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Everything posted by Darth

  1. Darth

    Last Game Played

    Madden 21 on the Series X thanks to Game Pass. It's a game I definitely would not have purchased but will happily play it for "free". I've been looking into getting into American Football so hopefully I can learn more about it through this.
  2. True but the biggest problem will always be games. I doubt Netflix will be able to create award-winning exclusives. They can throw large amounts of money into buying exclusivity deals for games from other studios but that might not be a very good long-term strategy.
  3. Darth

    PS5 info

    £449.99, the normal price for the disc version of the PS5. Amazon is tough and go for some things but in terms of pre-orders, the prices are usually good. And with brand new consoles, the prices will always be the normal retail price of the console, it won't be higher.
  4. Darth

    PS5 info

    Got it at launch thankfully because I managed to get a pre-order from Amazon. I love the console and it truly feels like a proper next-gen experience. A lot of it is thanks to the new DualSense controller because the vibrations and haptics feel amazing with certain games. I would definitely recommend it. And I hope you manage to get your hands on one soon 🙂
  5. Darth


    A VPN would probably make your gaming experience worse. The last thing you want is more lag especially for multiplayer games where split second decisions can make a huge different and be the difference between winning and losing. I'm sure there are probably a few games out there that block users that use a VPN as well.
  6. I think it's a bit of a mistake for them to get into gaming, especially as they don't really have that much experience in this market. It's just going to end up like Stadia again really. Good to hear they won't charge me extra because of it but I don't really trust that.
  7. Skyrim. I got the game as part of my Xbox 360 bundle and tried it for a little while but I never understood the game properly. I didn't enjoy it much and I honestly did not get what all the hype was with the game. Maybe it was because I had no idea what I was doing for the game but I'm not willing to try it again to find out.
  8. As someone that uses the controller every day, I love it. I think it looks great and feels good in my hands as well. The size is not at all an issue really especially since they have added some great features like the haptics. I have a Series X as well and that controller just feels a bit cheap, especially with the vibrations. The PS5 one feels a lot more premium and expensive.
  9. I watched a lot of different cartoons so I'm not going to bother listing them out because I know it's going to end up being a very long one. Plus, I'm 100% sure I've forgotten a few of my childhood favourites. The best two for me though were SpongeBob SquarePants and the Simpsons. I watched the Simpsons when I was slightly older but I just loved it back then, and honestly still do (the older episodes anyway).
  10. It's okay but nothing great. I actually use it to play random games to get achievements for the Microsoft Rewards programme. It does seem to be a bit laggy so it's not an ideal service for multiplayer games. Hopefully they can improve it where it's reliable for any game.
  11. I think I had reached either Town Hall 11 or 12. It was a completely maxed out account but it was okay for that town hall. It was a long time ago though where it was a lot easier to get your email changed and sell the account. I think they've cracked down on it so it's a lot harder to sell your account now.
  12. Darth

    Pokemon Go

    Of course. The community for the game is still large and there are a lot of people that still play the game. My younger sister actually started playing it again recently. But the popularity that it had when it first launched is definitely not there. It would be interesting to see what their current player count is.
  13. Darth

    Pokemon Go

    The game was crazy popular over here when it first launched and that was when I played it as well. I can't remember the exact period but I played it for a little while and then stopped after the novelty dropped like skyfire mentioned above. I haven't touched it since.
  14. I gave up on Clash of Clans a long time ago and actually sold my account because I knew I wouldn't touch it again. I can't remember how much I made but it was a decent amount. I still play Clash Royale but my activity levels have dropped off quite a bit. I don't play it as much as I used to.
  15. Yeah, definitely, especially for titles like Red Dead Redemption 2. The game as a whole was absolutely amazing. But there are certain parts that are slightly boring (for some) so it's difficult to replay it. For me, the start was quite slow so that makes it even more difficult to replay it.
  16. Not for PC gaming but for my consoles, I do prefer to buy physical discs unless there is a great discount for the digital version. The physical disks just have way more benefits like usually being cheaper, and still having the ability to return it/sell it.
  17. It looked interesting but I never bothered getting it. They had a weekend where the game was free to try out and I wasn't a huge fan of how the game felt, to be honest. The reviews didn't seem too great as well especially with how bland the different characters feel. They tried to create unlimited characters and that didn't help really.
  18. I don't think they will ever make the PlayStation 5 bigger considering how big it is already. I think it definitely makes sense for them to try and create a slimmer version that is smaller than the digital edition. It will be interesting to see whether it will have the same specs though.
  19. I'm not too sure about a percentage but I would say the majority of them are bought at full price. I actually don't buy games too often because I know what type of games I like and I tend to stick to the more "mainstream" ones. So that means just a few games a year. So having to save money is not too much of an issue.
  20. Not that often actually. I tend to mostly play multiplayer games so that means I don't really have to manually save my games too often. And when I do play single-player games, I don't really have different save files so overriding the old save files doesn't affect me at all.
  21. I would love to get into Red Dead Redemption 2 again because the story was great and there are a few single-player trophies that I need to get. I have actually tried to start from the beginning twice but I just can't get into it. The story was amazing but for me, the replay ability of it just isn't the same compared to, for example, GTA.
  22. Hate them with a passion for certain games. For example, there is a trucking game on PS4 called Truck Driver. Now, for some reason, the developers decided to add timed missions to the game and some of them are almost impossible unless you drive like you do on GTA. No idea why they did that for a game where most people want to drive calmly whilst following the rules of the road.
  23. Darth

    Last Game Played

    The last game that I played was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The game has quite a few bugs and the developers haven't been too communicative (even though they said they would be when the game launches), but, it has been a lot of fun. Some of the maps are really fun to mess around in, especially Shipment which is just full of chaos and a great map to play on.
  24. How long before Google decides to scrap the system? I feel sorry for the people that have invested into it from the start. Like some other Google services, I just couldn't see it surviving for long and I would never have bought anything for the platform. The idea is good. It's just the execution is not that great at the moment.
  25. Has to be Skyrim for me. It's not a particular hard game but I just didn't understand what the hell I was doing half the time. It didn't help that I struggled finding the places that I had to go to. Maybe it was because I was young but I honestly can never see myself ever touching another game like it.
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