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Everything posted by Justin11

  1. Any of the racing games can take me <just 15 minutes to enjoy the groove that comes from it.
  2. I was thinking Motorcycle GP do cross-play, I never knew such feature elude the game. And it's a disaster to the beautiful game, cos I couldn't play with my friend that uses another gaming device.
  3. Their is no point to argue what we can't settle. I prefer any video game console that is made quality which brings about improved game-play that is more realistic.
  4. I see you playing soccer games @Heatman. Your Football manager is one of them. Which one do you want to learn again?
  5. You're right dearie, and such prize j wouldn't want to pay, because it's disastrous. And I wouldn't want to endanger my health due to excessive gaming.
  6. The trailer helps in a good capacity to know if the game at least, will be a good game or not. The reviews other persons have made through it is encouraging too, to go for the game or abandon it.
  7. Base on what you've said, you mean the games are suckers to your time playing games?
  8. Provided you're staying in the right posture, then it doesn't cause strain or pain in any of your body parts.
  9. When I am not having satisfaction around the game, I simply stay off and not wasting more time trying do adjust when I know it wouldn't work.
  10. I Am not simply moved with GTA 6 edition coming into play sooner, it's been said, it will take some time before the game comes Live.
  11. When I notice that the controller is simply making my hands to experience pain, I simply take off and relax the hand to continue after much needed rest.
  12. I am not an online gamer that have made some trophies through unlocking of items after accomplishments. I rack some trophies via my offline gaming mode, just that I can't keep to the numbers.
  13. They simply have to remove many things dragging their game backward. I don't think I'll be upgrading to any version of FIFA anytime soon if those dreadful policies aren't changed for good.
  14. You're right dearie. They wouldn't have gone for the game after it's release. The trailer is simply an eye opener to how the game looks like.
  15. Hmm, you're right. I've seen some gamers who are still with their PS1 and PS2 console up to this day. But that shouldn't encourage me much to stick around with the console.
  16. They'll be chasing for money alone and forgot that, money isn't everything on Earth we should focus on because when we aren't making customers happy the userbase or customer-bsse slide down.
  17. Those detailed information is simply what I want at utmost. I don't need much from the trailer, I watch it to get clue how the game will function after it's launch.
  18. 😅, You're welcome dearie. PS3 is outdated, new franchise consoles are using more of the GB for better quality games.
  19. They should try their best to adopt more robust security protocol in order to find life miserable for those pirates never to milk from their creative works.
  20. Most games are simply annoying especially when they aren't inspiring with low features. I never for one day lived 'chess and Gorogoa.
  21. Yes, most of the PS3 console games doesn't collect more than 10GB of data. You can simply make more research about it, and you'll find out what I'm telling you.
  22. Yeah, I went through the Call Of Duty Vanguard it's simply three (3) minutes of watchtime, it didn't cross it.
  23. Sure, I wouldn't waste time on my own to get such a game, because it satisfied my urge and hunger for gaming which is made quality.
  24. Yes, their is someone behind the scene while the pirates are simply turning such fraudulent ideas into money making venture.
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