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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. I was once like that, when I was playing PES as a beginner. But my close friend came and made me understand how important a map can be while playing PES and even any other game.
  2. The reason is because you've played the game severally in the past and master the key points in the game where to aim perfect and down enemies. So, it will be hard for what you know about the game to escape your memory.
  3. That's tremendous, the likes of @Shagger, and you, and Heatman, have been a regular when it comes to video game recommendations to me in this forum.
  4. I remembered the game Monster Hunter, I've played it earlier before on PS2 console which is the version 4, about five years ago. The game is hard in its game-play, I didn't master it because I never played for long. Kudos to your brother for seeing the game as a easy game to play.
  5. That's cool. I understand your point of thinking earlier that it will be expensive than expect due to the present economic situation of the world. Things are simply going double in prices, I'm shock to see such happening, but not in the case of this external speakers.
  6. You might still see gamers who are playing it till today. Have you forget that some gamers prefer the retro gaming than the current editions?
  7. That's perfect, if you wouldn't get to play it again then it's better that way to encourage someone with it, instead of keeping it for fancy.
  8. Via Google search engine. P.S: back to topic of discussion. How many threads have you made since you entered this contest? Because I'm seeing some of your threads at the general gaming sub-forum but none is marked for you here at the contest. I want to be part of the contest @DC. Let me see if I'll get a digital/hard copy of the PS4 video game to my friend since I don't have a PS4.
  9. Yes, the progress will surely be low, due to my present health condition or mindset not being at the right state of mind. Gaming will be made uninteresting for me.
  10. Many kinds of glitches or bugs. Especially the one that hangs after playing for some time, making my progress to stall. That one is the most frustrating one. Another one is inability to get my slide tackles accurately around AI. When I slide close call, it will never get the tackle successful which isn't like that in real life. Players celebration very unrealistic, running through their fellow players, like their body is an Express way.
  11. Yeah, forums keeps it clean through the act of moderation. If you aren't moderating your forum, their is no way, it can be kept clean from spammers. In social media lots of users spam with unsolicited messages and scam is at the highest there.
  12. Yeah, they are in the business of profit, and not trying to make good name and accrue losses and falling behind other competitors who will be selling high. They have lots of expenses to cover, and selling with such discount will make them run at loss.
  13. The PC I'm going for isn't a new one, because new Microsoft Windows PC with 500GB internal storage memory and 8GB RAM, with other high specs, compatible for high quality gaming will cost me in the region of $500-$600 at the moment. So, that's off my budget, I'll go for fairly used PC of that kind. And I've made inquiry, it will cost me total of $300 if I go for fairly used version. As for the chair, I am budgeting $50-$60 to buy, and it's very way off my budget for the ones posted here. Unless I receive huge amount of money in the future to take care if it.
  14. Yes, I've come across majority of those games. They simply made it for PS5 exclusively to attract people buying the PS5 console instead of being stuck with old consoles.
  15. I think it's becoming addicted to them, changing such policy will really take time, only by grace before they can revert back to normal and stop looting.
  16. Yes, most of the video game companies are simply producing games around lower engine consoles instead of going to the latest gen consoles. Maybe with time, they'll bring that feature into their video game company and make compatible video games for PS4 and PS5.
  17. It was simply much of the installed video games. I can remember some and not all of them which I've played this year.
  18. Normally what they did is simply the best, refund gamers their money because the game isn't what they expected.
  19. That's tremendous, you place the Sega Saturn version as your number one, which you bought with your money in the past.
  20. I didn't check for the released date of the two video games, it doesn't matter too much. Whet really matters is the quality gaming it will offer.
  21. Resident Evil is one of those games which majority of gamers love playing the game, due to how enjoyable the game-play it's all about.
  22. When the demand is very high what do you think should happen? Just scarcity will happen. The number of gamers asking about newly created consoles are very high than the number of consoles released.
  23. Just few reviews are enough for such gamers, they don't need to read everything to grasp exactly what the passage is addressing around the video game.
  24. That's one thing with soccer games especially on PES series. When you don't run excessively you stamina will be very much okay, but when you sprint too much it will reduce. But when you take some time to relax and not sprint excess it will gradually rebuild.
  25. Yeah, even if the discount isn't going to be much no matter the -50% integrated or mentioned on them, we know it isn't really -50% discount, it's an editing work that made it look as if it's up to such percentage of discount.
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