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Sony has removed Cyberpunk 2077 from their Playstation Store And Offered Full Refunds

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Another day, another Cyberpunk debacle(this is going to Fallout 76 and Anthem levels of controversy). This time Sony has removed Cyberpunk 2077 (and rightfully so) and have offered full refunds to their customers. I think this is the appropriate response from Sony. What are your thoughts on this?


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1 hour ago, killamch89 said:

Another day, another Cyberpunk debacle(this is going to Fallout 76 and Anthem levels of controversy). This time Sony has removed Cyberpunk 2077 (and rightfully so) and have offered full refunds to their customers. I think this is the appropriate response from Sony. What are your thoughts on this?


I think at this point, it's near or worse than the Fallout 76 and Anthem situations. Those games were never removed from a marketplace. 

This is going to be a big blow for CDPR, as this means it's not available for the PS5 either. The only way to get it now is to grab the physical version. 

Anyway, I think this is the right step. This sort of thing needs to happen when games are released in this state, to show that this is no longer acceptable. No longer are we going to allow companies to release broken games, and fix them later. I think Sony is doing this because they don't want people paying for a broken game, especially when CDPR were trying to lie about the state of the game, and were trying to stop people from getting refunds even. So, they were hoping that people would still purchase the PS4 version. They probably should have taken the game down after this mess to begin with. 

I think this is what is going to break the camel's back, because from here on out, there's going to be a lot more eyes on new releases, especially stuff from EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda and other studios who are sometimes known for releasing glitchy games at release. Because gamers are no longer going to accept it. 

It sucks though, because I love this game and wish it worked on last gen consoles so everyone can enjoy it. 

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On 12/18/2020 at 3:09 AM, Kane99 said:

I think at this point, it's near or worse than the Fallout 76 and Anthem situations. Those games were never removed from a marketplace. 

This is going to be a big blow for CDPR, as this means it's not available for the PS5 either. The only way to get it now is to grab the physical version. 

Anyway, I think this is the right step. This sort of thing needs to happen when games are released in this state, to show that this is no longer acceptable. No longer are we going to allow companies to release broken games, and fix them later. I think Sony is doing this because they don't want people paying for a broken game, especially when CDPR were trying to lie about the state of the game, and were trying to stop people from getting refunds even. So, they were hoping that people would still purchase the PS4 version. They probably should have taken the game down after this mess to begin with. 

I think this is what is going to break the camel's back, because from here on out, there's going to be a lot more eyes on new releases, especially stuff from EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda and other studios who are sometimes known for releasing glitchy games at release. Because gamers are no longer going to accept it. 

It sucks though, because I love this game and wish it worked on last gen consoles so everyone can enjoy it. 

Well their stock have fallen, in addition to that, Xbox is said to be contemplating removing Cyberpunk 2077 and I can't really blame them. On PC, save for the few bugs, it's a pretty good game but this should be a lesson to them.


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Here’s the thing that people, including Yong, keep saying things like, “It’s come to light that CDPR was being deceptive and manipulated the review process.” It’s come to light? Sorry, but as soon as they refused to hand out console codes, your immediate response should have been to refuse to review the game, and the public should have been told that CDPR was refusing to issue console codes.

As soon as they limited footage usage, you should have refused to review the game. ACG is the only Youtuber I saw do this. Overreaction on Sony's part. They knew the state it was in and still agreed with the launch. If they didn't know it's also down to them. I sense something politically motivated here. How can the biggest cluster-fuck in gaming (Fallout 76) get away with it but CDPR's FIRST bundle they get essentially executed?

Sony on this is at least in part because of CDPR promising refunds from Sony they had no authority to deliver on, which put Sony in the annoying position of having their customer support people bombarded by upset customers.

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You see the issue with this is that the media wanted the game to fail from inception and the idiots at CD Projekt Red gave them all the ammunition in the world. The devs are rightfully mad at upper management because they were the ones that decided to rush the launch instead of giving the developers time to polish the game for all consoles.

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On 12/22/2020 at 2:28 PM, skyfire said:

Yeah too much hype and the people with negative reviews prior to the game being released. I guess the issue was pushing too much of content and the requirement less guidance on the CDP part.

The hype was a part of the issue but it was CDPR who made these outlandish promises in the first place and throwing shots at other companies like EA and the whole works. To turn around and release this buggy mess was mainly their own doing.

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10 hours ago, skyfire said:

They have now lawsuit on them which makes adding insult to injury. I mean they refunded the money yet they have lawsuit on them. 

It's the investors suing them though and not so much a random player so it'll have more weight in court and depending on the outcome of this case, there are potentially more on the way.

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Ironically, I remember my friend requesting her copy to be refunded at the start and Sony said no. CD Red replied back that they were "working on it", so it's good that they finally got it resolved.


Makes me wonder if we will ever see this game on the PS Store for PS4 users now, or will it always be taken off?

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On 12/26/2020 at 3:04 AM, killamch89 said:

It's the investors suing them though and not so much a random player so it'll have more weight in court and depending on the outcome of this case, there are potentially more on the way.

Yeah kind of expected considering they don't want to associate with a company that gets so much anti community vibes. As their investments could drop. I think we have to see where the company takes on from here onwards. 

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I was surprised that the company got sued. Some investors are actually gonna sue them, and they were probably the ones who forced the devs to release the game and now are pretending to be surprised that it is full of bugs.

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