically for gaming. If you happen to get one of them, then the issue of RAM wouldn't be an issue for you.
  18. Seriously, I'm really all pumped up in wait for the release and if all goes well according to what Sledgehammer have in store for the Vanguard version of COD, it's going to sell like a wildfire.
  19. What really led to calling the gamer a wimp? Although, I think it's too harsh to get banned over.
  20. Is it seriously that bad? Personally, I have had my fair share with horrifying dreams that I woke up all sweating and panicking which is why I really hated to dream.
  21. Call of Duty Vanguard is scheduled to be be released in November 5 which would parachute players into World War II. Are you expecting it to be a major masterclass?
  22. Curse of Monkey Island is definitely a good game on PC. I can't forget my little experience with it, although I had to move on from it when I switched more to console games.
  23. Seriously, it was a very horrible experience for me. I'm never the overly indoor type, so when it's not my decision to stay indoors, it's always challenging for me to cope well with it. I did virtually almost everything to keep myself and my family lively but in the end everything still became boring.
  24. I play both online games and offline games as long as I have the time to play whenever I want. Why would I cut off myself from enjoying online games?
  25. If new characters are introduced without replacing the old existing ones, I don't really have any issues with it. But once another character is tampered with, I don't feel so good about it.
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