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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure
Kojima teams up with Jordan Peele for upcoming horror game OD
Reality vs Adventure replied to Kane99's topic in Video Games
Say what? I’m a fan of their comedy series. They made movies? Games? Ooooh shit. -
Elon Musk gets mocked for saying violent games are bad
Reality vs Adventure replied to Kane99's topic in Gaming Forum
Musk is trying to act like he cares because he's in deep doodoo for his role in spreading hate on his platform and engaging in antisemitism. He's looking for a right wing talking point to deflect from himself and his social media and blame some other form of entertainment as the culprit for violence. He's attacking whomever/wherever to rally his peeps, his social media hate speech peeps. Video games are usually the go to in order to deflect from some other violent issues. Musk is that issue now and his promotion of hate on X. Another thing to point out is that Musk has no room to talk about violence while he tortured monkeys in his Neuralink experiments and allows widespread racial discrimination at Tesla, which both of these instances are being investigated. Musk is just trying to sound like the good guy now all of a sudden while he is currently on his Apology Tour, where he had to go kiss up to Israel after his remarks. I expect Musk to now go and incite more violence against woke and the LGBTQ community, now that he thinks he is gaining favor from the police, trying to sound like he is morally superior after company ads are ditching his toxic waste dump site. Everything about Musk now is a political calculation, with evil intent. -
I don't even know what to say with this. The level of hate someone has to have to make a game entirely anti LGBTQ littered with far right conspiracy theories attacking the media, medicine, and just every lame far right talking point, with superman Trump while you kill a nazi dragon. Which is ironic because the far righties are the actual nazis. And Jones keeps hating on gays while throughout the game he keeps saying 'I'll eat your ass." lol. I mean, it's usually the ones who scream the loudest attacking gays are actually in the closet. The link to the article I do agree with this statement, "And of course, his defenders would undoubtedly argue that violent video games are just games—they aren’t going to turn anyone into murderers. Personally, I would agree with that. But considering how much time the right spends trying to ban books because they’re afraid they’re going to turn kids gay, it might be time for them to pick a lane." The take home message, it's a hate filled game, but if this game doesn't make you want to go out and kill people, then books won't make you turn gay. And Elon Musk in another topic on VGR where he played the new GTA 6 and complains about violence against police. So which is it here? We're getting mixed signals from the far righties. Does this incite violence against gays or not? Does another game incite violence against police or not? Do books turn you gay or not? If it were gays killing a bunch of republicans, would they then want to ban the game and declare the LGBTQ as terrorists? I bet they sure would try like the cry baby hypocrites they are who believe in rights for me but not for thee. And Alex Jones himself is nothing but a dangerous quack who lost his money in lawsuits for spreading conspiracies that mass shootings in schools were faked. Fucking idiot. And then he goes and spreads this nonsense.
