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    DC reacted to The Blackangel in Do you believe men and women can ever just be friends?   
    I guess I know where I stand with you now.😉
    But I do have to disagree. I have been friends with men in the past. They weren't interested in me and I wasn't interested in them. I'm sure that if I had offered, they would have been willing to jump into bed with me, simply because I'm female. But I wasn't a whore. Also I'm not into men. But being friends is sometimes difficult when there's the possibility of sexual tension in the situation. but as long as everyone knows the other persons boundaries (and respects those boundaries), then it should be fine.
  2. Like
    DC reacted to The Blackangel in Top 5 "must do" things on VGR   
    1) All aspects of gaming are in discussion here, which means that there is no shortage of knowledge.
    2) The forum is well organized, and easy to search.
    3) It's a very laid back atmosphere. You can poke fun at each other and no one takes it to heart.
    4) It's a very welcoming place unlike many other forums.
    5) Unlike other forums, the owner offers auctions to win prizes.
  3. Thanks
    DC got a reaction from Withywarlock in VGR Member of the Month - June 2022 Nominations   
    What is the point of your reply? It is totally unnecessary and adds zero value to the discussion. Please do not post in this unless you are nominating someone.
  4. Like
    DC reacted to Shagger in Fan Made Re-Make of The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall is now on Steam and GOG, and it's FREE!   
    That's right. TESII: Daggerfall re-imagined in Unity engine is now available completely free on PC from GOG.
    To get the game on GOG, click here. GOG link
    It is possible to claim the game on Steam as well, but is a bit more of a hassle. You need to claim the original game on Steam (Find it here. It is also free.) then download the updated version from the Daggerfall Workshop Website then install it like it were a mod. Check the site for full details.
  5. Haha
    DC reacted to killamch89 in Age Difference in Dating   
    As long as everyone is over the legal age and your not pulling an Epstein or R. Kelly - I say go for it!
  6. Thanks
    DC reacted to killamch89 in Do you believe men and women can ever just be friends?   
    I totally understand your mindset bro and at least you're transparent about your intentions when dealing with the opposite sex unlike others who will "befriend" these women trying to get into bed with them and will strike at a moment when they're vulnerable. As long as you're honest about your intentions when dealing with others, I can't sit here and knock you for that.
  7. Like
    DC got a reaction from The Blackangel in VGR Member of the Month - June 2022 Nominations   
    What is the point of your reply? It is totally unnecessary and adds zero value to the discussion. Please do not post in this unless you are nominating someone.
  8. Like
    DC got a reaction from killamch89 in Do you believe men and women can ever just be friends?   
    All good. My perspective is always negatively received by my peers. I use to have a lot of platonic friends when I was younger and do agree that it is likely healthy to have friendships with the opposite sex but it's become more challenging for me as I have grown older and incurred more responsibilities. Perhaps this viewpoint is influenced by me being an introvert and also having trouble with superficial conversations and lack of continuity. 
  9. Like
    DC reacted to Shagger in Do you believe men and women can ever just be friends?   
    I love you @DC, but I could not agree with you less. I may even agree with that less than anything I've ever seen posted on VGR.
    Not only is it very possible to have healthy, fulfilling plutonic relationships with the opposite sex, I'd go so far to say it's important to do so. It can't be a good thing to look at the opposite sex and only see someone to potentially have a romantic or sexual relationship with. I actually shudder to think how somebody would turn out without it. At the very least it offers an insight and opportunity to learn things about the opposite sex that you can't get any other way, even from a romantic relationship. Not to mention how many happy couples exist out there that start of as friends, so I cannot see the drawback here, like at all.
  10. Like
    DC reacted to Shagger in RTS games for beginners? Preferably available on consoles   
    The thread is about somebody that isn't you or @Heatman seeking recommendations for (preferably console) RTS games, it's not for you two to go back and forward and discuss Age of Empires. Letting this go from you two will inevitably lead to thread derailed and end up only belonging to you two's little chat alienating anyone looking to talk about the threads original subject manner. I've been here long long enough to know what @Heatman in particular is like. He can't help but get himself caught up in these things then before we know it, were 5 pages on and it's the same handful of people dancing around the same points over and over.
    So no, you were not on topic, this was a chat between yourselves. I've seen too many threads on VGR ruined by people doing this. I know you aware of the issues discussed in this thread, well this is how they start. With people saying something then somebody making a quoted response then it all just dissolves into a text chain between the same two or three people, and we have had enough of it on VGR.
