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Everything posted by m76

  1. Quite frankly the playing favorites by gaming companies repulses me. It makes me feel like a second class citizen. When so called influencers get weeks early access to games. It is their way of controlling the narrative, as long as the influencer has good things to say they get early and privileged access. If anything this practice makes me less interested in games.
  2. Can you show an example? Which company requires employees to brand their social media account? I've never heard this happen. If anything companies should be encouraging against this as they don't want to be dragged into the thick of it when someone says something stupid on social media. Of course they don't bear full responsibility for the company's actions. They are just an arm of the company. Sadly the only way disgruntled fans can make themselves heard these days is if they overwhelm the company with complaints, it's out of desperation, not malice. So again the fault is with the company, who'd try to silence complaints. And that is why I get upset when they start talking review bombing and harassment campaign. No, there are no avenues left for players to complain so they do it the only way they can: By leaving negative reviews or contacting affiliated social media accounts. So in the end it is the company's fault on all levels.
  3. And that was exactly what I meant originally: redefining criticism as harassment. You say people should not be able to contact employees of rockstar on twitter because it is harassment. I say if they proudly display their company affiliation on twitter, then they are acting as company representatives. And everything they do and say on twitter reflects on the company as much as them. And as I Already stated: If you want to display your flags on your social media as a badge of honour, you must also shoulder the criticism. If I go into a shop wearing a shirt flying the shop's colors, I can reasonably expect people to think I'm representing the company, and I can't get upset when they dump their criticism at my feet. I can try to explain it to them that I'm acting as a private citizen and have nothing to do with company policy, but isn't it better, to not wear the company t-shirt in the first place? Yes I know a lot of people put their workplace on their socila media, and quite frankly I think it is a questionable practice. Because from then on everything you say on social media is said as an employee of that company instead of a private citizen. I'd be extremely weary to even mention my place of work on social media, because I don't want my work to scrutinize what I say on social.
  4. What? I literally just said in the very quote you are citing that I Do not condone actual harassment like death threats. I guess I really didn'T say I condemn it, but For crying out loud are you going to nitpick now on saying "not condone" instead of "condemn"? Do you literally believe that all comments on social media were death threats instead of actual criticism? What do you expect me to do? Count al the tweets and do a tally of how much of it is criticism and how much empty harassment? That is literally impossible. I know it is hyperbole, because we have seen this before. The bad apples are not the majority, but that doesn't stop games media from painting the entire gaming community based on a single bad example. As far as I'm concerned if they put their workplace in their twitter bio, they instantly become representatives of the company. They can't then wash their hands of all things. So complaints aimed at them is fair play as long as it's not on their private accounts that has no affiliation with their workplace. If I put "Designer at Rockstar North" in my twitter bio, then I make myself a representative of the company. I don't condone contacting employees who keep their twitter separate from their work. How would the players even find those bios, who don't have their work plastered all over it?
  5. i've seen this implemented in some games, can't remember which ones, but it made me feel really stupid, and I felt the game is being condescending to me. I think a game should never offer you to skip a challenge, instead just give you hints if you fail many times. But even hints can get annoying when they are repeated too often, so the best thing is if they can be asked on demand, instead of being offered automatically. Most games that have them do it too aggressively and too soon. For example in Tomb Raider you explore a bit and Lara already starts mouthing off on what you should do. But the worst offender is this regard is Force Unleashed 2, where the hints are not just too many and too soon, but outright wrong. in one bossfight the radio keeps screeching at you if you use force lighting, that it's poinless because you can't hurt it. Even when you are using force lighting to charge the batteries necessary to kill the boss.
  6. I was responding to their statement where they are calling to stop the harassment of their employees on twitter. And see my previous post for the rest.
  7. I'm not condoning death threats and other nasty things, I'm saying that nowadays criticism is often mischaracterised as harassment. And if you proudly wear the rockstar badge you need to take the criticism just as much as you take the praise when they do something good as a collective. The nasty comments are usually a small fraction of it. And this is why they are doubly bad, because it gives the opportunity to trash companies like rockstar to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
  8. Criticism is not harassment. You release a shit product, that is basically a scam, and then get upset that people are bothering your emlpoyees? I know individual developers are not to blame, but really the fault lies with their management. If they had not put out utter garbage nobody would be bothering people who proudly wear their rockstar badge on their twitter account. If you want to take the praise when that's due, you also need to take the flak when your company messes up.
  9. An apology? LOL, no they need to refund everyone who bought this travesty, pull the game, and try again a year from now, if they are willing to spend actual effort on making it right.
  10. I, as probably many others don't even have a new gen console yet, since they are unobtanium, and besides aren't that many games that are worth playing on them anyway.
  11. Skyrim (when it originally came out) Street Legal Racing Alpha Protocol Splinter Cell: Double Agent Cyberpunk 2077 And I still loved all of them, except for: Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 Which I absolutely hated, it was so awful.