Let's take a look at the broader picture here that proves Trump will in fact be a dictator. Everyone knows it now, there is no ifs ands or buts about it. Alright::: Trump has 91 felony counts in 4 different states. His charges are everything from trying to overturn an election, to stealing classified documents and obstructing the investigation, to paying hush money to a porn star with campaign money. Trump Organization has been found guilty of tax fraud and is now a fraudulent business. Trump is also now a sex offender. We have seen how Trump was as president where he was impeached for blackmailing Ukraine to look for dirt on Biden and impeached again for inciting an insurrection on Jan 6 2021. Trump is facing prison if found guilty. He knows he must run for president to stay out of prison, and he can never leave office so he can stay out of prison. Let's look at some other facts here. 10 fake electors in Wisconsin who conspired with Trump's coup attempt have now admitted to the courts that they indeed try to overthrow the election and they knew President Biden officially won the election. There are 4 co-conspirators in Georgia's criminal racketeering case against Trump and conspirators who now have plead guilty to their charges trying to overthrow the election, including their fake elector scheme and breaking into voting machines to steal data. They are pleading GUILTY!!! And have promised to testify against Trump. Many members of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers have been found guilty of seditious conspiracy for their roles on Jan 6 and some of them even plead guilty themselves. Now, does any of that look like Trump is a peachy innocent man who won't be a dictator? He attempted a coup d'etat to stay in power, to disenfranchise over 80 million voters, to reject our democratic process, to reject our constitutional right of free and fair elections. Now let's take a look at some of the things Trump has said and done since he has been out of office and these things are this past year alone, showing he is mentally unstable and signs of a desperate authoritarian criminal. Trump has said that on day 1 if he wins, he will enact the Insurrection Act, declaring martial law and bring the military to civilian streets to eradicate protestors. He also just said on Day 1 he will be a dictator. Now, there are many things he can do on day 1 as a dictator, like declare martial law, enact Schedule F and Project 2025, which is the republican plan to extend presidential powers like this country has never seen and fire tens of thousands of federal employees to be replaced with MAGA loyalist cronies. I'll get back to Project 2025. But first I'll finish with the things Trump has said. He will be dictator day 1, bring the military to civilian streets on day 1. That is the second time he said he will bring the military to the streets. He said he wants to bring the military to city streets to get rid of crime. He has attacked our top general by saying our general is a traitor and should be executed. Trump said that he will imprison the media for treason. He said that if he is losing in an election, he will criminally charge his political opponent running against him. And Trump is now quoting Hitler calling his opponents 'vermin.' Trump has continued to incite violence against his prosecutors, judges, and witnesses. He has incited violence against the FBI, calls his opponents vermin and communists. He runs a presidential campaign on retribution against his opponents, wants to jail his opponents, and has said he will take a look at pardoning insurrectionists like those from the capital attack and even the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers guilty of seditious conspiracy. That is providing comfort and aiding insurrectionists which is a violation against the 14th amendment which if enforced would block anyone aiding, abetting, or providing comfort to insurrectionists, from holding office. Let's recap Declare martial law on day 1 Be a dictator on day 1 Execute our top general Imprison the media for treason Indict and jail political opponents Quotes Hitler Campaigns on retribution Incites violence against prosecutors and judges and government agencies Wants to pardon insurrectionists and seditious conspirators So based on this and whatever else you can add to it that I left out, like all his lies, weaponizing Covid to kill Americans, intentionally delaying aid to blue states when in need of natural disaster aid, etc. This guy had a mother fucking coup attempt and his conspirators are pleading guilty. What other proof do you need? Trump wants to be a dictator and his MAGA base are neo nazis who want to punish Americans, nothing short of a genocide. That is who they are. Republicans have a plan called Project 2025 they have all written up if Trump gets the White House. That Project was formed by republicans groups like the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation. What is scary is that even our far right corrupt supreme court justices are involved in those two organizations. Project 2025 will get rid of checks and balances in our government and extend presidential powers. The Project also includes something called Schedule F which if enacted will allow republicans to fire as many federal employees they possibly can and replace them with their MAGA loyalists who will do whatever Trump wants them to do. We are talking about replacing our entire federal government, at least 50,000 employees if not hundreds of thousands will lose their jobs in the federal government. Now, is that something dictator Trump will do on day 1? Oh you betcha, then declare martial law and force the military on American citizens, send the media to prison, jail opponents, and pardon a bunch of violent traitor terrorists. He could even declare a civil war. As Trump gets closer to his trial dates in 2024, we will get to see him lose his fucking mind even more and become extremely desperate. No telling what things he will add to this list. 2024 is going to be the year of reckoning in the USA. The most important year of the history of America since the civil war, since the revolutionary war. We are at a crossroads between democracy and a neo nazi regime.
