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  1. Indeed. I do remember Cinderella getting trigged and going on a massive twitter rant about much Vannile offended her.
    1 point
  2. You're right for the most part. It really doesn't make a difference what platform a game is on 99% of the time. But we all know there's some asshole out there that just wants to pick a fight, and will argue that a game is impossible to play on one platform but is easy to play on another, when there's no damn difference.
    1 point
  3. Snow from FFXIII This self-righteous douche canoe is so annoying and dumb blind to what is going around him it's almost funny, but it stays in cringe. His abilities are useful in combat, but I can't stand the character. The game tries everything humanly possible to make you like him, but none of it works. He is so beyond salvageable as a character that even having him played by Troy Baker couldn't save him. Think about that.
    1 point
  4. I have a few games here that I specifically use a Game Genie on every time I play them anymore. And it's not so I can make me so powerful that I can just breeze by everything. It's actually the opposite. I use codes to make my character weaker and my enemies stronger. The reason is because there are some games that, over the years, I've just gotten too good at. And while I love playing them, there's no challenge left. So I pop them in through the GG, and it's all good. My favorite games, redone with more challenge than before.
    1 point
  5. Good. 🙂 Yes, that's one of the brilliant, and infuriating, things in Skyrim. There's no obvious good or bad side to side with.
    1 point
  6. I don't find caring for a Sims needs particularly stressful, but that might be because I've played it so much. I know my sister finds that it's suddenly become stressful since she switched from PC to Playstation, which I find weird. Can it somehow be harder on console??? Anyway, it's the only game I've used cheats for, though not out of some posh idea that that's a bad thing. It depends on what people find fun. In the Sims I've sometimes used money cheats, depending on the story. The thing is, if you want to make enough money to buy a decent house, you'll never get there just by getting to the top of a fancy career. You have to either grind and grind on painting or writing or you have to, like, have a store that specializes in only selling one very expensive violin. In the real world people don't buy houses like that, they take a loan. And sometimes I don't feel like playing the story of grinding for cash, sometimes I want to focus on other aspects, like a career. So sometimes in my "stories" I decide that they happened to have a rich uncle or that they took out a loan for the house or whatever. It's not a goal oriented game, it's a story oriented game. However, it makes a difference that it's a single player game, so I'm not effecting the game of others. I figure if I was cheating to make myself super powerful in a multi-player game, where others were effected, that would make a difference! I also think that some games would get pretty boring if you cheated your way through the levels, but to each their own. I like that in Planet Zoo, the simulation game I'm currently hooked on, there's franchise mode, where you have to make a zoo run financially, and then there's sandbox mode, where you have infinite cash and can just be creative building whatever your heart desires. I figure that's a bit like using cheats in The Sims.
    1 point
  7. Let's see, consoles I'm currently playing regularly: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genesis, PS1, PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and GBA SP. To name the ones that run more or less daily. With me, I keep the ones That I don't have hooked up at that current moment in file cabinets and plastic storage tubs. The amount of systems and games I have all combined takes up an entire closet, shelving and floorspace. And I also have duplicate systems. I think 5 PS2's for example and 4 PS3's. Somewhere around here there is an Xbox 360, 2 Wii's, and a Game Cube. Where they're at, I have no clue. I wasn't a fan of any of the 3 so it was always my girl that played them, with a rare exception. I liked Soul Caliber II, and Mario Kart on Wii. That's about it. When you're a cripple, you don't have a lot of options for entertainment, so you tend to have a lot of something when you find one that works. hence, my amount of gaming systems.
    1 point
  8. It's not "Cheat Codes" per se but I often use the debug console commands on games like Skyrim. In particular for crafting materials if I can't be bothered to go round the map visiting multiple merchants to find what I'm looking for. It's also useful for getting around certain bugs.
    1 point
  9. And interesting topic. Well thought up. I think we will. It may not be exactly like it is on Star Trek, but I do see this being technically possible in our lifetime. What I find more interesting is how holodecks are featured culturally. Video games, whilst they have gained some serious stock and are more respected than ever as a mature pastime, aren't yet respected in the world of culture as perhaps they should be. The "holo-novels" in Star Trek, which are basically like role-playing narrative games, are a cultural expression held in no lower stature than classic novel would be today. I know that video games will be respected like that someday, but I would like to think that time is closer than how long it'll take for technology to get that advanced. They also use holodecks for training, experiments as well as recreation, and I see that in the future of gaming technology as well.
    1 point
  10. Hopefully we will see it in our lifetime
    1 point
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