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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. @Gamertotheend I don't think there is a single thing you said that I disagree with, and that's coming from a newly appointed mod' that's desperate to make an example out of somebody 😂.
  2. I find this unlikely. Hatred is I think one of only two or three games released to get an "A" rating from the ESRB, and A rated games allowed on the eShop. "A" rated games are not allowed to be displayed in stores, so a physical only release doesn't really make sense either, assuming Nintendo would even allow that anyway. This also isn't exactly striking the pan while it's hot. The game is five years old, so this just doesn't add up. I would be cool if it did happen and would love to be proven wrong, but I don't think this will happen.
  3. Fair point. Honestly, I don't find much in the groups and trading cards that useful either, but I do think Epic should at least add user reviews and ratings.
  4. I've seen alot of games coming out with recommended spec's including 16GB of ram with 8GB being the minimum. When we see multiplatform games come out for next gen and PC, I don't think 8GB of ram would be enough. If I was to build a new PC now, I wouldn't have any less than 32GB (2x16GB) in it.
  5. Shagger


    I don't get my news from TV, I prefer the internet because on the internet nobody spreads misinformation, surrenders to social/political bias and everyone is always calm, mature and respectful... Yeah.
  6. A big part of me doesn't want to believe you're right, but I do have to agree. I don't think gaming is nearly as creatively inept as Hollywood and there are still some very original and unique games out there, but it has been getting worse in recent years, especially the AAA gaming industry.
  7. @16_Kuba I understand what you're trying to do, but to come onto the forum only to immediately post a link to survey without contributing anything to the community first isn't very courteous. Because it's not a commercial survey I've decided to let it be and leave the topic open, but I'm doing so under the assumption that you will offer more to the VGR community than just this. EDIT: I've also moved the topic to general chat as this isn't directly related to gaming.
  8. Whilst my welcome can't match Scorpion's punch, I'm glad to have you here.
  9. I believe it was a 24 hour thing. I managed to secure my copy 😁.
  10. Welcome to VGR. I'll be sure to check out those reviews when I get a chance.
  11. @MrNature72There is nothing wrong with a bit of self-promotion, but as you have seen the sheer amount of it from members who have joined the forum to do nothing but that has been a great source of frustration recently for the community. I look forward to your future contribution to the community and wish you nothing but the very best for your game, but for now, I'm going to lock this thread. You will be free to talk more about this game of yours once you have made a greater contribution to the community.
  12. Hi everyone. This is a polite reminder that the VGR forums has a separate section to debate politics, and for a reason. I understand that the issue described in the OP has relevance to tech and, in a hypothetical manner, gaming as well. With that said though, and reading through the more recent responses, I feel the original topic has started to get lost within the politics surrounding it. So I politely ask, can we please turn the topic back to the specifics of the original post? People are more than free to debate politics, but just in the correct section of the forum. Thank you.
  13. I would always recommend mod supported RPG's on PC, like Bethesda games and The Witcher series. With mods these games are always better on PC (Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, etc). However, that's not exactly what you listed, and since I myself am not a big MOBA fan, I'd suggest from the Action-Adventure category the more recent Tomb Raider games and I would recommend Horizon Zero Dawn now it's on PC, but the port has some trouble atm so it's better to wait for a few patches.
  14. This question is kind of like presenting someone with a vast field off all the fruit mankind has grown and being asked, "which is best". Without knowing your tastes or exactly what the spec's of your laptop is the assumption I have to make is that absolutely everything is an option, so it's hard to narrow it all down to a recommendation. So I feel I have to know, what do you like? What kind of games to you enjoy or want to explore?
  15. A very warm welcome to VGR... that isn't a punch in the face from Scorpion...
  16. There has not been any restrictions placed on your profile. I have personally not had any of these issues logging into the website, nor have I heard any similar complaints from anyone else. I have to assume that @Crazycrab is right. This is most likely a problem on your end with cookie settings or your browser settings. We at VGR are, of course, more than willing to help, so if you continue to have difficulty please let us know.
  17. If I'm gonna do things their way, I'm gonna do them MY way; . This is literally my face covering everywhere. I also wear it as a scarf, bandanna, hood and all sorts.
  18. With all due respect, this has not been handled as fast as you think. I have seen posts needing deleted or locked for hours before you get to them. That's not a mark against you, It's just a simple fact that you can't be around 24/7 to deal with this quickly. That's not your fault, it's the curse of needing to eat, sleep, live life and shit. AKA, being alive. Being a human being. Nobody is suggesting your ability to handle running this site is in any way compromised, just that it has it limitations due to the fact we're human beings with limitations. You are handling this well, as well as anyone could, all I'm suggesting is that with some help, it could be even better. Please, think about it.
  19. @DC You know I love you dude, and respect you even more, but this problem has been resurfacing in a major way the last week or so. I understand if you don't want to give someone the aforementioned mod rights, I really do, but you said yourself it makes sense to do. So, with all due respect, I'm going to have to push you man. Either make this choice or just tell us you don't want to go through with this. All we want is to do is help.
  20. I've decided that, with the exception of me, @Crazycrab and @The Blackangel, the VGR forum, as much as I love y'all, has terrible taste in music. Anyway, here's Iron Maiden, Pearl Jam and Sabaton.
  21. Never buy a PC from a shop if you intend to game on it. Find an online retailer who at least has a slight clue about gaming PC hardware and order from there, but the best thing as always to do is; ... that Build it.
  22. Sorry, but who cares? Even for fans of these games what on earth do you expect to learn from leaked footage of FIFA? "OH MY GOD! It actually looks like soccer as opposed to Lacrosse or powerlifting! Get that footage on the internet! The world need to know!"
  23. Can you list your spec's?
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