Ever attempt to clean a console and end up breaking it? I did. :(
Reality vs Adventure replied to Kane99's topic in Platforms
I’ve never done that. I always keep a cloth over my ps4 when not in use and I turn off automatic updates so that it doesn’t turn on in the middle of the night and over heat while the cloth is over it. I think the new Xbox is compatible with your Xbox one games, but double check on that. So that may be the way to go unless there are exclusive ps5 games you are interested in. I myself was trying to decide to get the new Xbox or PlayStation, but since I have a ps4 and I bought some ps4/ps5 compatible digital games, I’ve decided to get a ps5 as soon as I find a deal I want. Plus ps5 does play ps4 discs that I have, and I find there are more Sony exclusives I am into. -
How fast will GTA V online lose players once VI drops?
Reality vs Adventure replied to Kane99's topic in Video Games
Oh man, that trailer looks pretty damn good. I think people normally would be excited for GTA 6 and rush over to a new map with new features. And even more so after a 10+ year wait. You most likely would have to have the new generation console and more are available now. So I expect PC gamers would be the fastest ones moving from GTA 5 to GTA 6. We can tell that the release of this trailer means that Rockstar is gearing up for some massive hype. 2 years from now, the game will probably be $90 brand new lol. So who knows; a game like that with all its fans, people are probably willing to spend the extra bucks and surge into GTA6 online. -
SSDs going to be required for gaming going forward?
Reality vs Adventure replied to Kane99's topic in Gaming Forum
I bought an internal SSD hard drive for my ps4 and honestly there is no difference from the manufacture drive. Just saying. -
I do agree with you that it's a setting/art style and I like how you describe it-- "The colourful, rebellious, self indentified identity of punk with futuristic, sci-fi elements." That is spot on and that's what intrigues me. The visual elements, sci fi, futuristic, struggles of humanity and technology and emotions all hot-wired into a dystopian struggle for survival. As you mention, 1st person games are becoming popular in this aesthetic. What has really drawn me in, actually is everything!!! What sets the gaming apart from movies, is that you finally get to put yourself inside the augmentations and use those abilities and technologies. I love how it sets itself apart from magic where those augmented abilities seems like it could be real. To become invisible, not by vanishing but by projecting mirror images. To open a door not by a magic whirlwind, but by hacking into it. In today's world with all this military technology, people feel helpless against it. But hacking has a rebellious, heroism fight when all odds are against you. That's what cyberpunk brings, an evolution of the old school magic that maybe people weren't that into. And honestly, I was never into magic all that much. I enjoy Skyrim now, but I prefer sci fi abilities like all the electricity abilities in the Infamous series and augmented abilities in cyberpunk games, and technological gadgets in Watch Dogs. To me it's more realism based as I'm very science oriented. As you mentioned, there is a lot of self identity involved. With all these cyberpunk games, there is a common theme of discrimination and oppression. It stretches your moral insight by trying to realize if an android should have the same rights or not like in Detroit Become Human. Or if a human has an augmented limb or something and they become segregated for it. Or if your body rejects implants and develop something that causes you to lose control over your own sympathetic nervous system or feel like you are losing sanity. It's an art style, exactly as you say. And art depicts things in ways to get around oppressive climates as a way to express things. Cyberpunk is brilliant in every aspect of its entirety. I mean, it is for the 1st/3rd person games. I haven't played others with a cyberpunk theme. Like Cloudpunk, looks like you fly around in that setting, but awkward looking character on foot. I don't know. Looks interesting though on youtube. Stray supposedly has a cyberpunk theme. I actually want to check that one out. To have a cat run around in that environment would be an interesting perspective.
