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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. With the news of King Kong and Godzilla going at it in movie form soon, I was wondering if we are getting any new monster fighting games? Maybe a new Godzilla Vs Kong game. But, what about some of the classic monster fighting games, are there any games worth checking out from the past? I know there's been many godzilla games, but what about just monster fighter monster?
  2. Has anyone heard of (REDACTED)? It's essentially a service you can use to input a stream to many other streaming platforms. So you can combine the likes of Twitch, YouTube, Facebook (personal) and more. I signed up and am thinking of utilizing a bunch of streaming sites. If you're interested in checking it out, their site can be found here - LINK REMOVED.
  3. EA, was once actually a respectable company, but these days, they're known as one of the worst companies around. What does EA have to do in order to win fans back? To start, I think they could earn some cred, if they actually let their studios finish games. As well, re-do their sports titles and take a break every other year, you can release updated player packs and animations etc. I think if they revive a lot of the old games they used to do, and games from studios they bought up, that would also help. Cutting out lootboxes, and other such gambling mechanics too. Basically anything where it implies you could win something, but there's no garauntee. What would you like to see EA do to recapture their respect?
  4. Has anyone here played Skater XL or Sessions? They're both Skateboarding games, and try to replicate what the Skate franchise has done. Both games have been out for a while, but Sessions seems to be the more popular of the two. I hear with Skate XL, the skating mechanics are some of the best around, but there's not much to do in the game. I might check both of them out. What game would you suggest out of these two? Or should I just wait for EA to do a new Skate game? Or I could just stick with THPS 1 & 2. 😄
  5. So this is kind of a spin-off of this topic here - Ever think Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony will work together? I wanted to extend the discussion about this idea, of having Nintendo release their retro games on all marketplaces, including PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Android, iOS. I could see this working big time for Nintendo, as it doesn't hurt their brand to release their retro games on other platforms, and this will only increase sales for Nintendo. On top of that, it'd be easy to implement on pretty much anything. I don't think Nintendo would ever do this, but they have been open to releasing games on android and iOS already, so why not open it up to every platform imaginable? This is only for their retro catalog though. I'm not saying Nintendo should release their new games on all platforms, no, they should keep that to the switch of 3DS. But, re-releasing the classics on every platform won't hurt anything, and will only bring more attention to their classics. What do you guys think? To me, it sounds like it could be a real possibility.
  6. I believe it was something to do with Cross play, they started working together. As well, they've crossed over a bit with minecraft. As I think Steve is now in the current Smash Bros, plus Minecraft being on Nintendo products. I'd qualify that as working together in some regards. There has also been rumors of XBL Gamepass being an option on the switch, or it was something in talks, but I don't know if that will ever happen. I was also thinking, if MS and Nintendo work more together, I wonder if MS gamers would get some Nintendo games. I would be cool with retro games at the least, because that would be cool. And Nintendo can keep their new games coming for their consoles, while retro releases can be released on other platforms. I think it'd be a cool idea and could make Nintendo a ton of cash. It's really a win-win for Nintendo, as it puts their retro games on more platforms to increase profits. I don't mean like buying each other up, I'm referring to sharing content and ideas among each company. Maybe sharing some games from each side.
  7. I played the first game briefly and have played 3 a bit. If you haven't played 3, I recommend giving it a shot. It's essentially Max payne, but with cutscenes instead of comic strips. As well, it had a fun mutliplayer mode. Sadly, I doubt that's still active.
  8. I have an asus gaming monitor that I got for work a while back. I play PC games on that. One of these days I'd like to get a nice 4K TV to use my PC on.
  9. I got it on the 360, but I didn't have many problems with it. I did have one glitch during one mission where the graphics went crazy. But other than that, it played relatively fine. I still need to complete it, but I doubt I'll be doing that anytime soon.
  10. More bad news for CDPR if true. Instead of starting a new topic, I decided to post the news here. According Game Rant, the first gameplay demo they showed off, was mostly faked. Game Rant has an article about it here - https://gamerant.com/cyberpunk-2077-e3-demo-fake-claim-devs/
  11. When it comes to buying games, do you ever grab the crappiest listing out there? Maybe you go on Amazon and buy a listing that is just for the disc. Or just the disc and case. Do you ever buy games in these conditions? Or do you prefer to get all of your games brand new or at least used in a good condition? I have a folder full of loose games, but I prefer to have the full package if I ever buy something. But if it's a game I don't much care for, then it doesn't bug me if I get just the disc.
