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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. That's huge news! Microsoft made their proposals and the CMA still found Microsoft to be at an unfair advantage. I'm glad they didn't settle. I personally believe Microsoft needs to be spanked for this. They have been in the hot seat two decades ago for violating anti trust laws and they were granted a settlement. Here we are again, which proves that a settlement won't teach any lesson. Of course they will appeal, but whichever way you look at it, Microsoft will clearly have an advantage on Cloud gaming in the UK. The whole point of this transaction was to gain an unfair advantage, so I don't think Microsoft will find any way to settle with the CMA. Activision has taken a more extreme stance on this by attacking the UK as shown by the quote. But this is what you would expect with Kotick still there even after all the toxic workplace allegations. Plus, Activision/Blizzard's fallout with China's NetEase causing them to destroy Blizzard's offices in China kind of paints a picture that maybe Activision/Blizzard management really are not nice guys. I mean, look how they attack the UK saying they are closed for business. But in reality, the CMA protects consumers. Obviously, to Activision it is all just business. They don't care about the little guy or fair competition. Most big tech industries don't. Where would consumers be without the CMA or FTC protecting us? The FTC in Japan has dropped its investigation and claims the transaction will not violate their antitrust laws. The FTC in America I don't know what the status is there, but the CMA stood their ground. I believe it's the right call.
  2. The remake is already out? Has anyone played it yet? I haven't heard anything about it. I thought this game would be talk of the town.
  3. Tucker has been offered a job in Russia for their English speaking state run propaganda. hahaha and they want Tucker to run for president. Fox breeds traitors. Ex Fox News Director Jack Hanick went to Russia to set up a far right propaganda network with a Russian oligarch and he broke Ukraine sanction laws and even used propaganda to try and get Ukrainians to turn against their own country to support Russia. Hanick was caught by the FBI and faces 20 years prison. Now Tucker, and all his Russian propaganda at Fox News always trying to turn Americans against each other and Russia offers Tucker a job? Fuckin traitors. The whole lot of em.
  4. I love post apocalypse too. But I also love present apocalypse. I love seeing how the world falls apart; the beginning stages of it and mass mayhem. That moment when people don't really know what to do. You just see all the chaos. And the military comes in and tries to contain the problem to no avail. The mad scientists or labs that go to shit. Patient zero. When doctors discover they are dealing with something beyond their expertise. Then the post era, the threat of human nature to survival. People finding new companions, trying to rebuild something. I like coming across scenes where you know a struggle happened there and you get clues to what happened. Like at check points in Days Gone picking up recordings of getting overrun. Or notes in TLOU when you see a body. Even many years later, I like finding hints of how things once were like in Horizon Zero Dawn or Mad Max. I will always be a fan of apocalypse games.
  5. In the USA, we now see treason and promoters of treason as not a government problem, but a civil problem. Commit treason and you will be sued, by somebody.
  6. I want explanations!!! Of why it is your favorite lore. Give us feelings!!! I want to eat your brain! Ok, how about that lore. I love zombie apocalypse or any apocalypse. But why? Because I love seeing human survival, companions you meet, start over, the awe. I also love fantasy games like the lore in Witcher 3. Subtle horror around every corner. The monsters were awesome and I love when monsters are given a personality. Assassin’s Creed series mixing religion with GMO and AI, too complicated, which makes the lore so special. Valhalla has embraced a fantasy approach and I love it. And I have to mention the new ultimate lore for me today is Skyrim. Blood borne has excellent lore, but the game is too hard to enjoy. What exactly is it I like out of these games? Give me fantasy. My harsh reality says fuck this world. Let’s game
  7. HZD is a favorite for those who have played it. I don’t know what lore it is you like, so I can’t tell you to play the game. (What lore do you like?) Psychological horror, same as me. But I say try the first game because it is a gem. I haven’t played the second one.
  8. Finally! Tucker, white supremacist traitor, is gone from Fox News! This is a week after Fox lost a lawsuit from Dominion. Fox settled the case by paying Dominion $787 million due to Fox lying about the 2020 election and how they claim Dominion voting machines rigged the 2020 election. Even Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox, admitted to all the lies. And Tucker was one of the most prominent traitors on the show. Maybe getting rid of Tucker was part of the settlement. Who knows. Smartmatic is another tech industry for elections that Fox News went and lied about and hurting Smartmatic's reputation worldwide so they are also suing Fox for $2.7 billion. And they have promised not to settle with Fox, they want a trial. See ya Tucker. Russia welcomes you for their state run propaganda. You were so good at that in America, but...wrong country dude!!!
