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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. A little disclaimer. Everything I'm about to say I say as my own individual person, not as a mod nor a representative of VGR in any way. And yourself @m76as well as anyone can respond freely without fear of reprisal. What you are saying are the words of someone who clearly has not made any effort to understand or research the message BLM is trying to put out, and that is also, with all due respect, kinda selfish. You're just happy to live in your little bubble where everything is fine. In your white world, you don't get guns drawn of you for just walking down the street. You don't have the police called on you in the hope they shoot you for being black. You don't get killed by police officers crushing your neck. You don't get tear-gassed for protesting peacefully. You don't get called a n****r or a monkey. You don't get turned away from job's because of the colour of your skin. None of this happens to you, so in your head it doesn't really happen at all. No wait, sorry, I'm being unfair; Yes, racism exists, you said so yourself, so why are you pissing on those fighting it instead of supporting them? Is it because you believe the "small" amount of it you think happens is acceptable? And you're wrong, it is as bad as they say because it's not a minority doing it, it's become engrained in society. That's why, as @Crazycrabpointed out, it's the responsibility of all of us to change, to be better, fight for equality and justice even if one has never done anything discriminatory or racist in any way. Otherwise, we're choosing to live in the same bubble you are, and that would make us part of the problem. BLM are not hiding problems under the rug, that's what people like you do because you don't want to believe these things are true. Just because you don't like what's what to be found under that rug, doesn't make it fault of those supporting BLM. I don't want to believe it either, but as a white man I refuse to deny it just for my convenience. It was Edmund Burke who said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”. Then there's people like you, spewing this nonsense that the people in this fight to make clear how bad racial injustice really is are the bad guys. How dare you. How dare you accuse the people who suffer through racial discrimination every day as "scapegoating". Victims of racial discrimination don't need you so-called "scapegoat" because they are the victims of racial discrimination. How dare only listen to one side and deliberately avoid the other to then be arrogant enough to think you know it all. How dare just choose to believe what's convent for you. How dare you only come out of your bubble to call those seeking truth and justice as liars just because you're not a victim and can't know what it's like. Nothing of what I say here is against you. Your presence in this community is very much appreciated and valued, but for your own sake you have got to wake up and see what's really going on in the world.
  2. ReCore: Definitive Edition, an action adventure game from Keiji Inafune and the makers of Metroid Prime, is going dirt cheep on The Microsoft Store. It looks like the sale has been on for a while, but still has a couple of days left. I really liked what I did play of this game on XB1, apart from the fact it had major technical issues especially with regard to the load times. Still, it's been a few years and this version boasts a lot of improvements, including those horrendous load times now being fixed, so I think this is an opportune time to give it another chance.
  3. Crysis Remastered is coming to PS4, XB1 and PC on September 18nth with the PC version being exclusive to the Epic Games Store. The game has been available on Nintendo Switch since July 23rd. This "PC and console melting game", that is definitely not a PC and Console melting game no matter how much PC fanboys want to believe it is, will almost certainly cause a shitstorm amongst PC fans over its EGS exclusivity. The Church of Gaben were already annoyed their precious "PC melter no console can handle" was on console, so this will probably send them off the edge. In all seriousness, I would not call this a wise move from Crytek to lie in bed with Epic like this. I personally don't care about EGS exclusivity that much, but this will piss a lot of people off.
  4. Great show, and I've heard great things about the games as well.
  5. Well, with that more or less resolved and @THawkhappy enough with the situation, I don't think we need this topic open any more. Be sure to let us know if there are any further troubles. Locking thread.
  6. A lot of chatter on Twitter about a new single player action adventure/RPG game being developed by Chinese indie studio Game Science Studio called Black Myth: Wukong. It is based on the mythology of "Journey to the West", a Chinese novel written in the 16nth century during the Ming Dynasty. The gameplay looks phenomenal, especially for a pre-alpha build. That's also why we should not expect word for a release date anytime soon, but I reckon mid-late 2021. What does concern me is the very real possibility of power hungry, attention desperate, right wing western policies getting the way just because it's a Chinese developer. I hope I'm just being paranoid, but that alone might cause this game problems it doesn't deserve. I'll be keeping an eye on this title and really wish it all the best.
  7. That's people hiding behind a noble cause to excuse that behaviour. Happens every time anyone protests anything. BLM is not about that and the movement certainly doesn't endorse it.
  8. I'm just waiting to see one of the homophobic, sexist, misogynistic man-babies who can't stand seeing a lead female or LGBTQ character in a game because "iT'S tOo poLItiCal!!" to express his excitement about this.