My favorite games are actually a trilogy, well, not really a trilogy but more like the last 3 games from Assassin's Creed (Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla). Then there is TLOU series which I categorize as an all time bad ass series, a masterpiece. But I'm liking cyberpunk games more and more like Cyberpunk 2077 and Deus Ex Mankind Divided. They both have that Assassins Creed feel to it as well because of different styles of planning your infiltration techniques. I love that. It's like a puzzle in itself how to infiltrate and not alert enemies. I have to include Watch Dogs Legion in that cyberpunk category too and using cool gadgets like drones and spider bots to infiltrate. Cyberpunk 2077 and Deus Ex uses more augmented abilities instead of actual gadgets. So I can't pin point what game is my favorite now. But these cyberpunk games are hands down brilliant and I see myself playing Cyberpunk 2077, Deus Ex MD, and WD Legion multiple times. So I believe I'm merging from Assassin's Creed to Cyberpunk. Sadly, there aren't many cyberpunk games.
That's true; I was just displaying a tipsy excited moment trying to get you to play Odyssey!!! My bad. No pressure. Syndicate is pretty good and definitely worth the while to play that one too. I never did get the chance to play Jack The Ripper DLC. I just got the new AC Mirage game and looks really good. I still haven't played all the series yet. Odyssey though, holy smokes its bad ass, and whenever you get the chance-the DLC is a must too.
I’m hardcore into cyberpunk. Well what the fuck is that? It’s games like Deus Ex, Cyberpunk 2077, Watch Dogs Legion, main ones I know of. Not many I know cause it’s a new genre. Or is it? I believe we need to make a new Cyberpunk genre.
Well, I recently got done playing FF15 and got its hooks in me. I’m not so sure whatever loss they had was anything more than bad management. I’m skeptical and don’t think it’s their games. I’m currently playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided and as Square Enix as one of the developers, I see them pretty much knowing their shit!!! As far as games go. They’re fucking brilliant as far as I’m concerned. Make another Deus Ex, keep Final Fantasy rolling in open world, and gain back what you lost. Deus Ex is before it’s time. Now, make this your time and control the future with many sequels of Deus Ex and Final Fantasy. Fire your money humpers and—get—back—to—making—bad—ass—games!!!
I'm hooked on Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Everything about it is brilliant!
I don't play on PC but I did enjoy that game on ps4. The setting is late 1800's London and I thought everything looked pretty damn good. You can switch between the male and female protagonists, brother and sister. I would not miss out on this game being free if anyone is a PC gamer. That's a nice gift!
Can playing video games be a form of therapy?
Reality vs Adventure replied to Kennysplash's topic in Gaming Forum
Civilians are not your enemy. Nazis are!!! Maybe you should play games that kill nazis. That would be better therapy. Because it is them that want to take your rights away, and even genocide the LGBTQ community. Stop looking at civilians as expendable. And start looking for an actual face of your hatred. -
Name a game that deserves a sequel but never got one
Reality vs Adventure replied to Dismal_Bliss's topic in Gaming Forum
I'm playing Control right now and it's sci fi at maximum. Definitely an under the radar game. Wow, can't imagine the objects of power they will bring next! your remote control??? -
How do you feel about video games restrictions for minors?