  9. It could be if they were body snatchers causing mayhem on our planet just for their amusement. Or they chip us and remote control our actions from their home planet and place bets how many they can make one guy kill. Yikes!!!
  10. I wonder what escapism would be for aliens, traveling to Earth and brain fry us??? 😆
  11. It's an optional romance in a DLC. In the gamer's own mind if you are straight, then say no. If you want gay romance then say yes. It is the decision of the gamer. Even if it wasn't an option and they made her gay, so what. I could care less anymore because bigots that hate others because of sexual orientation or skin color are declaring themselves also a hater of democracy. So their opinion no longer matters to me. They hate rights. Plain and simple. They can hide behind their God and claim it is against their religion, while doing a million other things against what their religion teaches. They can claim woke while they also think civil rights and elections is woke. They can claim they don't want inclusivity shoved down their throats while they engage in a culture war to shove down everyone else's throats. What a bigot thinks no longer matters. The world is moving on and they can stay in their little discriminatory bubbles for all I care. These people are violent toward gays, they hate others who don't think like them, they take their rights away, so if a bigot cries then wupty doo. Say what you want and everyone else can say what they want. The more you make a big deal of it and victimize others, make laws and criminalize them, take away their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, only makes them gain even more support. If you have a gay phobia, then it is you who may have gay tendencies you keep trying to hide. And you develop a hate for other gays because they are free and you aren't in your hateful communities. You can't erase gay. People have tried that all throughout history.
  12. That's messed up they tried to say the killer had the game when it was the victim who had the game. Interesting though how they easily discriminate against games as a motive. Turned out to be a good ol fashioned robbery for drugs. I think putting a gun in a kid's hands with a bunch of psycho blabber is way worse than owning a violent game.
  13. Just completed Watch Dogs, now I'm downloading Watch Dogs 2.
  14. I don't know either. People have a misconception of what to label too graphic or too violent. Japan thinks censoring blood and missing limbs passes the violence meter. How can you throw a grenade at a group of people and pretend it isn't violent just because you don't see a head roll or spin in the air and wink at you...😉. Is hacking limbs off a monster or zombie not considered violent? Is hunting an animal and skinning it with all the blood not considered violent? What makes blood from a human more special than an animal? It's all a hypocrisy.
  15. Nobody comments anymore. Be free. Speak your mind. Maybe the problem is politics. Let’s all focus on games and nothing else for a month. Be creative and speak your voice.
  16. There are some very corrupt revelations that has come to light in regards to Clarence Thomas. Harlan Crow, a republican billionaire mega donor has been giving Clarence all kinds of fancy vacations for years now. And Clarence failed to disclose those gifts as a justice which is supposed to be against the law. Harlan Crow also bought Clarence's house and spent money renovating it while Clarence's mother still lives in the house, which was sold to Crow. And Clarence, once again, did not report the transaction which is against the law. And get this, Harlan Crow collects all kinds of nazi memorabilia in his home. He loves nazis!!! Now, you would think that Clarence must be held accountable. Well guess what! It's the high court. There are no ethics or oversight to hold them accountable. There is nothing. They are above the law. There is nothing we can do about it. The Biden administration is trying to make an ethics committee for the supreme court to keep them in line, but you need republicans to be on board to pass it and of course republicans embrace corruption!!! Clarence's wife Ginni Thomas, hates free and fair elections and she is an advocate calling for the stolen 2020 election. She is an election denier. She was the advisory council for Turning Point USA, which i an education organization hell bent on indoctrinating kids and universities into fascist nazis. TP USA are openly racist, openly election deniers and conspiracists. TP USA got bus loads of people to go to the capital coup attempt on Jan 6 2020 and members were arrest assaulting police! Ginni Thomas supports all that. You don't think Ginni and Harlan Crow don't influence Clarence's decisions as a supreme court justice? The Justice Samuel Alito has already been accused of leaking a supreme court decision to religious groups back in 2014 about the Hobby Lobby case. Now think about how Roe v Wade was leaked. Could that have been Alito too? Religious groups have been wining and dining Alito and Thomas for years in what is called Operation Higher Court. And Don and Gayle Wright, religious mega donors, had an office right behind the supreme court. Conflict of interest??? Yep. No shit sherlock. Then there is Amy Barret who was a real religious handmaid who is influenced by the Federalist Society, which is a far right organization that wants to have a christian government. This supreme court is so corrupt. And the decisions this Supreme court has made recently the past couple years has been completely political. Expect more dirt to come out in the open with this fake corrupt court. They don't care about the constitution. They only care about themselves, religion, and their republican party. The United States Supreme Court is dead. This is the worst court in the history of this country. They are now irrelevant and we shouldn't honor a fucking thing they say. It's over. The court is dead. They are one sided. They are corrupt. They are borderline traitors due to Thomas's wife. And these justices still have a major election case coming up, Moore V Harper. And if the fake court sides with republicans, our free and fair elections will be over. To be continued. Let's see if Clarence is held accountable for receiving all sorts of gifts and not disclosing it. Traitors.
