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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I don't know anyone who is like that. My aunt didn't understand video games when I was a kid, but as I got older, she saw some of the games I played and how realistic they looked and she kind of took notice to that and thought it was pretty cool. Aside from that, I don't know anyone from my family or friends who hate playing games, or hate it when people do. I think we're at a point in this world, where the majority of people play video games. Hell, I could see in the next 10-20 years, everyone is going to be gaming.
  2. Shouldn't be much longer. With more stores taking scalpers seriously and taking measures to stop them, I suspect shortages to stop fairly soon. But then again, who knows, scalpers always seem to find a way to screw people over. Either way, I'm not fussing over it, I'm not getting either new gen console until well over a year or two after release. I got my Xbox One in 2015, two years after it was already out. I suspect it will be the same for any new console. Unless I find work that pays me even more in the coming months.
  3. The beauty about the internet, is that there are options to block people who are annoying or rude to you. I haven't talked to anyone in a game voice chat in years. I stick to the private voice chat, or don't even connect my mic most times. If I hear anyone complain about my skills, or start to talk crap, I just mute them. Makes me feel so good to just mute them. Then they can complain all the while I can't hear them. 😄
  4. On linux I use a program called SimpleScreenRecorder. It is a lot more simpler to use and I think it's open source as well. Not sure if it works with Windows, but works wonders on Linux Ubuntu. 🙂
  5. I prefer to play with friends or family. But I don't mind playing against some strangers. If I had to choose though, I'd for sure be more interested in playing with friends and family. With strangers they're unpredictable and often annoying.
  6. Did you guys know, that some libraries will allow the community to rent movies, games and other media out as well? A few libraries near me used to rent out movies and some games, but I never took advantage of it. In fact, I haven't been to a library in years lol. But with that being said, I hear some libraries still rent out other media alongside books and magazines. Did you guys ever rent a game from a local library?
  7. Do you guys remember of any kids only games that were actually good? And I'm speaking of games made for kids, like education games, or really kid friends stuff like Sesame Street, Blues Clues, or some other random kid property. Are there any kids games you'd play today? I honestly can't think of anything made just for children, or babies lol, that was any good. I think there was a Barbie game on the NES that was actually pretty good, but I forget.
  8. I heard that there are programs or apps you can use to utilize one mouse/keyboard for two PCs at the same time. Where you can literally move your mouse from one PC to the other. Is that even possible? I heard of it, but I wasn't sure how it was done. I just want to be able to move my mouse between my main desktop and to my smaller tablet/laptop combo. Is there an app that can do that?
  9. What are some of your favorite game show games? From Wheel of Fortune, The Price is Right, Jeopardy!, and many more. What are some of the Game Show themed games you enjoy playing? I'd say stuff like Wheel of Fortune is what I tend to get into, as I have a couple of them on the NES. But also Jeopardy, or anything trivia related. What would you guys say are your faves?
  10. So this is why Xbox controllers still don't come with a built in rechargeable battery, according to Stealth Optional, Microsoft has a deal with Duracell, or according to the article "A constant agreement". Makes sense as they give you a set of AA Duracell batteries with each new console and controller. I wish they would at least include a playncharge kit along side it. Do you think this will change in the future?
  11. Oh man, I remember Sonic 06. That game deserves the award for one of the worst all time I think. I never played the Spyro game or most of these games.
  12. I will be honest, these rollable phones look a lot more practical than the folding phones in my opinion. And they look more fun to mess with. 😄
  13. It's kind of lost its popularity as of late. I honestly don't think people would add it to any esporting events. At least not anytime soon. I just see the popularity decreasing in the coming months. Sad to see it, but I even am bored with the game.
  14. They knowingly lied to consumers. They knew that the finished product was not a finished product (For last gen consoles) and still released it anyway. Only allowed the PC version to be reviewed, and had a blockage of review footage from being released until after the game released. They're making strides to fix things, but I think these lawsuits are fair, especially from the ones from investors and such, because this launch hurt them too.
