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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. The Witcher 3 has Axii ability to help dialogue, but he puts their mind under a subservient spell so that they do as he wishes. You could even make the enemy fight the other enemies for you. That's like the berserk ability in some games. In a world without magic, run
  2. I just started GTA 5 and put in some hours; last night I dreamt about the game in a long dream it seemed. I went around and did a bunch of quests. I woke up confused wondering if I actually did those quests in the game. Then wakeful reality set in, and once again I see the burning flames of hell called real life. 🙃
  3. All these apocalyptic games probably would have made me some kind of a prepper. And all these real like military games probably would have influenced me just enough to join the military since the military is in both sides of my family. I actually wish I did.
  4. Those are some pretty popular games there. You should really give Dead Space a try.
  5. I think Witcher 3 is a legendary game. There is so much to do and explore, with a great main story as well as pretty damn good side quests.
  6. I'm loving this game and currently still playing it. Definitely an underrated gem. I haven't played the first one yet, but already bought that game and gonna play after I finish this one. I probably should have played the first one before it, but I've heard that the second is so much better so that's why I started with that one. But it's up there at the top of my horror favorites.
  7. For some reason it was hard for me to get into when I first played it, but I'm already at the point I stopped playing last time, but it just feels different now. It's bad ass. I don't know where my head was before. That happens sometimes giving games another try. I think I'm done buying new games for a while. I personally think it's best to wait till the game has been out for a year or two. I've got to play these ones I do have though.
  8. Exactly; if they personalize the character you can see who they are and not what they are. But when they are impersonalized as just fodder, then I take issue with it because that way of thinking can be embedded into people’s minds if that’s all they repeatedly see.
  9. You wouldn't even see the sword. It will be hidden in a bag till she pulls it out lol.
  10. That's cool. I got the game recently and now I just need to download it.
  11. I've decided on GTA 5 and installed it. Might as well go for the gold.
  12. This new God of War is looking pretty interesting. I didn't even know a new one was coming out till this topic. You are right that a Jotun doesn't really have limitations so I think Angrboda shouldn't have much of a controversy. The only problem I would have when adding a black person in lore like that is if the black skin, prejudice slang, or features of an ethnic group are represented as a villain that you must kill and eliminate. That has been the pattern in entertainment. So if they made all the Jotun black and made them villains, I would have a problem with it. But that doesn't look to be the case here, so to make an entity black that usually is blue and have people complain that that skin color doesn't belong at all is selective creative freedom. From a brief lore lesson on reading a little about it, some of the Gods are descendants of the Jotnar. So maybe that is the real reason they get upset of a black Jotun.
  13. Looks like GTA 5 is getting the most votes. I think it's a toss up between GTA 5, Batman, and Uncharted 4. Maybe even Detroit Become Human since it seems like a faster game before something like GTA 5. Hmmmm
  14. I was playing Arkham Knight at one point but had to delete it for space. I was only still at the beginning stages but I actually was enjoying it.
  15. Yeah, each category that is unlocked you have to purchase the top one first in the row before you can purchase the one under it. I never did unlock all of the abilities in each row so don't start unlocking or purchasing everything in an entire row. Get what you feel you need and save some supplements for other tiers you unlock by finding the survival guides.
  16. For me, it would be that too many games make you have to hunt animals for food and supplies as if they are just there to serve mankind's needs. It belittles them. I think that sort of thing should be more reserved for survival games and not exploit it in every game. Then to have a quest to slay a beast in its own territory as if it did anything wrong outside of existing. And no, I don't want to force any developer to not hunt animals in their games. Just had to make that point for the real snowflakes out there. Nobody is trying to take away hunting rights in games. lol
  17. I want it to be a big bubble head and release clouds of smoke that takes me to the clouds.
  18. The first one seemed pretty open worldly because you cold go back and forth between sections of the map. Not so much in Infinity. I think it could work and would be pretty awesome if they did that. But they would still have to block off certain sections so as to save it for when the story gets there.