Reality vs Adventure replied to Kennysplash's topic in Video Games
I don't think we should be making an assumption that games rated pg13 or any other rated game is bad for that age group. This type of generalization that ratings are not relevant for an age group makes people want to start controlling other people's kids. I believe parental rights gets taken out of context very often. When a generalization is made that something is bad for all, then parental rights get trampled on. Then people want government to start forcing things on others. Parental rights doesn't mean that what is considered bad for their kid is also considered bad for everyone else's kids. Parental rights means that parents have the freedom to decide what is good or bad for their own kids, not someone else's. We need to get rid of that generalization and that mentality of trying to control other parents and their kids. If a parent doesn't like their kids exposed to something, well, they have no right to tell any other parent something who trusts their own children or their own parenting. -
We are witnessing fascism at work. Musk sympathizes with neo nazis and since he bought Twitter there has been an increase of hate speech, including from Musk himself. This isn't the first time this is happening. The Center for Countering Digital Hate released research showing that there was an increase in hate speech on Twitter. Musk then went and sued CCDH as well. Not only that, but republican Jim Jordan in the House of Representatives has abused his power to subpoena CCDH for it. That is the government, led by a republican, trying to censure free speech rights from independent research. Research is free speech BTW. Jim Jordan is the guy who was nominated for House Speaker after McCarthy was ousted by republicans. Jordan and Fox News threatened the House republicans to vote for Jordan. They used an authoritarian tactic by making public those congress member's private information to intimidate and threaten them to gain their vote. What ended up happening was that those congress member's lives and their family's lives were threatened by MAGA extremists. Jordan ended up losing his votes for Speaker. That all just recently happened a month ago. So you can see how Jordan leans towards fascist authoritarian views. And he is protecting Musk and his social media. Jordan also subpoenaed Mark Zuckerberg when he launched a new social media site called Threads. Jordan is trying to eliminate X's competitors and have only one neo nzi state run social media. Jim Jordan is the guy who has also been trying to obstruct Trump's investigations by going after his prosecutors and trying to criminally charge them, expel them, or defund them. So now Media Matters is another group that has released research showing that business ads are next to pro Hitler propaganda, which sparked those companies to stop their ads on X. Musk is now suing them too. And once again, a republican is abusing their power to try and silence free speech rights from Media Matters. Ken Paxton BTW, is the republican investigating Media Matters in Texas. 1st, why the fuck would an attorney general in Texas get involved? That's abuse of power, plain and simple. Paxton is a fascist who also wants a state run neo nzi social media as the only media to be available for the public, that's why. Paxton was under investigation for many years for his corruption. And finally Texas republicans have formed a committee to vote on whether Paxton should be expelled due to his corruption. Turns out Paxton's own wife was one of the republicans voting to keep Paxton as Attorney General. The republicans ended up voting to keep him in office lolol. All that just recently happened as well a couple months ago. Republican corruption runs deep in Texas, and elsewhere, everywhere now actually. There is more. Republicans across the board have been getting rid of tenure for professors in universities and dismantling, defunding, investigating any and all university research that has been researching hate speech, domestic threats, hate groups etc. The significance of getting rid of their tenure is that they can now be fired for any controversial research, which is censorship. Freedom of research is free speech rights. Tenure was supposed to protect professors for this very reason because tenure means a lifetime position at your job as a professor where you can't be fired for what you research. The irony and projection from Musk runs deep. Musk was accusing of several news media outlets of being state run. So those media outlets have stopped using X. Turns out though that Musk was projecting because his fascist friends in congress and an attorney general in Texas is abusing their power to protect Musk's X platform by trying to silence any independent research that shows a rise neo nazi hate speech on X. That is what state run actually is. Republicans want X to be their nazi state run social media and eliminate all others. This was the whole idea why Musk bought Twitter or X in the first place. It was a guy named Dinesh DeSouza who gave Musk the idea. DeSouza went to prison and was pardoned by Trump. DeSouza then created the film 2000 Mules, which was a bunch of election lies to help Trump. DeSouza then tweeted to Musk telling him to buy a major social media platform in order to censure liberals. And Musk replied to DeSouza 'great idea' on Twitter. Shortly after, Musk bought Twitter. And look where we are now. That was the whole idea, make X a nazi playground. Just look at Musk's symbol 'X'. No doubt over time he's gonna bend the edges of the letter X and make it look more and more like a swastika. That's who he is now. Even Musk himself doesn't have a good track record in morality. Just recently he was using shareholder money from Tesla to buy himself a glass house. While Musk is CEO, Tesla is being investigated for widespread racial discrimination. Musk has tortured monkeys in his Neuralink experiments and he even tried to obstruct the investigation. His own family hates him. He's addicted to Ketamine and probably has narcissism. Top that off with Asperger's syndrome, no offense to that mental disorder. But add Ketamine, narcissism, then no wonder he has this eratic vindictive behavior. Musk has sabotaged Ukraine's war efforts. He is kissing up to Russia so he can buy rockets from them. He is meddling in other country's domestic issues trying to radicalize the far right types against their government by claiming immigrants are invading you. He said that to Germany and other countries as well as the USA. He's seriously trying to stir the pot and radicalize people. These are dangerous times and I hope those companies continue to leave their ads off of X. Musk doesn't give a shit about free speech. It's all just a victimhood ploy while he and his friends in government are using their power to silence others. It goes to show that free speech absolutism has consequences and companies have their own rights to not post ads next to hate speech.
