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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. I think the iPhones have already opened the path to that because it's funny to see even when people are around each other, they are still on their phones. And the addiction to social media and egotism are on the rise in society. Self importance is based on how popular you are on the internet. I remember the days when we were excited about having a penpal and being able to communicate with someone far away. But now technology has really degraded what distance friends are supposed to be by having so many of them. And instead of acknowledging those around us, we forget how to separate present time from leisure time. We run to our phones as soon as we get breaks from work; some people even use the toilet while checking their media. So even basic human necessities are done while communicating to the unknown. I think there is one thing that will dampen social media and that is war because in war, the social media will get attacked and even forced shut down so the world can't see what goes on. So no matter how hooked everyone gets on the metaverse, it will all get taken from us one way or another. Enjoy it while you can and don't forget to acknowledge those in real life instead of your phones.
  2. Mine means exactly what it says. All the things we have to deal with in life's reality crashing against adventure and the escape. Sometimes it bleeds in together and other times it is at complete opposition. I hope adventure wins out in the end, but reality keeps everything in check. The two have a strangle hold over the other.
  3. Nothing like two white supremacists having an interview. Here is the real Rittenhouse Watch video at 50 sec and at 1 min 48 sec. He is in black shirt and red shorts And here is Rittenhouse flashing white supremacist signs at 10 sec
  4. Yep, a murderer is loose on the street and will become a future politician of America. And he is a murderer where the system of privilege was on display for all to see. His judge was obviously bias. The judge went on a rant in the courtroom and complained about the media. The judge banned MSNBC from his court. The judge allowed Rittenhouse to pick who stays on the jury in order to make him 'feel comfortable.' The judge didn't allow the term 'victim' for those that were murdered. The judge dismissed the minor in possession of a gun charge because the gun barrel was a little bit shorter than the illegal parameters. The judge didn't allow the use of a video showing Rittenhouse beating on a female protester in a different protest on a different day. So that shows who he is. So with that past behavior, Rittenhouse was a minor in illegal possession of a weapon, who travelled out of state armed with the intention to provoke conflict and kill. After his shooting spree, he just walked over to the police who let him go and was later arrested the next day. And the police themselves, during that protest, the police had the intention to corner the protestors and let the militias deal with them. So this type of a system has an affect of this outcome that enables people to go on killing sprees of protestors, with police acting as enablers. And all they have to do is claim self defense even if they provoked conflict. This is another attack on free speech and assembly along with new laws allowing for vehicles to be used to run over protestors and legally kill them. And Rittenhouse while out on bail flashed a white power hand sign while hanging out with Proud Boys, who are considered terrorists in Canada. And now he is suing Biden for calling him a white supremacist. And to have the republicans fighting over him to give him a job just shows that party has lost all morality. Does this photo look like the judge was at all gonna jail Rittenhouse? I've never before seen an accused murderer and judge so comfortable.
  5. I don't think it does anymore than tv watching or internet. I think life itself is what makes one an introvert whether from personality, past experiences, or your built environment where it may be hard to access other activities. Or it could be not having transportation or money to do other things. And in the future where accessing leisure activities becomes even harder due to increased population and the advancement of VR headsets, we may very well just forget about the outside world and get everything we need strapped to the VR machine. Gaming doesn't socially distance you, but your environment does. And look at all the people hooked on social media. That is a far greater placement of a social life that I think helps drive people to be more of an introvert because they are more concerned with online popularity more than real life popularity. So after all is said, it's technology and the destruction of social spaces in the real world, and life's polarization, which drives a normal socially healthy person to be an introvert.
  6. I don't know much about astronomy or what kind of job you would get, but I think there is probably a lot of physics involved. I remember taking a physics course and it was the lowest grade I ever got. I made a C in that class. It was interesting, but the math was difficult. And the lab made me look like a retard because I didn't understand a damn thing. Don't even know how I passed. You would probably have to take many physics classes and you definitely have to know calculus in order to do the physics math. And calculus sucks, and I'm sure you would have to take several of calculus courses too. While the field may be fun to you, getting there won't be. Especially if you want a masters or doctorate. And being out of school so long, you would have to take tons of basics before even getting to the good stuff relating to your field. Look up jobs to see what you would want to do and if there is a good field for it. Maybe you can be a professor. Don't want to spend all that money then end up working an office job with a degree making the same as someone without a degree.
  7. I'm starting a new religion called Biochemical-physicsanity because it is the one true religion unspoken since the dawn of man. Now that man understands the science of biochemistry and physics, we have something true and proven to worship. Gods are elements making up of every physical matter we know of. Worship them. They are within you. They make everything possible in a true reality sense. Physics such as gravity allows for us to exist. Now pray to the physics God. Biochemistry is all life including bacteria. We are composed of multicellular biochemical Gods. The physics of elements with electrons and protons working with the composition of molecules enables all of life. Our biochemical Gods form castles in Heaven called cells. The DNA sequences and gravity Gods enables all of us to move, communicate, and in some instances, think. Worship in the temple of nature, where you can see God's work proven for all to see and believe, instead of only believing. Faith is in the processes of physics and biochemistry that will never be broken.
