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Logan Paul Makes Table Out of Game Boy Colors and People Are Mad

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I can't stand the Paul brothers. They've been causing havoc all over the place. It can be argued that Logan also caused pokemon cards to go up in price, and now he's out here building a table out of Game Boy Colors. I'd be pretty mad too. Anyway, to be honest, the table is pretty nifty. Though I hope he decided to use broken Game Boy Colors instead of working ones, but who knows with this dude. Maybe they were his childhood gameboys. idk. 

You can read more about it here and see the finished product - https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/logan-paul-twitter-game-boy-pokemon-table/


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4 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

This is just the latest fuck up in a long life full of fuck ups. We can’t expect anything else from either of them.

I know right? How do these guys keep getting away with making all these dumb decisions. 

I hope the game boy colors he used were old and non working. Even then, it could be fixed and used as they were intended.  

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2 hours ago, Empire said:

Logan: Makes table from Gameboys in epoxy resin People who own 24 Gameboys in a big display cabinet and only play with one or two of them: 😠


I'm actually inclined to agree with you.


Let me make it clear, the Logan brothers are douche canoes and the last thing I want to do is defend them, but this really isn't a big deal. People have done similar things before and collectors hoard surplus consoles and games all the time and those consoles and games may as well be destroyed for all the good they do anyone. At least Logan Paul has done something creative. So there is 15 less Game boy colours in the world, that's a drip in ocean. You classroom probably destroyed more game boy colours than that. And let's face it, the end result is actually quite a cool looking table top (I apologise for the picture, this is the best I could find);




So i personally think people need to calm down. I hate these idiots as much as anyone, so I know there is plenty of legitimate reasons to hate them, far more legitimate than this.

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1 hour ago, Shagger said:


I'm actually inclined to agree with you.


Let me make it clear, the Logan brothers are douche canoes and the last thing I want to do is defend them, but this really isn't a big deal. People have done similar things before and collectors hoard surplus consoles and games all the time and those consoles and games may as well be destroyed for all the good they do anyone. At least Logan Paul has done something creative. So there is 15 less Game boy colours in the world, that's a drip in ocean. You classroom probably destroyed more game boy colours than that. And let's face it, the end result is actually quite a cool looking table top (I apologise for the picture, this is the best I could find);




So i personally think people need to calm down. I hate these idiots as much as anyone, so I know there is plenty of legitimate reasons to hate them, far more legitimate than this.

I agree with everything you said. My issue is that people have said that one of them was a rare limited edition Game Boy. I don't know which one it would be, as I never really kept up with Game Boy Color consoles. Going by the picture you posted the brown one looks like it's a wood grain. That may just be the picture angle, or he may have painted it. But if he did use a rare limited edition Game Boy in his art project, then yeah, that would piss me off. Otherwise, I think it's a really neat idea for a table.

If it had come from anyone else, I would be looking at prices to commission my own design.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that white one a Pokemon edition? I'm no Pokemon authority, but that kinda looks like Pikachu at the bottom right corner of the screen. I can't tell what the stuff to the left is.

Edited by The Blackangel
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