    And before you accuse me of being overbearing, let me tell you this was not my action alone. This was in fact in was in response to another member who saw what was starting happen and reported it. So when I say we have had enough of it on VGR, I really do mean literally WE have had enough of it on VGR. Not me, we.
    So if you don't mind, when I issue you simple instruction like this in future, please just do as your told.
  11. Like
    DC reacted to Shagger in Celebrating 150,000 Posts at VGR Forum   
    Congratulations to one and all here at VGR.
  12. Like
    DC got a reaction from Head_Hunter in Celebrating 150,000 Posts at VGR Forum   
    I want to congratulate and thank each of you for contributing to 150,000 posts on VGR forum! This is a huge milestone, and it is hard to believe we accomplished it so soon after we hit 100,000 posts late last year.
    I am so proud not only of how active our community is, but how much quality and consistency we have maintained over the years. While VGR’s membership has grown, we retain a tight-knit core of dedicated members who continue to engage in compelling, thoughtful dialogue, and who support each other as part of an inclusive and welcoming community. Thank you all again for all you have done to make VGR forum a top destination for discussing video games online.
    As always, if you have any questions or suggestions about VGR, please feel free to post here to contact me via private message. 
  13. Like
    DC reacted to Heatman in Celebrating 150,000 Posts at VGR Forum   
    Congratulations to VGR and all of us. It's not an easy task because it requires a lot of commitment to achieve this. 
    Everyone.. Good job. 
  14. Like
    DC reacted to killamch89 in Celebrating 150,000 Posts at VGR Forum   
    Thanks for the shoutout bro and we'll do our best to try and get it to 200K.
  15. Like
    DC reacted to Clasher in Top 5 "must do" things on VGR   
    1. I will mention in my article that VGR is a good community where you can get many of your game related questions answered or discussed about.
    2. It's moderators are always on the watch to put you on the right track incase you derial or experience a difficulty.
    3. Members of VGR as game lovers as yourself and are always willing to interact with you and give you a piece of their own thoughts incase you need some clarity about a video game.
    4. At VGR you can loosen up and let others know about your Gaming Passions without been judged.
    I think these are my top four other points would come in between what I mentioned.
  16. Like
    DC reacted to Shagger in VGR Member of the Month - June 2022 Nominations   
    And now that @Withywarlock has confirmed that he doesn't want to be nominated (although I'm sure he still apricates it), please select somebody else who hasn't been nominated if you wish, but honestly I I'd consider not bothering as your first two choices for one reason or another aren't valid. You've made you praises clear enough, so if I were you I'd just let it be then just cast a vote when the time comes.
  17. Like
    DC reacted to Withywarlock in VGR Member of the Month - June 2022 Nominations   
    I should say that Heatman is correct, and I do thank him for remembering that (though do free up that brain space for something more important 😅). I was going to post but Clasher changed their nomination before I could clarify. I also didn't want to make a post here to say "don't nominate me" as I felt it was meaningless, but I say this now to ease what I perceive to be tensions brewing.
    But I'll say again as it has been a while: please do not waste your nominations on me. Previously this was because it would be a violation of my code of ethics to potentially receive cash prizes being offered at the time, but my reasoning now is because meaningful conversation is reward enough for being here.
  18. Like
    DC reacted to Shagger in VGR Member of the Month - June 2022 Nominations   
    My point is your alternate nominee @Reality vs Adventure had already been nominated. If you read through the thread carefully enough like said you did, you would have noticed that, so why did you choose him?
  19. Like
    DC reacted to Shagger in When did you start your Fortnite journey?   
    The conversation has moved too far away from what it was supposed to be about. Nobody's talking about "When they started their Fortnite journey" and are instead discussing microtransactions. This is one of these kinds of topics where you can only really answer the opening post once (if at all), then after there is little reason to post again other than in reply to somebody else's story, and I can't see a reason why that conversation would get very far either. The only thing that can be done to keep this thread going is to bring things into the conversation that don't belong, and that is exactly what has happened here.
    This was reported to the moderators by another member, and on the back of that report and for the reasons explained above, this thread will now be locked.
  20. Like
    DC got a reaction from Crazycrab in Do we need somewhere for people to "chat" instead of the amount of PM style posts going on in the forum?   
    @Yaramaki I understand your suggestion. I am going to brainstorm a solution where users who have made X amount of MEANINGFUL posts and/or have been a member at VGR for X amount of time period have the ability to edit posts for more than 10 minutes. Basically this feature would only be available to those who are considered valued contributors of the forum (which I would categorize you in).