  17. It has just come to light that a traitor that worked on a military base has leaked Pentagon classified documents relating to Ukraine and U.S. intelligence. This leak may have been intentional to turn people against support for Ukraine as well as turn American allies against the U.S. and against the Biden administration. Or he may have just been trying to show off, but either way it is treason. The traitor posted the files as a Discord server administrator and shared with a group of young gamers, and has spread to Russian telegram channels and 4chan, which is a far right terrorist site. He lured them in by sharing a "passion for guns, military gear, and God." Leaked Discord documents were even found on the servers for Minecraft. Discord has been used by many gamers and no doubt gamers are a target for these traitors trying to exploit young people in the gaming communities. BEWARE who you chat with on Discord. These extremists could very well drag yourself into big trouble by associating with them. https://www.businessinsider.com/pentagon-leak-discord-leader-young-gamers-og-intelligence-documents-2023-4 "Discord was used by the 2017 ‘Unite the Right’ supporters in Charlottesville, by Boogaloo boys and other groups linked to right-wing extremism or white supremacism but has also been used by incels. The servers are used by these actors for private conversations but also to vet new members and draw the attention of interested users, e.g. by tagging a server with the words ‘Nazi’ or ‘fascist’. Despite continuous efforts to deplatform extremist actors, several servers allegedly linked to right-wing extremist ideology and inceldom remain on Discord." https://gnet-research.org/2021/09/06/lets-talk-about-games-baby-extremist-use-of-gaming-adjacent-platforms/
  18. This topic encompasses many things to be angry about. Kids in schools are a target now for mass shooters. And republicans don't give a fuck about it. Tennessee Republican Tim Burchett says, "We're not gonna fix it." He said that after the latest school shooting in Tennessee. Republicans don't give a fuck. They seem to care enough to make hundreds of bills suppressing voters and elections, hundreds of bills attacking trans and gays, hundreds of bills banning books and banning discussion of history, hundreds of bills banning abortion. But a school mass shooting, "we're not gonna fix it." That's straight up hard core cold as ice, blatantly telling you "we're not gonna fix it." Meanwhile in Tennessee, it's all over the news now how 2 young black legislatures in Tennessee were expelled from the state legislature for protesting about wanting more gun safety laws. There were actually 3 democrat legislatures who protested, 2 black men and one white woman. The state legislature all voted to expel the two black men but voted to keep the white woman who also protested. And after the backlash, a week later they voted them back in because they were embarrassed by their racist attempt to disenfranchise voters and expel the black men who were only protesting for the safety of school children, while republicans say, "we're not gonna fix it." There was even an attempt from republicans threatening to defund the counties those black legislatures represent. Even teachers want to go on strike now about the gun violence threatening the safety of kids in schools and republicans want to threaten school funding if they go on strike. Threaten school funding, threaten teacher's unions, and for fucks sake even kids themselves are protesting right there on campus. Are they gonna block funding of schools if kids protest? Are they gonna ban the right of kids to protest? "We're Not Gonna Fix It" Republican Tim Burchett in regards to school mass shootings
  19. The attack on education continues and now all public libraries across the U.S. are under attack. Not only the books on shelves, but digital books are being banned by the thousands taking away access and the freedom to be able to read what you want. This case in Llano County Texas, I spoke too soon. The judge that ordered the library to return all books to the shelves has dismissed part of his ruling about digital books, which will remain banned which has 17,000 books! And the books being banned they call it porn. But one of the books banned was titled: "They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group" and “Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents." How is that porn? One is a book how the KKK were a terrorist group. They were a terrorist group. They tortured and killed people for decades. If it were a book about the taliban being a terrorist group, I'm sure that book would be perfectly fine right??? Now that books are court ordered to be put back on shelves, republicans are trying to shut down the library. This is happening across the country now. Republicans are shutting down libraries. They want to ban whatever book they want, ban all digital books, and when it doesn't go their way they try to shut down the library. Republicans are also attacking all the online libraries too. Thousands and thousands of books can be found digitally through library systems and elsewhere. Republicans are now trying to shut it all down so that we can't access books over the internet. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/library-apps-book-ban-schools-conservative-parents-rcna26103 Republicans are allowing people to sue libraries, to vote to shut down libraries, bills to jail librarians, ban all digital books, and ban books on the shelves. Anything they don't like. And it has got nothing to do with porn at this point. They are banning everything they disagree with.
