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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. Cool down. There is no game out there that is made for everyone. For reasons I'll keep to myself for now, I hate the Demon Souls, absolutely loathe it, but does that it make a bad game? I could make a very strong case that it is, but in the end it just wasn't a game that was made for me to enjoy, just isn't my thing. It's disappointing your friend didn't enjoy it, but his opinions are valid your and it's fair to ask you respect them, even if you don't agree with them.
  2. I'm sorry @GUERILLA, but the way you format your posts makes them far too difficult to read. I've tried three times now to read your post, and I'm still not completely sure what it is you're trying to say. Reading that is feels like having the entire bushido code shouted at you without pause and with no chance to absorb it in between kata's. Paragraphs are friends, sentences are good. I have little doubt what you say makes sense, but can you please consider better presentation in the future?
  3. I was basically referring to storage. As standard the laptop has one very fast, but fairly small 512GB SSD (Solid State Drive). This helps windows run very efficiently and the computer boot up very quickly, but doesn't have that much in terms of space to store other files, be that games, music, videos or whatever. I installed a second, much larger, 2TB SSD to hold more stuff, something I'm forced to admit with this laptop is something you would HAVE to do rather than call it upgrade.
  4. A few years ago, I would have agreed with you completely @The Blackangel. Laptops are expensive and more difficult to repair compared to an equivalent Desktop PC. However, I'm not convinced that's the case any more. My last two PC builds I've done both had problems. I was contemplating a new PC build, or at least starting one, near the end of last year. Due to next gen being on the horizon and the fact it was looking like a very real possibly (and it is still possible) I was going to be sent to work away from home, I decided to buy a gaming laptop instead and hold off on a new PC build. More specially, this one; It was cheaper than this when I bought it, around £950, but man I've been so impressed by this thing. It's feels solid, it's a performs so well in game at 1080p and easy it's to use. Having a single 512GB NVMe drive is a problem. A brilliant boot drive, but one needs more storage that, so I added a 2TB eSATA SSD, bringing the total cost to about £1,100. The point is, so many of the drawbacks and compromises and drawbacks to laptops, especially gaming laptops, I would have expected only even 4-5 years ago just aren't there. The mousepad is still a thing though, and it's just as useless in-game as they always have been, but one can use a controller or separate mouse along with the keyboard easily enough and modern keyboards on laptops aren't nearly as finicky or fragile as the used to feel. This thing is brilliant, and I'm just saying that to avoid buys resource, even if it was given to me I'd say it's fantastic. Despite what I've just said, if the practically and portability of a laptop is something you don't really need out of your gaming computer, a desktop is still the better option.
  5. Shagger

    MSI Laptops

    That laptop is very similar to mine; A slightly more powerful CPU in the MSI I think, but the same GPU and my one also lacks a second drive. I installed a 2 TB SSD into mine after I bought it, and it was easy to do. Having said that, the NVMe Drive in ASUS is double the size of the one in that MSI laptop. Still, given how similar they are, I don't think youn would go wrong with that. I've heard no horror stories about MSI's quality and their products offer good value. Between these two It's like picking between a cream tart and another cream tart. What you have to decide @skyfire is, do you want a cream tart?
  6. Obviously, common sense comes into it, other than just nuking everyone. Like I said in the OP, this need needs policy and parameters as much as a new mod.
  7. One would have to suspend and/or ban spam accounts. That's kinda the point, right?
  8. I also have experience as a forum mod, not as much as @The Blackangel, but would be honoured to help. Still, anyone one of the four you mentioned @DCwould be a fantastic fit for role.
  9. Now, @DC, I don't think a single person will doubt what you do as an admin is anything less than a commendable effort. You have all our admiration and respect. The contest's, the points, giveaways and forum moderation, you do an amazing job. However, we're at the point where the spam that's flooding the forum is in need of new policy to combat and, I'd say, an additional moderator to help enforce it because it is becoming a problem. I think I speak for all of us, including@The Blackangel @Crazycrab, @skyfire, @StaceyPowers and everyone else when I say we do not doubt your commitment nor ability for second, but you can't do this alone any more. You can't monitor this forum 24/7, that's the curse of being a human being. I'm asking, please consider giving a trusted member mod' rights, not admin rights, mod' rights, to help run the forum.
  10. So let me get this straight. You didn't want to include a link to people best source of info for the game, your official website, with a roadmap, full details on features and full buying instructions for the game because that would be to "spammy". You did, however, include a link to a steam page that has limited info and you can't even buy from it. Who knows, maybe I am an alien from Jupiter's volcanic moon of Io, but that doesn't sense to me.
  11. I apologize, I guess what I meant was the game isn't playable through steam; I can see now Beta access is granted though pledging on the game's official website, but how was I (or anyone) supposed to know that when you failed to mention any of this? The Steam link was the one only actually gave. With all due respect, you have not presented this well at all, and here I am doing all the legwork for to give the forum the information you should have. Prices are about what I'd expect for a pledge-supported game of this type, but still £42.99 is big commitment to play the game right now. As I said, the game looks decent and I wish you yourself and it nothing but the best, but try to present this better in the future. Keep us up to date.