  19. That is why I don't want any more pets after the ones I have are gone. I love to have them, but don't want to lose them; I get way too attached. This is the world we live in. I think about my pets everyday, what would I do if they were gone. I try to train myself to feel the suffering before it happens so that I can be prepared when it does. And there really is no preparation. You will always feel some sort of guilt no matter what. But please fight it whenever it creeps into your mind. Mourn for a while and I hope you eventually find a smile whenever you think about any pet you lost. I've got tears in my eyes too thinking about what you are going through.
  20. Nothing like an oversized battle axe, scythe, or a hammer! I get excited when I see it, but only in a fantasy setting obviously. Wouldn't want Ellie in TLOU pulling out a 6 foot sword.
  21. Wouldn't that be a game like Age of Empires where you can see the enemy and your own army battle it out?
  22. I'm usually pretty relaxed when i game. Worst I get is say, "Oh cmon, really?" Then impatiently wait for the reload after I die again over something stupid. If I get to a point where it's a bit difficult and after a number of attempts I will stop it there for another day and play something else. Matter of fact, I did that last night.
  23. I have a list of games I have and don't know which to play. Some I have played a little but for a reason or another, including systems breaking down on me; I have a list I need your input what to play first. So out of these games, which do you recommend the most? If you have a list, then share it and let us input. Uncharted 4 Ghost recon wildlands GTA5 Batman Arkham Knight Greedfall Final fantasy 15 Detroit Become Human Sekiro
  24. All of this is still the republican doing. I have empathy for Bush and I think he has had a change of heart over the past few years. I don’t think we should put republicans on the spotlight of good when everything we do is trying to correct the problems republicans have done. What about all the democrats that have done good. Put them on the spotlight. I hope Bush and the likes forms a new republican party. If not then be a democrat or form a new 3rd party. Or 4th party. I am really tired of a republican that finally tries to do good is congratulated more than those always fighting to do good. It’s like a toddler finally shit the toilet seat. We still and always will have to correct republican malfunctioning problems. But that is one of the best speeches Bush ever gave. And to talk about domestic terrorism in a way as similar to 9/11 without calling names tells you right there what we all know in unspoken words. And trump to get riled up and attack Bush for it is 100% a guilty conscious that trump refers to himself and party as terrorists similar to those that attacked NYC. I wanted to talk about all this on 9/11 but didn’t want to express truth on such a day. I have respect for that day and it should be a coming together moment. That is long lost and a past time. The terrorists won the war. They did exactly what they wanted to do. The attacks wasn’t just to kill and stoke fear. It was to make people start hating racially and slowly lose freedoms in order to fight terrorism. Russia does the same thing to the U.S. using social media. Their target is republicans because they are the easiest to provoke racism and violence. Terrorists won the war in more ways than one. Republicans actually are what foreign terrorists wanted to trigger in this country all along. And now the republican party is white ISIS. They are an extension of the terrorist beliefs that they downright accept, but consider themselves different because they are white. Their money and all resources will lead to the same place all terrorists utilize to attack America. We need domestic terrorist laws. Unfortunately, if we did that then once republicans gain any control, they will declare any protestor against them a terrorist. They have already tried to when trump was president on multiple occasions. And trump administration even kidnapped protestors into unmarked officers, unmarked vehicles, and detained secretly. That shit is what dictators do like Belarus recently in the news. Look at the athletes in the olympics fleeing their country. Foreign terrorists and domestic terrorists are alike and have the same principle and should be treated the same. An American citizen should not have any special rights or smaller prison sentence for a terrorist attack. Bush knows the threat; he was there. So to say domestic terrorism is likened as the 9/11 attack, considering what far right groups planned at the Jan 6 coup attempt, is spot on. He knows this failed terrorist overseas war was a failure. 20 years later it takes a democrat to pull out in slop. It was slop over a 20 year failed period. Once again, thank you Bush for having a change of heart in your world, but you don't deserve the spotlight. Those that fight for democracy deserve it.
  25. Me too; I expect a great adventure but for some reason it doesn't demand attention. There is nothing that makes me want to play it, knowing the developers have a good rep. I played Uncharted 2 and liked it. I am a stone figure with hand on chin, elbow on knee pondering.
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