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Everything posted by Empire

  1. If i remember correctly, unless it is a chemical addiction, usually addiction is defined to be “addiction to the point where it affects normal life”. So yeah, for psychological addictions, as long as it don’t affect your life to the point you have problems in your life, and can’t go on, then it’s not an addiction. Me, in away MSFS2020 or anything related to flight sims.
  2. Perfect timing as having this relaxing game portable is amazing. I have it on pc free on epic store but would pay to have it on switch so I can watch Amazon while getting my ranch up and going
  3. interesting concept i only wish it was like the old sims game where natural disasters can strike and you have to deal with it. Anyone has played it for real and see how crap it is 😛
  4. Last night, I did stream it also, did hell let loose 🙂
  5. Well, one of the first games that I got into, hence the name "empire" hence that I use the name empire on all acounts and even my email. I love the game and I always tend to go back to the days when I was or were playing it.
  6. Great way to able to save money, why pay full price for games that you might not even play more then 24 hours 😛
  7. Trying to think back real hard here and trying to remmeber if I did preorder anything related to gaming. I think I haven't. I'm not a preordering person anyway, I mean why would you spend $80 or more for extra things that you aren't going to use. Also to point out that when the game is out, you can buy it on the spot. Yeah those that preorder get to download the game in readyness and whatnot, but if you have super speeds I see no point. I can buy the new Battlefield game on the day of being out and play it on the day of being out and pay $50 and not more. Like GTA 5 I brought it from a store a day after being out LOL
  8. Can be harder if you are looking at older hardware, Ebay is your best bet, tagain you have to be careful with the condition of the device at times. Or trust to where to buy and sell.
  9. Nope, or it's already to late and made up my minde, thenagain 50% of the time while playing I can change to what I think about the game. I do read reviews about games before I buy but after I brought the game I tend to not read about the reviews, other then updates and new content for the game. I say if you are the reviewer and doing it for a job or hpbby then it's differnt in away, then again you can't always please everyone.
  10. Just got back into this game, since they are doing new game that's coming very soon and I downloaded the free five days beta tester that has now ended.
  11. I don’t know if it’s the lighting specifically, but the “realistic” graphics overall give me a headache while playing Battlefield V trying to find enemy players. They blend in so well, I remember back during Battlefield 3 enemies used to stand out at least a little bit.
  12. This will be out of the list, also as I'm typing I have on of my family members peeing and spitting in the barthroom and it pee's me off that I have to seat here and hearing it. Anyway why not you go and look at a full new game to buy 🙂 that's not on your list and play it that you really want to play.
  13. This game is amazing on switch. I never played the first but if it’s anything like this one, I think it’s a great concept and great adaptation to the manga/anime. I have a lot of fun with it! It’s actually challenging too. Nothing you can’t handle but it has its moments where you get frustrated.
  14. Halo 3 Uncharted 4 Mass Effect 2 Fallout New Vegas Assassins Creed 2
  15. A lot of horror films come to mind. I think some sort of Werewolf game similar to something like the shark game Man Eater could work. But really, I just want to see another game tackle The Thing as an adaptation. I know there was a PS2 version. The Fast & Furious, John wick, kingsman, there are a ton of them that have potential. Then end product though is iffy as history tells us when they try and make movies into games or vice versa it's usually pretty terrible.
  16. Also many ammo, More ammo then you need so that you do not have to keep going back to buy more
  17. What made things more funny to me after both of them lost in this situation, epic still went ahead asked apple if they can have their dev contract for iOS back and apple gave a big nope like Lana from archer. Epic even said they'll try to see if they can get it back somehow, like a desperate ex who got denied hard at prom.
  18. I love that logo animation at the end, I'm not sure if it's because how flowing and perfect it is, or how creative it is, id say a good combo of both. But never play this game 😞
  19. I'm convinced that owners of IPs wait for projects to be in advanced/release state, so they can inflict maximum damage to devs and make sure they, or anyone else, will never try again. If they reached out in early state, maybe they're afraid of not having legal grounds, or to be worked around. A real shame. I get the owner's side, but not be reasonable just hurts everybody.
  20. Empire


    Looks alright and I saw reviews that said this was an excellent game.
  21. Everything can be used to make money. Sadly those years passed when you bought full time games which was finished and only few patch needed to fix them. Nowaday the cashgrab is much higher and basic features also set up to make money. The whole economy and business is gross. It's time to stop.
  22. I've got to say that as a Wipeout fan from the start, this is the first I've heard of this. Honestly, I was pissed off when Studio Liverpool was closed down but I can't say I could care less about this. I wasn't expecting another proper Wipeout so crap like this doesn't even registser. I've already been there with Sega and practically every one of their JRPGs especially every terrible 'Shining' game they've done over the years. Although, having said that, I think the recent mobile Shining Force game is the first one to actually look like Shining Force.
  23. I'd add in a settlement trade system in Total War Warhammer 2 so I can trade the random territories I get for ones I need to complete the province I own
  24. Make enemies actually go under your control, attacking just enemies, not the nearest person. Create illusions for enemies to fight so you can sneak past them, or maybe an illusion to make them kill themselves or something.
  25. The Mass Effect trilogy is really the first game series that I actually became emotionally invested in. Everything worked for me: building the "perfect" squad for whatever the situation called for, pursuing friendships with my crew, probing the galaxy for resources, immersing myself in the culture of whatever planet I was on, the list goes on and on. A video game had never made me shed tears of laughter, joy and sorrow before that trilogy. Great, now I'm going to have to start it all over again.
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