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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I think it depends on the song playing. If it's loud and often overbearing, then yeah I'm going to be a bit annoyed. There area lot of games that have annoying, repeating tracks that just get tiresome after a while to hear. I personally want a simple song, that's volume is low when you're not doing much. I think slowing songs down makes it better if they keep repeating the same song/theme.
  2. I've never played any trading card games, but I purchased a few packs of the DBZ card game. I never played it though. In fact, I still have the cards in my closet now. I tried to sell them a while back, but I figured I'd just keep them. I'm realizing a lot of the stuff I bought back when I was a kid, is starting to actually increase in profit, so I think I might just hold onto it a bit longer. 😄 But yeah, other than that, I have some WWF trading cards from the early 2000s. I actually wanted to play that one, but didn't have everything I needed for it. Other than that, I think that's all the trading card games. I never played them, I just collect.
  3. Lets remember the good things about flash. Yeah it was crap, but it did help people produce some really good games. What are your favorite flash games from way back? I frequented New Grounds a lot back in the day. I forget a lot of them, but I remember the one with the skull guy and the chainsaw, but I can't remember the name. I'll even admit, I played a few of the adult games back then. Sorry, I was a young boy learning the web lol. I remember playing those tank games in school a lot. The drawing one was hugely popular as well. There are far too many games to remember. I hope there is a way to keep them alive. Or somehow archive them. What are some of the most iconic flash games you can remember?
  4. Lately it's been through discord at a community I volunteer for. Since I got a decent gaming pc now, I've been mostly gaming on that, while my Xbox One has kind of sat dormant. Though my nephew has mostly been playing that. Anyway, discord these days, but before it, it was through private parties on xbox live with friends. Wish there was a way to combine an xbox live party into a discord voice channel. That'd be cool.
  5. I love Blood Money. It's one of my favorite games. You didn't like it because the stealth? Stealth is the suggested way to play of course, but you're free to play however you want. Either guns ablazin, stealthy and murderous, or just stealthy. The big thing with Hitman, is that you're meant to only take out the main targets, killing innocent people or non targets, will lower your stealth rating. That is partly the fun in it, as it makes it a challenge to get through guards. Of course there are measures you can take. But, if stealth isn't your thing, I understand. As for games I wasted money on, I'd say WCW Mayhem for the PS1. I remember getting it with my birthday money one year, and remember liking it for a while, but then I started to realize I wouldn't be enjoying it much longer. As well, the first copy of the game I got, wasn't playing right, so I had to return it. Thinking it was the problems, I hope the game would be better, but it was not. The problem we had was gone, but it didn't fix the fact that the game just wasn't good.
  6. Doubtful considering the Avengers game is pretty much dead at this point. As well, different studios are in charge of both franchises, with Square Enix working on Avengers, and Sony has Spider-Man. Don't know what you mean about venom though.
  7. I have a 27 inch panasonic CRT TV in my closet, and I may be getting rid of it. But I still want to get myself a CRT to play retro games on. I just prefer the look of retro games on the TVs they were meant to be played on. Anyway, do you guys know which CRT TVs are the best when it comes to retro gaming? I heard Sony has a few TVs that are great, but I hear they're very expensive.
  8. Has anyone here used this Everrcade handheld console? It's a fairly new retro style handheld that plays carts. The carts they've released are like compilations of popular games from the 80s and 90s. I think they even have an atari compilation, so possibly some games from the 70s. Anyway, has anyone purchased this little handheld. I've been hearing great things about it, and am hoping to get my hands on one very soon. This is what it looks like: What games/compilations would you like to see them add? Here's what a cart looks like And one of the game compilations:
  9. I think the OP is referring to fake gambling in games. Like casinos in open world games. For example GTA V, or even back as far as Vice City and San Andreas had gambling in casinos and stuff. At least I think that's what she is getting at with the topic.
  10. So for those who don't know, Adobe Flash Player is gone. They ceased today, December 31st 2020. The service will work up until January 12th, but Windows machines will be blocking flash outright, and likely other apps/browsers will do the same. This means sites like Newgrounds, or all those flash game sites we used to frequent as kids, are now rendered useless. Hopefully some of the games were ported to whatever stuff we use now, but I'm betting a lot of classic games will be lost now. But, who know, someone will probably restart support for adobe flash themselves, or produce a new open source version of flash. That'd be cool. Anyway, you can read about this news here - MSN
  11. When it comes to battle royale games, are they as popular as they once were? I honestly don't think that the genre is growing in fandom. I think people are tiring of the genre and are starting to go for more observational types of games (Among Us for example). Idk, does anyone else notice it? I just feel like the popularity of the genre has kind of dwindled. Yeah we still hear about Fortnite and Warzone, but I feel that's it. I wouldn't count Fall Guys among this, as I kind of put them more in a party game/battle royale. Apex Legends has kind of been forgotten as of late, and PubG is, there I guess. But, I'm willing to be proven wrong. Are battle royale games still popular? Or are they more popular these days? What do you think?
