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Sea Of Thevies

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I have been thinking about getting this video game for a while now but every single time it skips mind.

I like the pirates like and sea battle's involved in this game and your thread is a worthy reminder that I should get this game.

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Have had good amount of hours while I had Xbox game pass and played with others that boss me around telling me what to do that I dislike. I never own it since I ended the Xbox Game PAss. Yet I know that I can buy it on steam if I wanted to. 

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It's one of the best games I've ever played.

Of course, since I like it that much I'm going to be very biased but still. I love how it's one of those "make your own fun" kinds of games. It's relaxing on your own, but can be quite scary if you're not feeling up to engaging with other players, so that risk is always looming in the back of your head. However, when you play with friends it's an unparalelled experience, imo. Almost every session is memorable in some way, even if it's just your friend lighting a powder keg in the wrong place, it truly feels organic and fun like that. It's still relatively (but deceptively) simple.

A lot of people don't seem to like that there's no power progression and that most (all) rewards are cosmetic. I think it just adds to the experience, because it means that you can't get ganked by someone who's grinded out the best weapon, and if you do get ganked they were simply better or luckier (or both) than you. Which goes both ways of course. I also personally like that you can't opt out of the risk of PvP, and Rare's been pretty steadfast with that it's a pirate simulator after all, so of course there might be pirates out to get you.

Fantastic game overall, and together with some friends it's one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.

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I have not yet played it, but I hear it's become a solid game since it came out. I remember when it originally came out and people weren't into it, but the fact that they constantly add to it and update it, gives me more reason to check it out soon. 

Just wish I could get some of my friends to play it. 

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On 8/17/2022 at 7:59 PM, Tonberry said:

It's one of the best games I've ever played.

Of course, since I like it that much I'm going to be very biased but still. I love how it's one of those "make your own fun" kinds of games. It's relaxing on your own, but can be quite scary if you're not feeling up to engaging with other players, so that risk is always looming in the back of your head. However, when you play with friends it's an unparalelled experience, imo. Almost every session is memorable in some way, even if it's just your friend lighting a powder keg in the wrong place, it truly feels organic and fun like that. It's still relatively (but deceptively) simple.

A lot of people don't seem to like that there's no power progression and that most (all) rewards are cosmetic. I think it just adds to the experience, because it means that you can't get ganked by someone who's grinded out the best weapon, and if you do get ganked they were simply better or luckier (or both) than you. Which goes both ways of course. I also personally like that you can't opt out of the risk of PvP, and Rare's been pretty steadfast with that it's a pirate simulator after all, so of course there might be pirates out to get you.

Fantastic game overall, and together with some friends it's one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.

It sounds really from how you've described though I have watched a few gameplay videos and wasn't too keen on getting due to how simple it felt but like you said it's deceptive.

Well , I would give it a try , a buddy of mine informed me he has it so I am going over there by weekend to play , I hope it's multiplayer mode lives up to the all the hype as well.

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On 8/16/2022 at 5:45 AM, Techno said:

I been enjoying this game so far and want to see other people opinions on it. Here's the Season Seven trailer for anyone's that's interested.


I have been playing the game Sea of Thieves for a while now. Although, it's been a long time since I've played it last but I would never forget anything about the game because it's more like an exact copy of the movie the Pirates of Caribbean. Almost all same kind of characters in the movie showed up in the game including the Kraken. 

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I came across a really interesting Game play video in YouTube I really wish I could find it now.

The game play was on sea of thieves it was so interesting I watched it over breakfast.

I have been thinking about trying the game out but I really don't want to buy any new game.

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I'm actually debating if I should finally give Sea of Thieves a try. I have heard good things since it has been updated over the years, and it seems to be a stable and fun game. SO maybe it's time I jump in. I can always try to steer some friends to play it soon. :D 

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On 11/23/2022 at 12:39 AM, Kane99 said:

I'm actually debating if I should finally give Sea of Thieves a try. I have heard good things since it has been updated over the years, and it seems to be a stable and fun game. SO maybe it's time I jump in. I can always try to steer some friends to play it soon. 😄

I remember discussing about this game on another thread but I still haven't purchased it yet.

I am playing on giving it a try immediately I clear out all pending games I purchased but still yet to play.

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