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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. When you played that first console game, what was running through your mind? When I played smb1 or 3 S a kid, I don't really remember. I just remember getting sad it I lost and I would always ask my mom or sister for help beating a level lol. Anyway, I remember when I first played sonic on the genesis at a neighbors house. I remember thinking how cool it was, how cool the graphics were, how fast it was. I was so hyped lol.
  2. Didn't one of the postal games have a cat that you could use as a gun? I know saints row 4 or 3 had some fun guns. Man i miss when games didn't take themselves too seriously.
  3. Has anyone here purchased one of these phones yet? I can't afford to get one, but im kinda interested in getting one whenever they release a budget one. 😄
  4. Idk, I don't really plan for the end. I just play from start to finish if I can. I maybe plan somewhat m, but mostly by doing side quests and building my character if that's an option.
  5. I think there was a couple missions in fable that I thought was tough. I can't remember why, but I feel like there was something that I hated doing in that game that required you to do to progress.
  6. I'd love to see a new Texas chainsaw massacre game. That would be dope to play. Imagine hiding and then hearing the Rev of a chainsaw. I could see it working as a game. I think one came out back in the 80s or early 90s. I think on an atari console.
  7. It's inferior in the sense that it can't play most of the same games the current gen consoles have. Yes it may perform fine, but it still doesn't have the power the ps5 and series x has. Series s is a different bag, but is still vastly stronger than the switch. The switch works fine for what it is though. Most multiplatform games have to be downgraded by a lot to even work on the switch. Some still run poorly. I also used inferior in the sense that the person I responded to used it. I mostly am referring to the fact that it's not as powerful spec wise.
  8. Hey guys, can we stay on topic? Seems like we're going into a talk about other things. Remember this topic is about food promotions that sent you games or did game giveaways or promotions where you can use point to buy games. Yeah, giving away a free game will draw in a lot of people I imagine.
  9. The human race has been awful since the beginning. There will always be the bad out there, but I think the good mostly outweighs it.
  10. Yeah I imagine they were working on it for a while already. Maybe this is closer to completion and they're just focusing on finishing things up. That'd be cool. I don't see it taking longer then 5 years to come out.
  11. That's fair. But what I'm saying is I wouldn't want to choose one or the other. In this case I'd want both. But if I had to choose, it think gaming is more important to me, but I still love my music.
  12. As well as the studio. Those advertisements pay for the majority of budgets sometimes. Sometimes brand save a game from cancelation.
  13. Yup, I remember playing the demo for it and thinking this looks gross. Lol it didn't look good. But I am kinds tempted to try it out again just for the hell of it.
  14. I feel like it's hard to quantify a best release this year so far. 2021 was a fairly boring year for games imo. Just nothing jumps out at me.
  15. Who knows. The Oregon trail isn't that popular of a series. It may be famous for its initial release, but i can't imagine their sequels interested a lot of people. Maybe earlier sequels, but I doubt any of the recent releases. Idk, I don't see it as one of those games. Or those franchises I should say.
  16. Could be that the person is on the dev team or one of the top devs on the project. I know some developers moderate their games, so that could be a situation in itself where if he runs the game, then who would ban him?
  17. There are a lot of games that come out with lazy design. I'm sure some of them are games with poor dungeons. I played a top down game years ago that had dungeons and they all looked the same, just had a maze like thing going. But each room looked the same.
  18. I don't get why he wanted Micah around. He was an abrasive douche who only made trouble. He was also annoying as all hell.
  19. I didn't respond about hellblade yet. But I agree. I felt like the combat was fairly simple and other than that it was mostly a walking Sim. I still loved the game, but I feel as if it was a little overhyped. Cyberpunk promised so much and didn't deliver on much of it. They made it look like it would be this massive open world with npcs everywhere. But in reality the world feels empty. Other things were promised and not delivered on as well. I'm doubting well ever see that online mode we were told was going to happen.
  20. Honestly I don't know. I wouldn't mind trying some beverages from popular games. But I can't pick one or the other. I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting.
  21. Oh god, I don't know. Probably something from the older Zelda games and maybe startropics. Idk I don't play may games with dungeon. OH maybe dark souls as well.
  22. Nice. I think roblox would be fun for him to start on. I haven't messed with the game myself, but i imagine it is limited in some ways.
  23. I think the worst is the one with Jamie Kenedy. I think it's from the Activision or the show. I forget. But he was clearly drunk and didn't give a shit about anything.
  24. I find when I just want to chill to run through time, I usually play games like Madden or WWE 2k. But I also play fortnite with friends.
  25. Kane99

    Planet Coaster

    I've thought of playing a game like this, but idk if I have the patience. I have issues playing games like this for long. For example, Sim city, I can only stand to play a while before i get bored or tired of playing. I have a feeling this would result the same for me.
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