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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. We are exactly in the same shoe my friend. I have no idea what it's all about and from the looks of it, I'm not sure if I'm going to be bothered about it because I still have so many I haven't played which are already in my possession.
  2. The Sims, Rollercoaster, Tycoon and Ceasar are very good PC classic games. My favorite is the Sims 2, it's such a great game which I'm sure that most people played.
  3. There is an atom of truth in what you have said because I grew up in a lousy neighborhood full of all sorts of noise and distraction, so my hearing must have been affected at my young age without my knowledge of it, and it's probably now I'm feeling the effects of it.
  4. It's never enough to make use of my television speakers to listen. If that should be the case, it means that I would have to increase the television volume to highest in order to hear it well.
  5. First person shooting setting is my favorite. It gives me the feeling like I'm actually into the game live and direct. It's the best gaming feeling ever.
  6. Far cry 4 and 5 would be my favorite pick. The graphics used in both games were awesome. There are so many other great games with such high quality improvements on the graphics used.
  7. Ludo and chess is my favorite board games. I have the habit of playing with my friends and family over the weekend especially when we do not go for a hang out on such weekends. Chess is fun to play if you know how to play it well.
  8. Personally, I have never cheated in any games so far as a gamer. If I simply cannot finish the game, I would give it my all but if still proves abortive, I will give up on it and move to another. I have actually used any game cheats yet although I'm well aware of some of it.
  9. That's more like it and I'm sure it's what most people would bank on. Who cares whether they play games using a curved TV screen or flat screen? What's more important is that they enjoy the game irrespective of which kind of TV it's played with.
  10. Well, I wouldn't mind as long as it's very clear and informative. It's only when it's boring and not done well that I might be forced to lose any atom of interest in it. Although, I would prefer it with less commentary.
  11. Gameboy is cool. I had a great experience playing with it during my kids phase as a gamer. I think that most kids living in my neighborhood back then almost all had Gameboy.
  12. On the part of being too young to play depends strictly on the kids ability to play. As long as the kid understands the game, knows how to play, then he or she is no longer too young to play even if he or she is still 2 years old or less. On adult part, there is nothing like being too old to play as long you still enjoy the act. I'm a father with kids and I still play well.
  13. I have a few favorite classic PC games and they are as follows ; Counter Strike Age of Empire Final Fantasy 5 Need for speed Doom There are still so much more but let me stop at this for the moment.
  14. Well, depending on the design and how portable the headphone you are making use of would determine whether it's going to be hurting you from long use. Mine fits just about perfectly, so no pains at all, no stress.
  15. Case in point, before these gamers upload to such gaming sites, they are already at a great point of expertise that they have so much to offer to their fan base. It's actually why most people lurk these gaming sites in search of more tips on how to get better.
  16. Our old games lay the foundation for our entire gaming experience time stamps. They mold our future gaming preference and selection. If you take a look at the kind of games which you play now, you can bet to see some significant similarities between the old games and the new ones.
  17. Everything we do affects us in one way or another. So, does gaming especially when it's played in excess. I have seen some people who games have affected in such a way that they became aggressive.
  18. The tension that comes with playing Counter Strike: Global Offensive is what I find so impressive. You just simply can't get enough of the game if you are very good at it. It's such a great game.
  19. Headphones gives the best quality when it comes to bringing out the real sound effects used in the game music. Normally, I don't feel comfortable disturbing others with my game soundtrack, so using the headphones offers some sort of privacy.
  20. Currently, I'm making use of the flat screen television which is available for me. It's still serving my gaming needs effective and efficiently, so I see no reason why I should be bothered about getting a curved TV screen for gaming.
  21. I believe that it's a terrible combination - wearing glasses and headphones. What are you trying to do to yourself? You can't focus with reading and at the same time listening to music with the headphones on. You can't serve two masters at the same time.
  22. I'm not among the set of impatient gamers who just rush into any game without having more information and reviews about it. In my opinion, game demo's are very important because it would literally give you an insight into what you are going to be getting in the game. I'm fully in support of game Demo.
  23. Seriously, email spams is a good reason why I find it very difficult to register or subscribe to any online site because they will spam the living daylight out of your mailbox. Most times, what I do is create a new mail to use for registering on such suspicious sites and careless about their spams.
  24. I have given away my old game to some of my friends and relatives but haven't really sold any for cash payment. So, they are literally not the same thing. Personally, I find it very difficult to sell my property.
  25. Exactly. Look at some many side quests in one my favorite games called Final Fantasy. It's making the company gain more new sales. Also with the issue of remake, it's also another amazing opportunity for them to resell the game all over again.
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