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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I remember Kung Fu. Another game I just remember, was The Wrath of Manta on the NES. I don't recall if it was any good though. But it's a game I have in my collection, so I might have to play it. I think I played a king of fighters game back on the ps2, but I forget. I'll for sure have to check it out though. I love Sleeping Dogs. It's one of my favorite games from the past gen before ps4 and xbone. I need to replay it, as I have the remastered version on Xbox one and haven't touched it yet. Played the 360 years ago though.
  2. I don't frequently purchase codes from third party sits/vendors. There's no knowing where the codes came from previously. I have used CD keys, G2A and a couple other sites, but I try not to use it often for the reasons mentioned above. I just don't want to risk purchasing a game and in turn, getting my account banned. I heard horror stories about how some people were affected by buying codes from some sites. My best suggestion. When you do buy from these sites, make sure you purchase from people with high ratings. Anyone new is a potential risk, so buy from established and known vendors only.
  3. I don't know about that, as you still have PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) from Konami that still seems to come out yearly. I don't think EA owns any other licenses aside from the NFL. But I could be wrong. Oh of course, I'm mainly referring to a possible football game, without the NFL license. But, I should note, that EA has the license to make simulation style NFL games. There was talk a while back, that 2K was actually working on arcade and mobile NFL games. Which means we could see another game from 2K. Sadly, this means we'd get an arcade like game over a sim game, so it wouldn't be as realistic to Madden. Madden at this point, has become an arcade game anyway. Anyway, I would welcome a new football game, minus the NFL license. I just want something I can fully customize to what I want. Let people make the NFL teams if they want, like All Pro Football 2K8 did in some regards. I could see it working really well.
  4. I would love for them to focus on of some of their other games. I wouldn't mind another Bully game and more GTA. A new Max Payne would be awesome too. Forgot about Max Payne. MP3 was pretty decent, and I could see a 4th game in the series doing well on new gen consoles.
  5. Technically uploading roms is more illegal. You can legally make a backup of a rom, but once you upload it online, you could get in trouble. That's why a lot of rom sites have been forced to remove roms, because of them letting people download that content, is technically theft. A lot of companies may still own copyright of those games, and some may even have them available for sale on digital marketplaces.
  6. To me retro games will never die, but these days it feels like retro games are mostly forgotten, at least when it comes to kids these days. Most teens these days don't even know most of the retro consoles. And I understand that's just the nature of the world as we get old. But a lot of retro games are sill popular to this day, and yet kids want to play stuff like GTA or Fortnite. Anyway, do you think that one day, retro games as we knew them, will be forgotten?
  7. Do you guys think we'll ever see another competitor to Madden NFL from EA? I have hopes of one day seeing a slew of Football games out again on the market, but with EA owning the license for now, for the simulation style of football, no one else can make NFL games in that style. Anyway, will EA ever drop the license and allow other studios to make NFL games? Or will we have to go back to NCAA or even stuff like All pro football 2K8? I just want something different.
  8. Do you guys remember when gaming mags allowed you to put orders in for exclusive products? I remember some magazines would have exclusive rights to sell some games and give away certain gaming memorabilia. I miss those days where you could get exclusive stuff no one else could elsewhere. I remember you could put an order in for random things, but I sadly never took advantage. Do you guys remember getting any cool games, swag, and other stuff from gaming magazines back in the day? And I'm not referring to demo discs though.
  9. Star Citizen has been in development forever, but fans are still supporting it to this day, as the current crowdfunding totals have amassed over $340 million. Yes, you read that right. Star Citizen has yet to release, but seems to be in a beta state at this time. How much more money do you think this game will make before it finally releases? You can read more on this news here - Twinfinite
  10. What are some good karate/kung fu style games? I mainly remember stuff like Ninja Gaiden, but that's really all I ever played. I played some fighting games. What are some of the best ones worth playing? Maybe it's a popular fighting game, or an action adventure game where your fighting skills related to it. What are some games where your character can do karate or kung fu or any type of martial arts?
  11. Played a little bit of Madden NFL 20. Got a bit frustrated as I was sucking at the game lol. Probably going back to Cyberpunk 2077 when I have any free time. 😄
  12. Any rewards that adds to the story, or gives you cool upgrades, I'm all for. I love to play games where the story gradually rewards you for playing. I'm a simple man, as long as the game is fun and exciting, I don't care much for the rewards. Just want a fun experience.