  8. Quote: "You are not made in God's image, we are made in yours" Gods are speaking to you believers; American Gods; spread across the world; you made the Gods...YOU MADE GOD!!! GET ON YOUR KNEES AND WORSHIP YOUR MAN MADE GODS!!!
  9. I finished the game and it was seriously intense. I had a bad ending so thankfully you can replay missions and I got a better ending. DO NOT try to replay your game before finishing it if you didn't like a scenario. And that is something I hate about choice based games is that you really aren't given a choice if decisions are based on how fast you can push a button. But the story was adrenaline pumping as you saw in my previous posts. This game has, in my mind, symbolism of slavery. Androids gaining consciousness and wanting freedom is the same as the perpetrators treated slaves and how slaves wanted to break away. And to do it peaceful or forceful is a choice that is hard to make.
  10. @The Blackangel is right on; I wouldn't want to be in the path of her shotgun spread
  11. Playing my open world, I look out beyond. I see the rivers, hills, ocean, mountains, valleys, roads...I can go anywhere I want. I am staring at all the opportunities. No matter what path I take, it will lead to a different unique experience. No path is the same. Having that freedom is very beyond me in life. To have those choices is something most don't have. To have those choices can be overwhelming. Freedom. I want to stick to roads where things were meant to be. But drift and break away from conformity. Travel up the hill to get a view. Go wherever you want. Walk the path, ride the path, and see things as the game wanted you to see. In that sense, all those roads as I look at them...the sea, the mountains, are all a liminal space because no matter what degree I want to turn and journey, will lead me into a different experience. CHOICE IS LIMINAL
  12. That bastard is a cross between the wicked witch of the west and joker
  13. Yesterday I agree that riots are bad. Right now, this demon with his nose right inside a buttcrack deserves a rebellion.
  14. I really like this guy and everything he talks about. This is something republicans have also done in Florida when hospitals were at capacity and funds were withheld for political reasons--republican political reasons. And those reasons are not in the best interests of the country or for the world in that matter of pandemics. This is history. Make a name---republicans really want to make a name. But they fail in their mental capacity to realize that their brand will be the bottom of humanity when future historians write about this. And they can't hide their falsehoods from the world stage.
  15. When are you gonna play A Plague Tale--I think you got the game at one point?
  16. How many consoles/pc do you own for gaming?
  17. Yeah, it will be hard to escape all the puke ruining the essence and beauty of bikes
  18. All the warriors out there, all those who fell-all those who lived, all those who sacrificed, all those who didn't sacrifice. Enlisting for privilege, forced fight, defending, attacking, motivations...Is a good warrior based on motivations? Conquer? Defend? What exactly is a warrior? We see all them ancient and modern types; spartans, romans, valhallans, navy seals, ninjas, samurai, warriors from all places; decorated and experienced. What drives them? What makes the best warrior? Defending home or attacking another’s home? What makes the better warrior? Spiritual or self? Agility or intelligence? Strength? Who is stronger? Someone who weighs 150 pounds and benches 150 pounds—-or someone who weighs 250 pounds and benches 200 pounds? Do guns and technology make the human race weaker? To live by the gun and press buttons or to live by physical strength and agility. Machine guns can wipe out entire battlefields of ancient times. But fight face to face like a man should, modern humans are all pansies. Put a flower in your ear while you tote a gun. Hold your dick in your hand while you tote an axe.
  19. It's times like these where you wonder why all employees don't stage a walkout and just shut the place down till the CEO is replaced. But pigs always have muddy friends that inhabit the pen.
  20. Facebook is going through some changes and one of those is changing its name from Facebook to Meta which also is changing the name of Oculus Quest to Meta Quest starting 2022. There was controversy that you needed a Facebook account in order to log in to your Oculus, but now they are no longer going to require that. People were getting confused whether their Oculus was tied to their personal or professional Facebook account. So maybe the name change is a good thing to give Oculus or Meta Quest a refreshing start. So hopefully we will no longer have to sign in to a social platform for our gaming needs. https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/28/22751220/facebook-portal-oculus-quest-meta-horizon-renaming
  21. Doesn't seem many people are using the Oculus on this forum, but something to consider to maybe reach that audience.
  22. My update 5.00 finally installed after a week. That's how slow my s**t is. But there is a Oskoreia festival for the fall season until 12/02/21 where you can get free stuff. And you get free opals to spend on gear from Ubisoft Connect.
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