  12. Resident Evil is one of those franchises that I tried getting into numerous times because the games attained such a cult status. I felt like I was obliged to like them if I want to call myself a gamer, but each time I was rebuffed. I just did not enjoy them very much. The first game I tried was RE2, and the only thing that offered me was tedium. I remember my friends raving about it, and we always played it when they were over, but I loathed it. When the RE2 remake came out I gave it another shot and got much further than I ever did in the original. I was at the point where I thought I finally will get out of the dreaded police station, only for the game to make me go back in through a back door. And the whole tedious wandering around looking for something to do started again. That was the point where I quit the game for good this time. I even tried RE3 remake, but it was just more of the same, and somehow even worse. So I didn't waste much time on it. The only thing that kept me going for a while was the ability o mod the character's appearance, that is the reason I bought the game in the first place. I thought if the character looked like someone I identified with better that would be enough to keep me playing the game, but alas the tedium was unbearable especially so soon after playing RE2. As for RE4,5,6 I only played one of them, I don't even remember which, maybe the fifth. It was a mediocre action game, so not something that would redeem the franchise in my eyes. Recently everyone was raving about how good RE8 Village is, but I was skeptical. I did not want to pay full price for a game that I'd probably end up hating. So I asked around among the fans, how different is RE7 from RE8. They said the two games are very similar conceptually. So I got RE7 to test the waters. I had low expectations, but not low enough. The game blew me away with how awful it was. It is a golden sample of everything I don't want in videogames. So without further ado, here is the original short rant I posted after first playing RE7: Biohazard This might be the worst "game" I ever had the misfortune of playing. Undercutting Sniper GW3, maybe even outriders. Yeah, game in quotes, because this hardly qualifies as a game. It's just a string of scripted events with boring walking in between. Occasionally interrupted by tedious cat and mouse games with invulnerable, unkillable enemies. Oh and of course the cheapest kind of jump scares, that only make me angry with their predictability. I abandoned RE2/RE3 remakes because they were quite tedious, but compared to this, they are master artworks of gaming, as this cranks tedium to over 9000. Not to mention the ludicrous, outlandish "story" that no amount of suspension of disbelief can make even remotely immersive. The premise of zombies is one thing, as long as the law of physics still applies. But I can't stomach total nonsense like gluing your leg back, or invincible zombies. Also the fact that you have to play out the video recordings, is like kryptonite to immersion. I'm glad I only paid $5 for this. Man, if Village is anything like RE7, count me the f out.
  13. We all roleplayed as kids,it's part of being a kid, playing cowboy, firefighter, builder, or whatever. I don't think it would be quite as fun as an adult.
  14. At this point I don't think there is any I'd pre-order from.
  15. What is that specific thing or things that make you rage quit games? It's not just about loosing the game, or dying. At least not for me. If I loose because I made mistakes or wasn't concentrating enough, or missed some detail, then fair enough that I loose, that doesn't make me mad at all. It only makes me more determined to try harder. One thing that can make me rage quit if I loose due to circumstances out of my control. I do everything perfectly, and I still loose due to a roll of the dice by the game. Especially if this happens more than once in a short period of time. Another thing that can send me into a rage is if I feel that what is required of me is literally impossible. It's not that I just fall a bit short and if I improve my technique I can succeed. But I do my best and I don't even come close to defeating the enemy or getting through that section of the game. The next thing that can make me incredibly mad is loosing progress. I pass a long and challenging section and then something stupid and unexpected happens that makes me loose all that progress. This is the most trivial thing, and why games should have manual save options or at least have their checkpoints properly placed right after hard encounters. When I feel I did everything the best of my abilities, I didn't make any mistakes, but somehow I still end up loosing. There is no recourse here, I know I did everything perfectly, and no way I can improve further. So trying again is pointless. And finally this might be a strange thing to rage quit over, but when the story takes an utterly stupid turn out of my control, that I absolutely don't agree with. Like forced failures or the player character doing something mindless and out of character that I'd never allow to happen if I were in actual control.
  16. I managed to restore all the content on my homepage, everything is up and running now. I didn't even loose the few comments I've had on the site.
  17. Congratulations! I'm surprised it's only 100.000. I've had 31916 posts under my name alone on the first forum I was a regular member on. That took me almost 17 years to accumulate though. Between August 2001 and April 2018 (when sadly that forum closed down).
  18. Currently it is close to impossible to find any GPU period. Or literally impossible if you want it for MSRP.
  19. I think Ray Tracing is great, sure you can play games without it, and it won't make a bad game any better, but if you can afford it there is no reason to miss out on it. I'm lucky as I just picked up an RTX card on the tail end of the last generation in December 2019, among comments like "bad choice" , "next gen is right around the corner" , "why would you buy a last gen card" , "prices will fall through the floor" and so on.
  20. The game narration is pure cringe, there is no progression, you get some of the best cars right at the start, so what is there to play for? The AI is atrocious, the difficulty setting literally only affects their straight line speed regardless of the car's supposed performance. The game is unplayable with a wheel+pedals, what else? Yeah and to top it all off, the game has audio issues for me. The audio turns robotic like reverb is dialled to 9000 soon after starting the game. I agree that it is better than recent NFS games, but being better than a pile-o-poo is not a big feat in of itself. I'm looking forward to GT7 and TDU3 instead.
  21. Unfortunately my site has crashed, so all of my reviews are gone for the moment. The good side is that it is re-started with a better platform, that includes the ability to subscribe to an email newsletter. I'll eventually re-publish most old content as well. http://madblog.shacknet.us/
  22. No way I'm creating 150 threads, not even in a year. I don't want to diss the idea, but judging based on quantity rather than quality doesn't seem like the best idea. For example what is considered a spam or low effort thread? I myself would consider posting a youtube video as a new thread as low effort, unless I added a substantial amount of commentary to it.
  23. The way independence FM was done in GTA was great, outside of that I never listen to external music during gaming as it interferes with the narrative.
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