  21. Like
    DC got a reaction from usernamed in [Sponsored] MetaRace.io - breed horses, race & trade - virtually and in real life   
    Watch a Short Movie About MetaRace’s Community Racehorse
    You may have seen our recent post about MetaRace’s first flesh-and-blood, real life community racehorse. The two-year-old colt, also called “MetaRace,” ran in its first ever race at Windsor on June 13th. Now, MetaRace has put together a video to share the story of how they purchased and ran the horse.
    It cost £70,000 to buy MetaRace, who is now jointly owned by members of the MetaRace community. The horse’s trainer is Oliver Cole, who works with the colt at Whatcombe Stables.
    Check out the video to get a behind-the-scenes look at this ambitious project. And if you are interested in owning a percentage stake in the horse and buying, selling and racing your own virtual NFT horses, consider joining the MetaRace community.
    Join the MetaRace Discord for updates and send any other thoughts: https://discord.gg/metarace
  22. Like
    DC reacted to The Blackangel in Age Difference in Dating   
    Maybe she was the teacher.
    As for me, I don’t like kids, so someone needs to be no more than 3 years younger than me. With older partners, I’ve been with some that were around 20 years older than myself.
  23. Haha
    DC reacted to Shagger in I’ve learned to appreciate the loudness of my gaming laptop fan   
    A little weird, but I can't say I'm not happy for you. However, I don't feel like I would be doing this post right if I didn't point out that higher fan speeds, and thus more fan noise, are triggered by the component or components that fan is charged with cooling running too hot, not by whatever process or task the computer is doing. My laptop, for example, only does this when I'm playing a game that really pokes it with a stick. So to be honest, granted software updates do put a good load on the CPU, but it shouldn't be so much that a sudden and extreme increase in fan speed should be happening every time, especially with modern multi-core CPU's.
  24. Like
    DC reacted to Shagger in Why are release windows/dates announced so late for some games?   
    I think announcing release dates close to said release date, no more than 4-5 months maximum beforehand, is exactly what every game publisher and/or developer should do. I spoke about it before on VGR, but I'll say it again for those who missed it. Game companies want to announce release dates as early as possible so they can start taking pre-orders a quickly as possible. Remember, these companies want all the money and the want it yesterday, so taking people's money and giving them literally nothing back is the ultimate goal. Taking in that money then actually coming out with a game at all is, to them, a compromise. Unless your Star Citizen, in which case you literally have taken hundreds of millions of dollars of your fans money and given them nothing but a bare bones, broken alpha to "play".
    Getting back to it. Some games make their release announcements close to year in advance to get those pre-sales, but there is no way that company in question can be certain that a game would ready that far in advance. It's just too early in the game's development to know at that point. It's almost inevitable that the schedule they have set out doesn't actually work out that way, forcing them into that choice to delay a game or release it busted.
    This is exactly what happened to Cyberpunk2077. CDPR announced game's release date in June 2019 at E3 to be April 16nth 2020, a full 10 months later. They foolishly announced the date at this time because the world was watching, again to maximise the amount pf pre-orders and hype they could generate. There was no way CDPR knew with any degree of certainty they could make that date when they announced it. And of course, as we know, they didn't. The game was delayed to September, then November until the game finally came out in December, a year and a half after announcing the release date. To cap it all off, the game still came out busted, a fact CDPR even tried to cover up, resulting is a PR disaster for them. If they just waited until a point where they knew the game was going to be ready before announcing that release date, that whole mess could have been avoided.
    Game companies can't seem to help themselves, though. Cyberpunk 2077 is hardly an isolated incident. Similar things, although maybe not as extreme, happen all the time.
  25. Like
    DC got a reaction from Dannyjax in [Sponsored] MetaRace.io - breed horses, race & trade - virtually and in real life   
    Watch a Short Movie About MetaRace’s Community Racehorse
    You may have seen our recent post about MetaRace’s first flesh-and-blood, real life community racehorse. The two-year-old colt, also called “MetaRace,” ran in its first ever race at Windsor on June 13th. Now, MetaRace has put together a video to share the story of how they purchased and ran the horse.
    It cost £70,000 to buy MetaRace, who is now jointly owned by members of the MetaRace community. The horse’s trainer is Oliver Cole, who works with the colt at Whatcombe Stables.
    Check out the video to get a behind-the-scenes look at this ambitious project. And if you are interested in owning a percentage stake in the horse and buying, selling and racing your own virtual NFT horses, consider joining the MetaRace community.
    Join the MetaRace Discord for updates and send any other thoughts: https://discord.gg/metarace
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