  12. OK, I'm starting to lose my patience a bit here. You wanna to promote your game, fine, I don't have an issue SSP when it's upfront, honest and a real endeavour, but why do so many of you just show up, not contribute anything then expect us to just lap it up? This is also copied and pasted, isn't it? You didn't even type out a more personal message and promo for the VGR forum. You want to know how I can tell? Because the links to your Discord and Steam page aren't links any more. When you copy and paste, only the text gets copied, not the link coding, that's why it didn't work. I know you're just trying to promote your game, and to be honest, it looks decent, but you need to show a wiliness to engage with people on forums like this to get a more positive reaction. EDIT: One more thing, how are we supposed to "play this game during quarantine" when the game isn't playable yet?
  13. There's nothing wrong with mobile devices for gaming, the issue is the mobile gaming market. Most mobile games are a disgusting droplet of squid ink in a sea of disgusting squid ink. I believe it's possible to find a pearl or two in there somewhere, but it's just not worth the effort. The infection of horrible games with even worse business practices is so widespread, integral and worst of all accepted now that I don't think it will be taken seriously. Well, at least not by me.
  14. Because it's the same perspective on one's actual sight, it can feel more immersive and real. For shooters especially, I'd say it feels more accurate as well. It's not an easy thing do well, though, not nearly as easy as people think. Because it matches a real world perspective, the slightest flaw in character animations, control, movement dynamics or reactions from the environment are more the more noticeable. The smallest things can really be immersion breaking For example, I started playing Fallout 4 on PC the last couple of days and I play the game mostly in 1st person (In this game, you switch between 1st and 3rd). One of the things I noticed right away was the way the character holds his/her gun while not shooting. It's something that really odd looking while standing still, but's it's especially odd while moving the character. The gun is held upright, straight out in front of it were a standing shot. Thankfully, I could install a mod that changes the animation so that the character then held the gun down and close to body and it looks way better. Here's a vid comparing the two.
  15. A bit of SSP imo is OK, so long as it'san honest endeavour and the person is upfront about it, not this to mention this is actually very cool and pretty harmless. It's not like that prick yesterday posting potentially dangerous re-direct links to game deals and peddling his dodgy affiliates. The link 404's though and doesn't work, so @gamingainsmight wanna have a look.
  16. Welcome to VGR. I find it difficult to make enough extra time to watch the channels I do now, but I'll be sure to check in now and again. Best of luck with the channel.
  17. There she is, isn't she a beauty!
  18. Most important thing everyone, DO NOT CLICK ON THOSE LINKS! Those links a re-directs that don't actually go to Green Man Gaming, I believe they pass though (most likely) an affiliate verification for @Mr.Merbleshere, but that's the best case scenario. They can send people anywhere, including phishing sites trying to obtain peoples bank information. Congratulations @Mr.Merbles, you've stepped up. First you were posting links to a shady, controversial affiliate business, now you're posting with links with layered over text that are possibly very dangerous. I would have just reported this (I still will), but I checked it out and least the deals are actually real, but refuse to just let you cash in on clicks given how dishonest you've been about this. So instead of just reporting this, I'm gonna piss all over your bonfire and post the DIRECT links the those deals from GMG. I also won't hide the links behind overlaying text so people can see what they are. For each game, there're multiple versions, and I'll link to the standard versions, but they're all on sale. Farcry 5 https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/far-cry-5-pc/ Assassin's Creed Odyssey https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/assassins-creed-odyssey-pc/ Assassin's Creed Origins https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/assassins-creed-origins/
  19. Actually I wouldn't, but even if I did I would be up front and transparent about it. It took a lot prodding for you to finally admit your affiliation. You were not honest, so why should anyone trust you? Frankly, the best thing for you would be to go away.
  20. I mentioned this in the Cyberpunk 2077 delayed thread, but I'll reiterate the point here. It's always the right decision to delay a game to ensure it's quality and/or to prevent crunch and additional stress on the developer's employees. Gamers will wait for wait a good game and will be more forgiving of a game delayed that's worth the wait than a broken mess pushed out the door. However, the mistake that I believe ultimately causes these delays to happen so often in recent years isn't development problems, it's greed. Game companies want to announce release date as early as possible, so they can start taking pre-orders as early as possible. Some games make their release announcements close to year in advance to get those pre-sales, but there is no way that they can be certain that a game would ready that far in advance. It's almost inevitable that the schedule they have set out doesn't actually work out that way, forcing them into that choice to delay or release a game busted. Game publishers can announce a game's existence to promote it, maybe even narrow a release date down to quarter, but don't give a specific date until you know it's going to be ready. It's not fucking difficult.
  21. It's different because I'm just a regular member who saw that deal and decided to share it. I have no affiliation with Remedy entertainment, 505 Games nor PlayStation. That is what this section is for, normal users coming across deals to share with the community. It is not a market stall to promote your affiliate's garbage. Why is it garbage you ask? Because Key Resellers are dodgy. The sale of used and even stolen game keys happens all the time.
  22. It's spam because nobody just joins a forum then immediately stats promoting a key reseller (Key resellers are terrible anyway and should be avoided). You're not fooling me, you're here to peddle that website., and it's obvious. At least have the dignity to not lie about it.
  23. Don't rise to this, it's just more spam.
  24. The game a solid and well deserved reputation, so it makes sense for somebody to want to learn more about a high rated game before buying it. However, that is not the case here. This is a spammer who's been retroactively adding dodgy links to quotes.
  25. I agree. I think they can do one more TLOU game, but after that it would overstay it's welcome.
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