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Prof elohstar

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Everything posted by Prof elohstar

  1. Very well. I always make sure my players earns that rewarda because I always look forward to the award at the beginning of new season.
  2. Why a remake of final fantasy! I don't think there's need for a remake.
  3. That would be a good idea. I never thought of purchasing Spiderman on PlayStation 4. but now that it's mentioned, I'll think about it.
  4. I will also go for mk ultimate. The price difference is not that much so MK ultimate should be the better choice of purchase.
  5. Not at all. Gamers who are still playing PlayStation 1 it's either because that's the console they have access to or a side game console they play at their leisure.
  6. That's nice. So driver was actually the first game you played on PlayStation 1 console, you started with a nice game. I think my first game on PlayStation 1 console was soccer game.
  7. Hmm I can feel you better now bro. It doesn't really make sense to be able to choose your preferred team just at the beginning of your career. Although when I do play it, I always start from the Lowest division league then get better by signing on higher leagues as I play on.
  8. I also love the introduction of UCL. The graphics, the music's and the most valuable player award makes it so real and enjoyable to play.
  9. Yea bro. I understand your point. You're right. It's really difficult to choose the best game on PS4 especially when you have tried various games. Of course one can get a selection headache as you have said.
  10. Yea.. that's it. As long as I don't want to learn using the keyboard, that's how it's going to be. I'm always more comfortable using a controller.
  11. Yes bro. Lately I have been preoccupied with work such that I don't have enough gaming time and it's really sad. Reason why I need to get a good phone with high memories so I can game at my leisure easily.
  12. Same with mine too. Not carelessness in anyway. I think some phones in general are designed not to last long in market so customers can purchase another almost immediately after a new release.
  13. It didn't fall off my hand at all. You know how one can be careful when he/she gets a new devices, that's exactly how careful I was. The phone just started to malfunction for no good reason, I had to do factory reset and even do what the engineers called flashing but it just didn't work well. I had to give it out after a little while.
  14. Talking about the best, although there are several games that might be better or almost better than NFS but in the end it's a matter of choice. What I call my best might not really be another person's best.
  15. Honestly I have not played Gran Turismo. You're right I shouldn't I shouldn't be in a rush to conclude. I'll test it out soon.
  16. You're right. Attracting more customers means more funds to them too. So whatever feature that is added is mostly for their own benefit.
  17. It's true. It's a very popular game that both young and old can play at the same time, and it's also easy to get anytime and very affordable.
  18. Oh good that am on point. I use to love shooting games alot back then but I have decided to reduce playing too much shooting games and I have also reduced watching shooting movies too.. I feel reducing it somehow shows am not in support of violence in any form. It's just my feelings and nothing more
  19. That's true. Anyways I'll love to get a VR headset someday especially if I can see a very affordable one. Because am not ready to spend huge on it.
  20. Frustrated is an understatement! Many managers love the game so much that they quit due to frustration from Nordeus but came back again and again. Some of my friends have wrote them letters via their channel yet no changes. PES still remains one of my favourite soccer video game both on console and mobile. I'm still enjoying the game.
  21. I actually don't know how to use it yet. I mean the quote option. Am on it though. Smiles. Honestly it's not easy to win against a good gamer or a pro in any game. Reason why when one could get some trophies he gets high. After all RONALDO brags. Lol Very challenging I must say. When you win, there's this feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment in you. Smiles. Keep looking at the boobs. Lol
  22. Exactly. That's just the beauty of gaming via PC. Apart from this then it's console anytime.
  23. Oh this is how quote looks like! Am just trying it for the first time. Cool though. Thanks you all for your opinion. @Heatman seriously? You're really funny.
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