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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Google, YouTube, Slack, Discord, Safari, E-Mail, my bank app, reminders, and weather.
  2. How about politics are pure bullshit, and we just need a complete fucking overhaul. Kick every single politician out of government for life, from the president/prime minister, all the way down to the city councils and school boards, nation wide. Ban them all from ever holding any kind of office again, even being a leader of their own club for turd lovers. Party is irrelevant. Kick. Them. Out. Right now, we have no government. The Democrats (I'm a liberal Democrat) are chickenshits, and the republiKKKlans are fucking crazy. We're not getting anything done, because both sides are working against each other, and refusing to work together. If something doesn't change soon, we're all completely fucked here in the states. We're 98% fucked right now, and that's putting it optimistically.
  3. I believe that everyone who is nominated is in the running, unless @DC has changed the rules recently and I didn't catch it. So far there are 7 people in the running. Unless someone bows out. The only person I can see doing that, or who may not be an able candidate is @StaceyPowers, but that's only because she works for VGR.
  4. I wonder what they think about Primal Rage where all you are is either an ape or a dinosaur that can only puke or fart at each other as a special move. And as a finishing move, you piss on each other. I would love to see their response to THAT.
  5. I doubt they have any, but I'm sure you can find something about it on YouTube.
  6. It's listed as action adventure, but the one I had was so simple on the screen display, that it sure as hell didn't seem that way.
  7. One of the few games I played on PC was on an old 286 with a 2g hard drive. Who remembers having a hard drive that small but at the time thinking they had a massive one? Hell a single game today takes 20 times that much space just to load. Anyway, the game was called ZZT. I'm willing to bet that no one here has ever heard of it. It was an extremely simple DOS game, and was really fun as hell, once you figured shit out.
  8. Here's another fucked up eBay post selling a PS5 console.
  9. Welcome back. The forum has obviously grown, but I'm sure you will enjoy it.
  10. I will admit that as a goof I cheat at Monopoly. I think it's funny when I get caught, and I own up to it. But if I'm not caught I keep what I got. And when I join in a game I always make sure to let everyone know that I cheat, just because I think it's funny. So they need to watch me. If there's someone with a real problem with that, then I remove myself from the game before it starts. But if everyone is on the same wavelength as me, I play. It's a way to get a few laughs and keep everyone on their toes. But I have seen some play that game as if it was a life or death matter. Those people I don't play with.
  11. You can try to get away from toxic gamers, but that doesn't always work. @Rain Dew had to switch servers last year on FF XIV due to a toxic guy on there. She rebuilt her FC, and retainers, but the guy recently found her again. And again, his toxicity came through as he harassed her once more. She has reported this more than once, but it's obvious to both of us that nothing is being done. And I don't even play FF XIV. Also with all that damn text on the screen, I don't see how you're even able to play a game, but that's another topic.
  12. Challenging is an understatement. That game is hard as hell. I've been playing it for a few months now, and STILL haven't gotten past the first stage. So either I royally suck, or the game is hard as hell. Take your pick.
  13. I don't even need to read that article to believe it. PETA has degraded the entire concept of animal rights/protection to the point that a lot of people don't even take it seriously. "Oh your son killed your cat for fun? So get another cat. What difference does it make?" They perpetuate this kind of thought process under the guise of protecting nonhuman lives. Now, I'm all for animal rights. Hell I value their lives above my own. My babies are all more valuable than I am. No one is going to change my mind about that. But I still eat meat. I can go more into that if anyone is interested. But taking issue with a game and trying to get a meaningless mascot put into it? And that mascot being one that I seriously doubt anyone would even play as unless they were doing it as a joke, is just overstepping if you ask me. I don't see anyone entering a SSB tournament and choosing to play as Not A Nugget.
  14. Do you mean you can't understand the lyrics (physical issue), or you can't the point (opinion issue)? If it's a physical issue, that's the way with a lot of music. You just can't follow what they're saying in the lyrics. If it's an opinion, like you don't understand how anyone could like it, you'll just have to agree to disagree with a lot of the members. I like some underground rap, but I'm for all intents and purposes a metalhead. The music I can't stand is country. I listened to it when I was a kid (no choice) but starting in my mid to late teens I got to where I absolutely couldn't stand it. Granted there's one or two songs I do still like, but that's it. If anyone wants to get into more specifics on members thoughts there's already a thread similar to this HERE.
  15. It never did. Consciousness and self awareness may have, but don't confuse them with intelligence.
  16. They also have their own roster of "games" (and I use the term loosely) HERE on their site.
  17. I just saw this today, so I don't know if this is old news or new news since I couldn't find a date on it. But apparently, PETA is wanting Nintendo to add their mascot, Not A Nugget, as a playable character in Super Smash bros. It's a little baby chicken with some kind of gun or something. I'll add a pic as well. Personally, while I support animal rights, I would never get in bed with PETA. They kill and abuse more animals than any other animal rights related organization currently in action. There are animal rights groups out there that are truly fighting for animals, but aren't whoring themselves out to make money. I just can't wrap my head around this kind of blatant money grabbing attempt from something that is so far from games. And the game they chose is really what boggles me. They want to add a character, that is for creatures rights to not be abused, to a game where the objective is to beat the shit out of your opponents. These assholes have made a major misstep in their logic here. https://support.peta.org/page/32326/petition/1
  18. Prejudice can be valid in certain circumstances.
  19. Once again, Joust is a game that I considered, but I couldn't decide where it would land in any gaming style that it might have led to. Asteroids is another. It is the ultimate classic space shooter. I wasn't mentioning it, because I had already mentioned Galaga. There is no more iconic space shooter game than Asteroids. Despite the fact that you're just an oddly shaped triangle shooting white lines at other oddly polygons on a black screen, it is one of the most under looked games in the history of gaming. At least by the gamers of today. But that is simply because none of them know it exists. It may not look like much, but when it hit the Atari 2600 home console in 1981 people just about shit their pants. Everyone who was anyone had Asteroids at home on their Atari. I had one of their biggest competitors of the time, Colecovision. But I only had 3 games for it. Ladybug, which was a Pac-Man spinoff. Donkey Kong. And the 3rd one I cant remember. I think it was either Pitfall, Frogger, or Centipede most likely.
  20. Ignore his comments. The staff will take care of his nonsense, as we can see the entire forum is getting tired of it.
  21. Microsoft has a partnership with IBM Technologies and if I remember right (correct me if I'm wrong) owns a patent on their PC system, not just Windows. They have since the 80's. But they also have partnerships with dozens of other companies for dozens of other reasons, so their profits aren't solely from one single aspect of their business dealings. While one may generate more capital than the others, it isn't bringing in 95% of their yearly gross. They will make this $70 billion back in two years time. That much I am sure of. They may even make it back quicker than that. Microsoft is a huge company. Bigger than the average consumer even knows. And with a company that big, of course there are shady illegal things going on somewhere to generate even more money. I don't know exactly where the cracks are, just as I'm sure no one else here does. But that doesn't negate the fact that they are there. And until those cracks are sealed, you and I are just pouring our money into a black hole, and getting very little back in return, if anything at all. The shit rolls downhill people. Remember that.
  22. I would like to nominate @Darth for Member Of The Month. His posts have held my attention, and he has been inquisitive and well thought out in his posting habits.
  23. Not to mention the high humidity here. It frequently gets to 100%+ during the late Spring and all the way through Summer into early Fall.
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