  15. I don't think that Superman 64 was even an open world game. I think it was just a simple linear game. Open world implies like open world, like GTA V, or Skyrim. I think the worst open world game is Mafia 3. Just a bland game that didn't even need to be an open world game. Best open world games, I'd say probably Arkham City or Arkham Knight. But I could say GTA V or Red Dead Redemption too.
  16. I can't think of any platforms I hated. I wasn't a fan of the virtual boy, or the a few others consoles, but I can't think of anything I outright hate or can't stand. Well, maybe Google Stadia, I can't judge it yet, as I never had the chance to try it out. But I'm going to suspect it's not good, especially with that small library of overpriced games. 😄
  17. I've heard of people playing with the claw technique. I personally never tried that method before, as I tend to play the traditional way. Maybe I should try the claw technique and see how it compares to the normal way.
  18. What are some games you think would be a lot better if they allowed mods to be used? Of course during the single player mode of said games, but I think you get my point. Anyway, what are some games you'd like to see allow mods more often? For me, I think RDR2 and GTA V for consoles. The PC versions are obviously superior in that they can have mods, but on consoles, it's another story. What ever happened to more games on consoles getting their own mod marketplace of sorts?
  19. Amazon has made a few games under their Amazon Games platform. Currently from what I see, all games from Amazon are PC based, but some may even be coming out for current gen consoles. Anyway, do you think Amazon will jump more into the gaming industry with more games? Or do you think they may make their own platform one of these days?
  20. So this is a interesting bit of news, but news I can totally believe. According to an Eurogamer article, Microsoft attempting to purchase Nintendo back in the year 2000. Yes, 20 years ago MS tried to buy up Nintendo. What was Nintendo's response to their ask? Well according to someone involved with MS at the time, Nintendo just laughed them off. Could you imagine if Microsoft owned Nintendo? Wonder how consoles would have been with Microsoft's influence. What do you guys think?
  21. Well there's been back and forth on that for a bit now. Originally it was said that the currently planned releases will still be coming out for other consoles. But, I then hear something that contradicts that, as now they're saying they plan to keep the games to the Xbox family. So at this point, I honestly don't know. It could go either way.
  22. I agree to some extent. It's a good strategy to play it safe, but a lot of people like to get kills and pad their stats. I've seen people camp and hide, but the majority of the time, they're noobs like myself, or aren't very good at the game to begin with. The good players utilize building and shooting and make it work almost seamlessly sometimes. It's crazy how good some players can be at Fortnite.
  23. That's a good question. Personally 4K is a huge jump from 1080p. The thing with 4K and higher, you really need a big TV to take advantage of it, as well, you'd need space to see it at the optimal angle so that you can see that difference. My sister and them got a 70in 4K TV a while back, and I they showed the Shinning in 4K and my god, it's like I'm standing right in the movie, it's so clear. There is a major crisp to the picture when you get into 4K territory. I don't know how to explain it, but it's quite a difference. As for 8K though, like I said about 4K, you'd need a bigger screen and more room to take advantage of it.
  24. With pre-orders as well, they have to make it worthy of buying so early. So with pre-orders, gamers should get a lot more than just some cheap DLC. Give them some swag, a t-shirt, mug, anything. This would make pre-ordering a bit more worth it. That's why I have no problems with people wanting to pre-order collectors editions for example. As you're getting either some big statue, action figure, t-shirt, poster, etc. That's worth a pre-order imo. Not digital codes and stuff, actual physical items to go along for the pre-order. That's the only way I can see myself pre-ordering anything again.
  25. I think times are changing, where gamers are finally taking notice. It may still be a slow process, but gamers are going to vote with their wallets I hope, and eventually we'll start to see more backlash for problems like what we're seeing with Cyberpunk 2077. It helps that these companies are making it so easy for us to hate on them too, and soon enough, no company will be able to get away form this type of mess. Actually, I'd say that time is now with Cyberpunk, as I think it's people have been most vocal with its problems than any other game in recent memory. Plus with the addition of problems back to Fallout 76, or Mass Effect Andromeda. People are increasingly taking notice, and things I think are going to start to change.
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