Before going into Mafia 3 evolution, I’ll mention flaws from Mafia 1 first. I played the Mafia 1 remake and wasn’t too impressed by it because it was fast paced, mission to mission with little chance of exploration. Why put that much work into creating a city and not have much of a chance to explore it? Waste of work. Mafia 3 definitely changed that major flaw. It still holds its fast paced story oriented gaming, but I see it as coming close to crime games like GTA. Mafia 3 has added things on the map where you can go inside buildings more, explore more and find different sorts of loot. If they keep the series progressing as they are, I see Mafia 4 rising into the competition with GTA and Watch Dogs. Don’t get me wrong, there needs to be much more to improve on with the Mafia series to compete with a sort of new style genre. I’m pleasantly impressed though with Mafia 3. It flows really well so far. The driving mechanics I can tell they put a lot of effort into it. And the camera while driving and maneuvering is pretty damn good. Change the setting and I might not be able to tell the difference between GTA 5 and Mafia 3. Story is excellent so far. I didn’t expect much after Mafia 1 remake, so I skipped Mafia 2 and went straight to 3. It caught me by surprise actually. The setting, the heartfelt story, it’s lookin good so far. What are your thoughts about the Mafia series evolving into a more exploration environment? I want to add as an edit: Mafia needs to also keep its niche, which is fast paced story telling, point A to B. I’m loving it now how they are balancing story and exploration opportunities.
What game are you currently playing?
Reality vs Adventure replied to NightmareFarm's topic in Gaming Forum
Last night I started playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided. It's blown my mind so far. Completely brilliant. Now I'm stuck wondering if I should stop where I'm at and play Human Revolution first cause I feel I would enjoy the story even more if I did. But I don't want to stop playing it now. -
Konami to begin The Silent Production Team...
Reality vs Adventure replied to Knight Plug's topic in Gaming News
I'm confused here about who all are involved. Isn't Bloober Team the developer making a silent hill game? Isn't Konami a developer? I thought they lost their marbles or something. So is this two different developers working together on one game?- 2 replies
- konami
- thesaunderschild
(and 5 more)
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I think this is so cool that there will be a new Zelda movie by Nintendo as well as Sony working together on this. And I know there are some fans on this forum for Zelda, so I'm sure this is going to be exciting the more we start hearing about it. It was just announced so there isn't a trailer yet. Something to keep your eye on for sure! I was looking for a good youtube video to display, but I'll leave that up to those more in tuned to good gaming announcements so I don't post one that's lame. lol But this is a big deal no doubt so I started a thread as soon as I saw the movie was in the making.
Microsoft officially owns Activision/Blizzard/King.
Reality vs Adventure replied to Smokey's topic in Gaming News
I personally don't like the deal. It's just natural for me to be against large corporations buying things up and reducing competition. But I trust CMA in UK and the FTC in USA made the purchase fair. I think the FTC has appealed the decision, but I don't think that's gonna go anywhere now once the deal gets under way. Bobby Kotick will stay at Activision till end of 2023, so maybe they can revamp the bad working conditions at Activision. I find it interesting that part of the deal to allow Microsoft's purchase go through was to allow Ubisoft access to cloud gaming for all Activision/Blizzard games plus any new games made for the next 15 years. That's a pretty big deal for Ubisoft. I guess I should say congrats to Ubisoft as a big winner in this. Microsoft also made a deal with Sony, which allows them to access all Call of Duty games only, for 10 years.