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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I'm not sure if it's something that would be feasible no matter how good it sounds. It's going to come out so bad it would ruin everything.
  2. My recommendation is definitely going to be Blackshark as number one on top of the chart 📊. But if you can't afford it, then maybe you can try out Samsung.
  3. Well, from someone who's not a big fan of Apple products, I would say that it's actually a cool product by Apple. It's not actually meant for everyone in the world, so those that it's meant for should enjoy it.
  4. Well, I'm not going lie but this looks so nice and if it's affordable, I'm definitely going to be getting one for myself.
  5. Yeah, sure it's definitely going to be iPhone 11 because it's very clear from the users reviews about the smartphone. Yes, it's quite expensive but it's worth it.
  6. Heatman

    iPhone 6 games?

    I'm not a big fan of iOS devices. In fact, I'm really impressed with the iPhone 6, my preference got touched from iPhone 10 upwards.
  7. And if I may ask, what happens to Android? When in the world is it coming to android because we can't be left out? 🙄
  8. No, I don't bother myself with such quest when I'm very sure that I can't even play up to 50% of all my favorite games that have already been made. So why stress my life trying to make another?
  9. I can actually recommend King of Avalon for you. It's available on both android and PC. I'm definitely sure that you will love it. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D6KXyutndVAI&ved=2ahUKEwjsppWeyOXxAhVr8-AKHV2DBn0Qxa8BegQIBRAE&usg=AOvVaw2ovayrsDl46RsTwLppR_Jb
  10. I'm not sure if the issue is from the support end but probably the game is malfunctioning and the server is messed up. It won't pass those two things.
  11. There is a way you can connect some mobile games now to your LCD television lately. I don't really have all the information but you can research on it.
  12. Heatman

    Evil Apples

    Now, the numbers game is a big turn off for me in most cases. If I must play with someone when I love playing as a loner, it's definitely not going to work for me.
  13. Personally, I would play it just for passing time sake or that I don't really have more fun game to play. It's just an average game to me.
  14. If I remembered correctly, it's only my cousin who really enjoyed playing this game. It's a turn off for most of us in the house.
  15. Personally, I don't really think that I would ever get tired of playing this game. In fact, I still play it till date. It's so fun listening to those minions shout 😂.
  16. Sudoku is actually more popular than all the games listed there and it's very obvious why it's so. I certainly believe it's more technical than others.
  17. The anime was quite a hit then when it was produced, so there was a high expectation on the game which I don't think was meet.
  18. Once the game actually delivers on all what the hype is all about, then it's a win-win situation for everybody.
  19. Maybe they didn't actually did any much advertising about the game because I believe that marketing is very important for games to sell well.
  20. You have done a good job by inviting us to aid you in this project. Now, it's all up to you to show us the next step in the process.
  21. Haha, you have a very good point though but for the fact that they upgraded the processor which is something very important, makes it worth it for some people.
  22. Exactly, you got it spot on with the old razor. The design and now simple it looked was only good thing that I can point out in it as far as I'm concerned.
  23. Seriously, that becomes a big challenge when you don't really know if it's going to be compatible with your own PC or not which can be nerve-racking.
  24. Heatman


    I keep asking the question why some gaming companies don't have a long term project planed for some of their games?
  25. Well, most games that are really addictive will definitely take your time whether you want it to or not because you will be lost at it.
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