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Everything posted by Techno

  1. Hey guys, I have an idea, in support of Ukraine we should change over profiles to the Ukraine flag.
  2. True, I understand that there were console upgrades they could just push, but it was time for a change. It has been seven to eight years, the time was ripe for change.
  3. "Me fail English? That's umpossible" He's right, scientifically speaking he has spoken more godly than any other English speaker known to man. Umpossible is the holiest word known to science, as it makes so much sense, yet no sense at all. Ralph Wiggins is a god, the god of English. Umpossible is the word to end all words, there is no word greater, no word stronger, and no word smarter. It truly is umpossible for Ralph to fail English.
  4. Anyone else think that February was a little too packed? Poor Horizon was shadowed by Elden Ring.
  5. In the battlefield, the last thing the military is worried about is cleanness. They don't stay in safe clean spots, they go into dangerous environments; get dirt, sand, mud, and water everywhere. And they have to wipe blood after every little skirmish. They ain't clean, they're in the middle of deserts, swamps, forests, and every other difficult place on Earth.
  6. Same here, I don't have the patience nor the smarts to even attempt to date. Sides, food never turns on you, sex betrays you the moment it can.
  7. Big Bang Theory isn't funny, it's annoying. The laugh track invaded my brain, the characters are one note stereotypes, and the jokes are just not there.
  8. What your hopes and prediction for ES6? When do you think it will come out? And how many bugs do you think the game is going to get?
  9. No, it was time to move on honestly, the PS4 and Xbox Ones were getting stale, and we needed some new toys.
  10. First Half Of March: FAR: Changing Tides (Cloud, Console, PC, ) – March 1, available day one with Game Pass Microsoft Flight Simulator (Cloud) – Available today Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (Console and PC) – March 3 Kentucky Route Zero (Cloud, Console, and PC) – March 10 Lawn Mowing Simulator (Xbox One) – March 10 Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy (Cloud, Console, and PC) – March 10 Young Souls (Cloud, Console, and PC) – March 10, available day one on Game Pass
  11. That the latter titles, but they take away the soundtrack, the astophere and the arguments between the duo. It's why I fell off from the series.
  12. About 3-5 hours, was enough for me to get the idea of the game, lost interest and went back to Skyrim.
  13. The World is probably my biggest problem, I'm constantly finding things in Skyrim, in Red Dead, the world is just too big, BOTW was already kinda pushing it. But that game kept the world simple, and not the size of a country. Skyrim is big, but has secrets everywhere, which makes it fun to explore.
  14. I guess, but I lost interest on the series after the second game, the first two are basically the only ones I love, and the third one is okay. The rest get toned down which is when I start hating them.
  15. Today I release my biggest gaming hot take: I am not a Red Dead Redemption fan. I am not that much of a westerns type of guy. Do I understand why people like it? Yes, it's a impressive open world, but I enjoy more "Fantastical" games like BOTW, Skyrim, Halo, or Minecraft. For me, I just can't get into the genre because it gets too generic for me. At least with FPS games, they can feel unique from other FPS games. But westerns always feel the same. I do somewhat enjoy the story, but I am just not that into it. I don't really know what it is, but I'm just not all that into it. What do you guys think about my hot take?
  16. Allow me to ask this: If video games cause violence, then wouldn't that mean that movies, tv shows, and books would also cause violence? Which would lead to the conclusion that Shakespeare needs to be censored to protect the kids. Because we shouldn't blame Timmy gunning down Susie, on GTA, but rather on the bullying and abusive father.
  17. Ah man it looks great, too bad I don't play PC. I'm a console rat.
  18. What Musical is your favorite? For me it's 1776, a true classic for mocking Congress, it even got Nixon mad at a song.
  19. I've been wanting to rant about this game for a while now, and I finally have the brain cells to do it. Without further ado: Why I hate Ratchet And Clank 2016 with a burning passion. Imagine for a moment that you are at a fish market, wanting to buy a lovely salmon, you already enjoyed this certain type of salmon, you could even say your a fan of the salmon, and when you buy the salmon, you end with a long strip of meat, this meat is not a full fish, it's a slice of meat that has a tapeworm solved into it because the fish seller wanted to sell more tuna, and so sabotaged the salmon. Ratchet and Clank means a lot to me, mainly because it's a edgy, atmospheric game about gunning down robots and aliens. The 2016 has none of that, and is rather the cheap ripoff version that would have been sold in a back alley. For starters, they gutted out nearly half of the game, this is a spit to the face of people who's favorite level was Eudora, and was deeply wanting to see it in modern day graphics. To show just how many levels they gutted here is a list of levels they took out: Eudora Umbris Battalia (Techically they turned it into a snow level, and removed the NPCs in it) Orxon Hoven Oltanis Orbit Oltanis Quartu (They changed it to the point that it's a different level) Veldin Orbit Veldin (Changed it to the point of it being different) As you can you about half of the game is missing from the 2016 version, every one of these levels was destryoed in favor of a poopy movie tie in game. That's right, not only did they tear my boy Eudora away from me, but they shoved in the 2016 movie that's entirely forgettable. Besides the blatant attempt to brainwash me into watching a wet sponge, they also assassinated Ratchet and turned him into a plushie. Ratchet is not meant to be a plushie, that's Clanks job, Rachel meant to be mean, for example his greatest line is when he sees a plumber bending over and says "Hey Look plumbers crack". He also argued with Clank constantly, which was a nice change of pace for the buddy duo trope. But in 2016 they don't even speak to each other. Another problem is how badly the ruined the atmosphere, there are barely any characters in the game. A long shot from the wide cast of greedy pigs, and dimwitted bulbs that once was apart of the worlds. Ratchet was a great satire of greed, capitalism, and monopolies, something that would have angered Sony today. Also they destroyed the soundtrack, some of the best Techno music of all time, and replaced it with boring music that would be great for sleep medication. In conclusion, RIP Eudora.
  20. The best way to see it is as this "We do what we need to survive" in gaming, I throw away morals for a bit of gold, in real life, killing will just lead me to poverty.
  21. Welp WHO did it guys, they solved Gaming Addiction. A big round of applause for them.
  22. Well for one thing the Xbox 360 was backwards compatible, same with the Series S, why should I stick to the past, when I can bring the past with me and play future games? But for PlayStation, well the cult over there demands it.
  23. Not really, was about ten until I even touched Halo. That's an improvement over other kids I guess.
  24. Well of course not. violence doesn't come from a controller, it comes from the heart.
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