  12. We're all used to the console wars each generation, but in recent years, we've seen a lot of respect come from each side. It's as if these companies are starting to get used to each other, and are respectful of each other. Back in the 90s and 2000s, it was always about which one was best, and all sides would throw shade. These days, it's not much like that anymore. With that being said though, do you ever think that these three powerhouses will ever work together. Nintendo has already worked with Microsoft, so it's not far from reality. What do you guys think?
  13. Well looks like Nintendo is pulling their legal weight around again, and are doing copyright claims on Game & Watch hacking videos. According to the article at Ars Technica a hacker by the name of stacksmashing, was able to hack a Game & Watch console to put games on it. His videos showing non nintendo games are still up, but it looks like the video showing how to hack the device, was removed via Nintendo. Which I guess makes sense, but I feel like, once you own that device, you should be free to modify it as you see fit. Especially considering it's not an online device, I don't see why Nintendo can't let this happen. But of course, Nintendo has to strike everything down.
  14. With the recent Game and Watch released by Nintendo, it got me thinking, what old retro like consoles/devices do you think we'll see coming out? It seems nostalgia is a big key here, and I could see those hand held tiger electronics making a comeback. In fact, they already did a re-release of some classed tiger handhelds. Maybe they will actually make some with an LED screen or something, and with updated graphics. I think that'd be dope. What do you guys think? What retro devices/consoles would you like to get a reboot today?
  15. What are some games that were overhyped and are now forgotten? Maybe Cyberpunk 2077 will go up soon enough. I think one game that comes to mind, is L.A. Noire. I know it had a remastered release, but I feel it was a game that got a lot of hype and is now a bit forgotten. What are some other games you feel were over-hyped and then once it released, was all but forgotten? Oh, another game that comes to mind, is A Way Out. After playing it the first time, I didn't feel like it was as good as people were making it sound. I only did one play-through, and I have no intention of doing another.
  16. I'm not a big fan of asus, because my last laptop made it tough to upgrade, as I had to take the whole thing apart to access the ram area and other parts of the PC. It was only a cheap old laptop though, so maybe they have made their new laptops more accessible to upgrades.
  17. I think the only few that come to mind, are The Sega Dreamcast, Atari Jaguar and maybe the Apple Pippin as I'd like to see if any games were made for it.
  18. I imagine what will happen, is that someone will release their own version of flash. There's got to be someone out there making it, or maybe a browser just for flash. But the best guess would probably be for an extension for chrome and other browsers to support flash. Or, flash sites will just have to adapt to different platforms.
  19. Stuff like Leisure Suit Larry, Metal Gear Rising, Mount Your Friends (lol this one is good), or anything on the Xbox 360 indie games library. Also something like Deadly Premonition. Even though it's something I never played, I got a ton of laughs from it when I watched a lets play of it.
  20. I wouldn't say that's an unpopular opinion at all. I think for the most part, games do express ideas and emotions, and also can be political and have a message. I think people only have a problem, is when they start to force a message on someone, or an idea. As well, I think gamers know what to expect from the games they get.
  21. Kane99

    The Medium

    Who here is going to get this game? Bloober team just released a new live action trailer, and it really sells it for me. What do you guys think? I hear the dual world thing is going to be quite cool, so I can't wait to see how that plays out.
  22. I remember back on the PS1 and a few older consoles, that they had music makers. I think MTV had a music maker, and I think there was a few others released on consoles back then. But, why is it that they haven't made any other music making games since? I feel like that genre is a bit over looked these days. Would you welcome them making new music making games? Maybe MTV can come back and make a MTV music maker again. Or was it MTV Music Generator? Either way, I wouldn't mind more games like that coming up. What do you guys think?
  23. I think Mario Tennis was the game I saw when I saw a virtual boy at a thrift store years ago. I wish I bought it back then lol 😞 I just had a thought, but it would be cool if Nintendo remastered all of the games on the virtual boy for the Switch, but of course, with updated graphics and actual colors haha.
  24. I read this article here at Gaming Instincts about the top 10 things they'd like to see added to a MP mode for Last of Us 2. I agree with a lot of what was mentioned, but what stands out for you? What things would you like to see added that isn't on that list? I could see Battle Royale working really well in this world.
  25. With the recent news that Ubisoft would be working on a new Star Wars games as well (EA is still involved with some games, so they're not 100% out), it got me thinking. What other studios do you think will get the chance to make a Star Wars game? What studios deserve to make a Star Wars game?
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