  13. My bro and I got a PS1 for Christmas one year with a bunch of games. My dad purchased a PS1 with a ton of games and other stuff from someone he knew. It was probably the best Christmas I ever had, as it came with so many games. I think it'd be cool to revisit that memory as a kid. I remember opening games, but not the PS1.
  14. I use OBS to record meetings and other events I am involved in for work stuff. It works really well for what you're asking. It's also pretty easy to learn. I learned it fairly fast all on my own. That's really the best thing you can do, is just mess with it some and see how it works. Once you see how things work, it's pretty self explanatory. You probably don't need an Elgato capture device if you're capturing PC gameplay. Your GPU should be able to handle that no problem. If you're playing consoles and such, you may have to get a capture device for that.
  15. Well most of my current collection of games was from getting them used at places. I got many from trading sites, and many from online stores used. I also have purchased a lot of them from thrift stores. In the past I would say my collection is made up of games I bought new, but I sold a lot of those games off and I had to rebuild by getting a lot of used games.
  16. Well stuff like Among Us, and Fall guys come to mind currently. I would also include the puzzle game, ilomilo, as they had pretty cute characters from what I recall.
  17. Hmm, that's a good question. I could see San Andreas being a good study on racism. As for other games, maybe stuff like civilization, oh, Dues Ex Human Revolution, etc. I can't think of many other games though.
  18. GTA V. I thought the ending was kind of a copout. And I feel like it was an overall lazy ending. Oh, take out one of these characters, and that results in a possibility of 3 different endings that aren't really that great. If anything, the endings to GTA V felt really underwhelming. Like, you got this massive game, took years to make it, and this is how it ends? Then again, I kind of hated GTA IV's ending as well.
  19. Nope, would never pay anything extra to a scalper. The idea that these people get away with it, sickens me, but that's the nature of new devices. Sadly, it seems to be happening a lot more for these new gen consoles than I would have expected.
  20. SPOILER INCOMING ----- Like that ending for example. He could have ran off with his wife and son and shot at the police like he normally would. I still love the ending, but I feel like he could have gotten out of that situation.
  21. What are some celebs you'd say should get their own games? I think The Rock would make for a good character in most games lol. I also wouldn't mind a Chuck Norris game, or even a Steven Seagal game (for the memes of course). What about you? Are there any celebs you'd like to see get a game featuring them? I'm speaking of a game featuring that person by the way, not a character they're playing. So it'd be like "Chuck Norris fights Aliens" or something like that.
  22. Game Informer has a new video where they play the first 5 minutes of the Dubai map, check the video out below.
  23. Autosave isn't a relatively new thing, it's been around for quite a long time I'd say. Most games these days have an auto save feature in place, but not all do. Some require you to manually save, some will save at certain points, etc. Do you like to use autosave? or do you prefer to turn autosave and just stick with manual saving, or saving at certain places in game, such as save spots? I love having auto save, but sometimes it can cause some issues. For example, playing Cyberpunk 2077, I jumped on my bike while it was glitched under ground, this in turn brought me under the road and clipped me under it. I exited out, and loaded back in, and to my surprise, was still in the glitch, so it saved me in there. Fantastic! Thankfully I just reloaded my last checkpoint and that saved me, but I was worried big time there. Anyway, if a game does have autosave, do you often turn it off? What are your preferences?
  24. There was a lot of commodore 64 games I wanted to play, but never got the chance to because mine broke. There's far too many games to count. Mostly games on old PC hardware, as there was a lot of games on PC that I've never had the chance to check out. But, it helps with places like those abandonware sites, and some sites even list dos games. Which reminds me, I might actually go searching for some dos games to play soon.
  25. I've had countless dumb moments in games, I think most people do lol. There has been times where I will get stuck somewhere in a game, and I've looked everywhere, and then I look up a walk-through for that part, and find it's right there the whole time. I kind of blame it on my habit of skipping story sometimes in games. If it's a game I'm not particularity into, I will often skip dialog and other details. I rarely read notes in games, I'm too lazy to read and it takes me out of the game at times. Anyway, that's not the point. So, I will often miss something because I'm not paying close enough attention.
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