  9. According to VGC, the game will be released on the Switch when the game exists early access on PC, but there's no actual release date yet. Estimated for a rather vague "Fall of 2020".
  10. So right back on topic 😃 And I do call @Crazycraban asshole all the time, not because it's brothers in jest, it's mostly because he just is one 😛. To this point, though. You're right, people shouldn't take things to heart, but that's not an excuse to be rude or disrespectful either. Honestly, it just takes a bit of common sense from both sides to avoid going to far.
  11. This looks great, but the games release date and apparent "times exclusivity" on Switch is a little confusing. On Nintendo Switch, the release date is August 18nth (so, it's out), but a Steam listing indicates "Q3 2020" and September 2020 is floating around as well. What's the point in securing timed exclusivity for only a few weeks? Whatever, I'll maybe give this on a go when it's out on PC.
  12. My sympathies, that must have been rough. I completely understand why you feel that what you do, but nobody was saying your opinion was any less valid. I'm not attaking you, but what you have to have understand is they way yiu phrased the point was "If you play skyrim with sticks you are doing it wrong", and that doesn't really mean the same thing as "I'm far more used to and comfortable with a M/K, so l would just feel wrong to play Skyrim with a controller". That's not even an unpopular opinion, in fact it's not really an opinion at all. It's a personal preference, and you're right to own it, just like anyone who chooses to play these kinds of games with a controller. On a fourm, it's about saying what you really mean as well as knowing what you really mean, otherwise people are inevitably going to misinterpret you. Please try and think a little bit more about how you phrase your views. And @Crazycrab, if you please, be a little less aggressive with your responses in future.
  13. And it now appears Apple us ready to remove Epic Games completely from Apple devices. That means not only means no Fortnight, that's no gane that Epic has published/developed, no EGS, and no Unreal Engine from IPhones, iPads and Mac's. They're building a wall to block out gamers from Apple devices. https://www.tweaktown.com/news/74555/apple-threatens-to-kill-unreal-engine-on-ios-fornite-may-never-return/index.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
  14. Whilst I wouldn't agree with @Crazycrab's brazen way if expressing them, I do actually agree with with his points. I almost never use M/K for game control on PC, with the exception of strategy games, some MMO's and some top-down RPG's. I don't even like using M/K for shooters despite the higher accuracy potential, it just doesn't feel as fun to play for me. I just feel more of a connection to a game holding a controller in my hand. Yes, I'm not as competitive that way, but I get round that problem buy not playing competitive FPS games on PC, only on console where I know it's a level playing field. Simple. The fundamental difference between a game controller the M/K concept is that one was created specifically to control a video game, the other one wasn't. M/K has come a long way, but hasn't fundementally changed. That is why M/K douse base problems with certain games and gameplay mechanics, like stealth a @Crazycrabsaid. It's that way because it still has to serve its original intended purpose. As for game controller ms? They have evolved a lot. We aren't playing with Atari Joysticks anymore, that's for sure. Controllers have become almost unrecognisable from what they used to be and are far more sophisticated and advanced, and have gone though this evolution at each step to improve one's connection to the game. That's just my own little theory as why I personally just enjoy a a controller alot more that a M/K. Not that M/K doesn't have its advantages as well. It's precise and offers you're hands and arms more rest as you play. As I said, the it's best way to play games where you manage as opposed to taking direct control, like RTS. It's also great for MOBA's and certain MMO's that uses a large array of control options. For any game that requires any even a remotely substantial amount of typing, a controller is a pain the ass, so there's that to. However, in the end, it's not about one being better than the other, it's about how each individual feels is better for themselves to control and connect to the game. Now @m76, I'm gonna be honest with, you I do believe you look down on people for using a controller on PC, and that's not fair. It doesn't affect you how another person plays Skyrim or whatever is on PC. You prefer M/K, not a problem, and this evening I'll probably be playing my modded version if Fallout 4 with a controller and I'm sure we'll both sleep just fine. One last thing to all of you, keep it civil. That is all.
  15. I've been doing what I do on the form for over an hour since you posted this and I've only seen ad's pop up at the bottom end of the screen or just under a thread's OP like normal, so I'm not sure what's happening.