  20. I'm downloading Neverwinter free for the ps4 and far as I know, I don't need a Plus subscription to play it. I'm gonna give this game a shot. What is the difference between Neverwinter and Neverwinter Nights? I almost bought the Neverwinter Nights version. Any tips about the game? I plan on playing single player. I know, it's probably designed for multiplayer. But who knows, maybe I'll try it. I'm getting the game because of the new Menzoberranzan expansion that just came out, which I'm a fan of the lore.
  21. Check this out! It is an expansion of Neverwinter called Menzoberranzan which is the under dark drow city made famous by R.A. Salvatore! Came out March 28 2023. I wish I could play this, but I don't play MMO. This is exciting though! For me it is a dream to see this expansion after reading those books of Legend of Drizzt. All I can say is WOW. This needs to be a whole game by itself. How I wish!!!!!!!!! Think I'll get this game just for this expansion and try it out. It even has Drizzt in it! One of the most amazing characters in all of D&D universe. I highly recommend you read the first book in the Dark Elf Trilogy called "Homeland." There is also a graphic novel called "Homeland" by Devil's Due Publishing telling the exact story by Salvatore but instead with pictures and less to read if you like that instead. I have both the entire book series and the graphic novels. That first book Homeland was amazing.
  22. It's very strange that I don't remember them grabbing a bunch of Joes and I played with GI Joes all the time as a kid. I know Toys R Us had plenty of Joes on the shelves during that time. Hmmmm, for some reason I just don't remember. I do remember the ton of Nintendo games though. If it were me, no doubt I would ransack the games and Joes and that's probably it. Remote control cars!! Forgot about that.
  23. I just finished season 2. Man you are right though. There are some hilarious moments. I go from laughing hard to having tears in my eyes from straight drama in a matter of a minute. Intense show. It's fast becoming one of my all time favorite tv shows. It touches on a lot of things about family, friends, and love. I would say religion too, obviously. But there is so much more to it. The whole story, the whole interaction of Gods and angels with humans. I'm not religious, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy this kind of show. Like I said, it is becoming a top favorite. If you haven't watched the whole series, it's a must.
  24. This sounds pretty amazing and something I see being a wave of the future of gaming. A volunteer based modding community TESRenewal is working on a major project called Skyblivion that will add the entirety of the game ES Oblivion, map and quests, into the Skyrim and Skyrim SE versions. They say it won't be released for a couple of years, maybe 2025 and looks to be for PC only. This is something very unique and I think it may spur more communities to get involved with mods of older games to integrate into newer sequels. Wow!!!! They are also looking for volunteers who have development skills. I'm sure this is very exciting for fans of the series. https://skyblivion.com
  25. That's exactly right and it's funny you mention that because Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout is now encouraging Trump to seek refuge in Russia. Look at the dictators fall apart. Florida is protecting Bolsonaro from being prosecuted in Brazil. Russia wants to protect Trump from prosecution. And because Putin is a war criminal with an arrest warrant, surrounded by potential assassinators, watch him flee Russia to seek refuge in a camel's ass in Iran or something. They need to kill themselves the way hitler did. Bolsonaro is a bitch. He would rather suck a horse's dick than off himself. Trump is way too narcissistic to kill himself. His chicken shit ass will definitely run away and leave his orange stink all over the deserts of Saudi Arabia, hauling a bag of money like the greedy old fuck he is. Justice is coming after all them shit stained nazis.
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