  12. At my last in real world job, I worked at a call center. They had tvs and a board game room, but you only got like 15 minutes a break, and didn't get many of those either. So I never got to really do much of anything but use the bathroom and eat. Anyway, I think it'd be cool to play games at work. Especially if it's like an office job and it's just a bunch of people from work hanging out. It helps build relationships. That's the kind of work I'd like to be involved in one day lol.
  13. The creepiest enemies, well I'd repeat my answer of Pyramid Head in Silent Hill 2. I would also say most of anything else in the silent hill series. More so than Pyramid Head, I think the creepier enemies is one of the enemies from Silent Hill 3. Oh, and the Bunny from that game. That's the only thing I can think of off the top of my head right now.
  14. I usually just get all of my stuff from Amazon, or official stores. I have considered buying from people on etsy before, but haven't pulled the trigger on any gaming related stuff. I have a ton of stuff liked on there though. 😄 As for other stores, I like places that sell collectibles and oddities, but I can't think of any names off the top of my head.
  15. Coolest undead, idk, maybe Pyramid Head in Silent Hill. I don't play many horror games sadly. I would also add the tank from Left 4 Dead. As for the games that have done it the best, the TLOU, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, and I'm drawing a blank on others. I know there are more.
  16. Favorite game this year, would have to be Cyberpunk 2077. I've played it the most, and still want to play it. Even with the issues, I am having a hell of a blast with this game.
  17. Do you guys know of any alternatives I could use instead of the Elgato Stream Deck? I just want a device with some extra buttons I can use for my macro needs. Stuff for like easier push to talk, and other needs when streaming. Do you guys have any cheaper alternatives worth using? I was thinking of getting some cheap keypad thing I could use. But I don't know of the quality for those.
  18. lol I don't think the tray is meant to cook chicken, it's just to keep it warm lol. But still I get what everyone is saying. Just don't use that part lol. I know I would never use it. But even so, there's no chance I'd ever buy this type of console anyway. As well, I suspect this thing isn't meant to compete with any consoles. I'm starting to think it was meant for a short run and they'd eventually discontinue it. Especially if the specs aren't that great.
  19. Also known as backseat gaming. I hate when people bother you while playing, and trying to tell you what you have to do to beat the boss or something. I would like to figure out how to do it on my own, I don't need help. If I do, I'll simply ask. But yeah, it bugs me when people try to tell you how to play.
  20. Kane99

    GTA 6

    idk GTA 6 discussion is brought up quite often it seems, at least to me. It could feature a mafia like set of characters, but we won't know for a bit. I want them to kind of do something different, maybe a female protagonist, or 3 protagonists like GTA V. But I doubt they will do that same gimmick twice. GTA is usually always about making it rich and taking over, and I suspect that will be the continued trend in GTA 6. But, I would like to see it take place in London again.
  21. That's why I think they need to change the theme and make it their own. Nintendo will never back down, so it's probably find a new theme to go with, maybe something completely fresh and unique. They could do so many things with their karts. I imagine kart racing is popular anyway, so the theme probably doesn't matter so much.
  22. Back in the day it was Driver, then it was the Saints Row Franchise, now days, I could say Watch Dogs, but I don't think even they can match the quality of GTA these days. With that being said, what would you say is the biggest competitor to GTA? You could argue Cyberpunk 2077, but I don't think it comes close in the sense of driving, and all the other little things in the world of GTA. Could we see a game that can actually compete with GTA?
  23. Hogwarts Legacy is coming out in 2021, and I'm not yet sold on it. It sounds quite appealing, but I am not the biggest Harry Potter fan, and nor do I think I will be into an RPG based around it. But that's me, I never got full into the books or the movies, and I doubt I could get invested in this game. Anyway, is this game a must buy in 2021? Will it be good? I hear it's going to be an open world RPG as well, so there may be a lot you can do. Here's hoping it's perfect for those Harry Potter fans out there, but I think it'll be a pass for me.
  24. Motion Blur tends to seem pointless to me. I always turn it off when I play games, as whenever I keep it on, it bugs me more than anything. I think it makes the graphics look worse, and the motion as well looks off. I think a lot of games are starting with the setting turned off because of how useless it is in games. What do you guys think? Do you like to use motion blur?
  25. So Dreams is a somewhat popular game on the PS4 marketplace where you can edit music, games, and do artwork and all kinds of other fun stuff. It essentially is a tool to let you build all kinds of stuff. I have never played it, but I hear great things about it. But according to Kotaku, there aren't many people playing the game anymore. Anyway, you can read that story here - Kotaku I like that a program like Dreams exists. It gives gamers a lot of options to make something unique, be it a game, a video, etc. I have seen some great stuff done in dreams. But, why is that no one is really playing it anymore? The game has a ton of games available to play as well. If I ever get a PS4, I will have to try this game out and see if I can make anything fun.
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