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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. I am still stuck with my PS3 up to this moment, I believe I'll get another one sooner which is an upgrade of PS3 console.
  2. I know their is copyright laws which deals with those who breach copyright laws through fraud. Without those laws guiding the creative industry many could've been succeeding into that with ease.
  3. For instance, if I can code a companion helper in a mission game, I'll simply do my best to mod the characters, and equip them.with big amours and making them powerful to down the enemies.
  4. Deathloop, resident evil series, dark souls are simply scary games which increases the immersion during playing time.
  5. I am spending most of my time here at VGR forum than any other forum. I just love the recommendations done by other members, and the way users are helpful, and respectful.
  6. Let's see what the future holds for battlefield 2042. It's still a game most gamers are waiting for, due to how unique and lively the older versions of the game appears.
  7. Some puzzles makes me think beyond human realms, that's why I cancelled most of the puzzle games because they don't worth the stress.
  8. xD, I understand your points buddy, the new corporate shills are simply in to drain us via their micro-transaction policy. That's why I wouldn't rate them here, i prefer the old video games which you listed above, due to their No micro-transaction strategies.
  9. It's always entertaining to play video games with friends and family, that's where the amusement lies mostly. If you're a father or a mother do you make-out time to share 'video games with your wards or share with your relatives during leisure time?
  10. I love PC for two things when it comes to gaming. * Streaming made easy; one can simply stream his or her favourite video games with ease and minimize the PC while doing other tasks too. * Ability to mod; Not all device/consoles can allow such, I've seen that around lots of PC gamers, modding their favourite game and adding their own custom designs etc.
  11. You've shown high spirit when it comes to showing reflexes around gaming. You've tried in that capacity to finish two editions around GTA series, that's fabulous.
  12. I've played Gran Turismo II and IV, motorcycle GP from 2019-2021 via PS2- PS3 consoles. That's the two games I'll rate very high at the moment.
  13. Nothing happens overnight, it's matter of time, and most of the said things, features will be accomplished.
  14. You can be playing Forza horizon 4, expect to see Forza horizon 5 coming out sooner. Are you going to dump your progress at the edition 4 for the 5th one?
  15. How many winners will be choosing from the contest? It wasn't specified in the contest content.
  16. GTA have lots of editions from "Vice city 1-5, you get San Andreas version and the remastered version too. Which one of this GTA series have you started and finished?
  17. Their are different consoles/devices used for gaming, it depends on anyone's preference or choice. I am more of a PS gamer, I am currently playing video games on PS3. It might not offer the best game-play, graphics, image quality/background, but it offers some kind of quality gaming. Which console/device are you playing video games currently on?
  18. Which video game company or companies stand out as your best due to its video games quality? And also, share those amazing video games which made you cast your vote for the company as the best.
  19. And its very bad, when one allows the spirit of addiction yo make him or her beginessing up and playing video games too often, even when it doesn't matter.
  20. Okay, if he's talking about cricket game, I don't think I can help him out such capacity, because I hate cricket with passion, I don't play nor take my time out to watch where they're playing it.
  21. Yes, we follow the uptrend, I wouldn't like it when the gaming industry is going up and I'm going down, I simply wants to follow the party to reach new haven.
  22. Yeah, and that's one of the changes that makes video game worth it. God of war us well built, and the characters are like real humans, the cut-scenes looks real too.
  23. I asked because their are many call of duty versions, that's why I tried to be sure if its a new one or not. Their is no doubt, the mobile version looks superb like the console type, the background and image quality is high.
  24. I believe this is latest call of duty franchise video game right? The gameplay is simply superb.
  25. Yes, God of war is popular video game compatible to different gaming devices. Had it been the devs never put hardwork to make the game-play to look realistic and fun, they wouldn't have gained the popularity today.
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