  16. I have to disagree. What Steam has is an open door policy where anyone can publish software on the platform without having to deal with a publisher and representatives of a certain gaming platform and so on, but that open door policy that Steam stubbornly stands by, with little if any validation process, has caused more problems that it's solved. Steam gets flooded with asset flips, achievement vaults, games made to abuse the trading card systems, copies of other games, game that are simply terrible and low brow trash that's so ignorantly or even deliberately offensive that anyone else would be embarrassed to sell it. There's even evidence that some "games" sold on steam are a front for money laundering and fund organized crime. In this flood of absolute tonk, it's almost impossible for a good indie game to get noticed and become successful. If steam actually cared about genuine, talented, passionate indie devs and the games they create, they wouldn't allow them get drowned out on Steam the way they do. Epic may not have as much of these indie developers selling games on their store as Steam do, but the ones that are there get a much better deal. Pay a smaller cut and their games are better promoted on the store. Even consoles have become a more attractive place for indies, especially Nintendo with the Switch, because they're validated and people buying can trust in their quality that much more. The problem with indies on Epic is not the Epic store and how they treat indies, its gamers. People give indie devs a hard time for accepting deals with Epic and it's not fair. A big, AAA publisher or major multiplat' game going to EGS as an exclusive, I understand that frustration, but people should not give small, indie devs a hard time for making a deal with Epic for a better share of the money and for their game to be sold on a store where it won't get pushed to the background by a load of asset flips.
  17. Second person is something pretty much impossible to contemplate in a video game because the 2nd person is the perspective of your subject. In Call of Duty, this would be controlling the game from the view of whoever it was you were trying to shoot, or in something like Assassin's Creed, you'd be trying to control your character from the perspective of the guards. The camera angels you described in a racing game are still third person, just from a different angle. There are video games, especially racers, that have cinematic camera that take the view of how a motorrace looks on TV, for example. That is a second-person perspective, but nobody making a genuine effort to control the game accurately would actually use them. They're just for show.
  18. I'm into the heavy stuff. Power Metal, melodic death, symphonic metal, NWOBHM, fk metal and so on.
  19. Since I got both a PS4 and an XB1 this gen, I guess I don't have the option to skip, but it's with people in your situation whare backwards compatibility really comes into its own on the next gen consoles.
  20. Recent reviews on Steam indicate the game has some issues with Microsoft Flight Simulator. The game has been released to mixed reviews from users, talking about lockups, glitches, freezing and lots of issues tied to its launcher. It isn't very clear at this stage if the game is coming to console despite it apparently getting added to game pass. The fact it also circumvents the 2 hours of playtime and refund policy on Steam is also pretty low.
  21. Pretty much this. Whether I prefer first of third depends on the game. For shooters, I do prefer first person, just makes those kinds of games easier to play and focus with, but for almost anything else, I prefer third, epically in games with character customization, like @m76 said. Third person view is also great for games in an open world and it enhances your situational awareness and get a better sense of what's going on the local environment around you. Having said those things, your aim should be just accurate in a 3PS as it would be in an FPS and you should still be able to get a good sense of what's going on around you in Fist Person view. If these "problems" with perspective exist, it's not because of the choice in perspective, it's the mark of a badly designed game.
  22. I've often said this about my job. One couldn't write a sitcom about my place of work because nobody could write anything that's actually funnier that what really happens there. I suppose GTA 6 faces a similar problem. Hypothetically, of course, if GTA 6 is coming (and that's a bit if, and it won't be for years if it is), they would have to walk a dangerous line between being that parody we know about and getting, as so-called "gamers" would put it, "to political". Yeah, because the war themed FPS's and crime sim's like GTA they seem to be obsessed with can't relate to politics at all 🙄. And that's the real issue IMO with a new GTA because a big portion of the GTA fandom, whilst I don't mean to stereotype, do pull in that kind of social-political demographic. It's difficult to see how Rockstar can include themes parodying this world without including themes of immigration, BLM, COVID-19, LGBTQ rights and the other big political hot spots without pissing the "gamers" off, even if is just a parody. You can barely have a female lead in a video game without them loosing their fucking minds. No wait, I'm being unfair. Include a free roaming camera and give her a nice ass, they might be on board. Trying to parody this world in a GTA game would be hard, you're right. Trying to parody this world in a GTA game in a way that the fanbase will accept, almost impossible.
  23. I had a dig around, and the only other place I can find where it's discounted is the Microsoft Store. Standard Edition Deluxe Edition So that's a decent deal right now, but who knows if the game will be cheaper that at some point between now and Christmas.
  24. We already have topics like this (such as here and here). I don't think we need another new thread on this. Please use the search function on the forum to check for topics before creating new threads. Thank you.
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