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Everything posted by Head_Hunter

  1. It never ends, it's just like the abyss, expect it to be unending battle royale xD, EA FIFA needs to improve for others to have fun.
  2. That's cool, it isn't hard getting loads of music. I don't doubt, I just want to hear your response. When we have xender, xshsre, music can be flashed within seconds.
  3. I've made mistake in the past in my decision making, getting a failed AAA game. Meaning, it didn't interest me after it's purchase.
  4. Did you purchased anyone that got you angry due to how disappointing it is?
  5. I didn't say underrated, but disappointed with. So, in that case, I underrated it, because it caused me money which I didn't enjoy for a single bit.
  6. Not for me, that's why I take time enough before going to add any new AAA video game to my list of backlog games. I just don't want to feel very disappointed spending such amount of money due to how poor the game is developed.
  7. When it comes to the game I played and regretted ever buying, then I have to mention GTA trilogy edition. Which I spent $59.5 to purchase as at the time I got it.
  8. It adds to the frustration of life. It happened to me earlier, but not specifically on mobile phone. I got a computer game when I was a child, the vendor who sold it for me, told me that the game is Sega game compatible. I got it, and tried to search for places to move Sega genes inside, but couldn't work out for me, they told me the computer game can't access Sega video games. Such made me ruin over my lost funds, and tune wasting which j could've used to focus elsewhere.
  9. Even though I got the Horizon Forbidden West game, I wouldn't still play without going break from it. I play it together with EA FIFA, I'll say it's the most consistent game for me at the moment.
  10. Wresting, sims, and animé video games are just crap to me, I just have to sound plain. I never loved playing them, unless coincidentally, which I don't spend much time on them.
  11. You can't compare PS4 to PS2, it is better off in a ramifications. I know that PS2 games are fun with it's game-plays, but in PS4, their is more class. When you talk about it's realistic gameplay performance, you talk about graphics, characters image quality, and improved story mode etc.
  12. I might have dropped dark souls too from the list of my active games, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't play it in the future when the need of wanting stern challenge arises.
  13. Their are communities where you'll be and you feel settled like you're in your comfort zone offline. I love visiting forums, than social medias, since I don't have much to do with social medias.
  14. I am not getting Elden ring at the moment, let me play Horizon Forbidden West for some time to get desensitized to it, then I'll consider getting the other.
  15. Correct. The game isn't on the racing, I've got the games, I can play anytime I want since I am not winning any trophy trying to rush it which can be redeemable.
  16. I enjoyed playing Pokémon Legends 'Arceus, on my friend's Switch device. The game amused me, making me thinking about getting a Nintendo switch device.
  17. No matter how you're committed to playing FIFA series, it has no ending, it is continuous until New edition comes in. That's the game I am mostly desensitized to, I am not more of a completionist. I play for the fun, at times I don't even follow the quest (roadmap) of the game, I play what is just plessing to me.
  18. That's interesting, I've been a lover of NFS for some time, I enjoy playing it, even if it isn't often nowadays.
  19. That's one of the factors that slows down the playing of video games. When you're busy, you wouldn't have that time much for playing games. It is normal because we need to make our daily bread as well from things that keeps us busy.
  20. I fit you Mod, I was trying to figure out the uniqueness of play station when compared to Xbox. I've been a play station favourite for some time, without owning Xbox before. So, when it comes to Play station Plus feature, I'll choose it over Xbox Live, provided the services meets the requirements. I can't look elsewhere when Sony is making it easier for us.
  21. Okay, I got exactly what you were saying earlier buddy.
  22. No need anymore, I've sorted things out with the mod.
  23. You mean about the game or the classic PS2 consoles?
  24. Some mobile brands doesn't take longer to produce remake of the previous brand that pulled lots of crowd, to continue driving sales.
  25. If you don't give strict rules and you're being too loose to your child over excessive gaming, it will hard to revive the child from addiction when it becomes a routine to him.
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