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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. They don't care about women anymore. It's a "Never said do what I do, I said do what I say" situation. We no longer have freedoms anymore. Only privileges. We are literally watching the destruction of the former United States Of America. Everything is being dismantled, twisted, rewritten, and willfully misunderstood. We modeled our government after the Roman system, and look what happened to them. The only difference is that the crumbling of our country happened in less than 250 years, whereas with the Romans, it took well over 1,000 years. Which means we have been gunning for this hard and heavy. This shit is why Americans have been fleeing the country in droves seeking asylum. I have every intention of applying for asylum in Canada if it gets much worse. I have already spoken to the Canadian government about it, and have all the necessary paperwork ready to go. Those of us of the LGBTQ+ community have a much bigger target not only on our backs, but now our fronts as well. We're the new boogeyman. Especially the transgender community. And like you said, discrimination is legal now on the basis of religion. Which means I can refuse to drive someone based on the fact that they're xtian. I do a rideshare, and can now legally ask someone if they're xtian, and if they say yes, I can tell them to piss off. That it's my right to discriminate on the basis of religion. And there would be nothing they could do about it. Kinda sucks when your bigotry backfires on you, doesn't it? Also I have said it many times, but it merits being said again: Welcome to the fourth reich.
  2. I just beat Links Awakening for the billionth time. But it doesn’t matter how many times I beat it. I still enjoy the hell out of the game. I know a few shortcuts and easter eggs in it. Especially in the Game Boy version. It’s also a hell of a easier to steal from the town shop in Mabe Village on the GB version.
  3. I have to agree with you both, but possibly in a different way. I'm also a solo gamer. I like it that way because it means I don't have to deal with real people. I enjoy having full control over what I'm doing. But in the multiplayer, some asshole from halfway around the world could shoot me, steal everything I have and make off with it. If I die, I want it to be an NPC that does it. All that said, in my opinion game studios should hire two teams. One works on the story mode, the other works on the multiplayer mode. That way they could focus on whatever it is they're tasked for without the distraction of worrying about how to create a completely different game under the same name. And you can't tell me that every game that is both single player and multiplayer aren't worlds apart. Just look at RDR2 and Red Dead Online. With multiplayer games, you have to concern yourself with all the other people that play it, instead of just kicking back and enjoying a good gaming experience doing whatever the hell you want. Just think how toxic a lot of it is. Especially in war games like COD. One fuckup, and your former team is now trying to kill you off.
  4. That's a moot point for those of us who have absolutely no idea how. Back in the Win98 era, I was masterful at building PC's. Now I haven't the slightest clue what the hell I would be trying to do. So pre-built is the only way to go for me and many others as well. I wouldn't call it lazy. It's about knowledge and ability.
  5. If PlayStation was to have a mascot, it should be left to reception from gamers. Meaning that when someone says the word "PlayStation" a specific character comes to mind immediately. Then Sony can go with it and elect it as the (un)official mascot for the console. Kinda like when M&M's had the campaign to add a new color back in the 90's, and blue won.
  6. Don't forget that he had been ripping up classified documents and flushing them down the toilet in the White House. Plumbers were called in to deal with the blockages, and that's how that one came to light. It'll never be enough for them until we're all enslaved. Democrats will be labeled enemies of the state. The Democratic party will be illegal. It's "fall in line with what we want or be ready to serve time like North Koreans". It would probably result in executions for some. We're under direct threat from the entire right wing. It's no longer safe out there. I had a sign in my front yard that said "Stop the war on women's rights" and some chickenshit stole it. So I'm going to put one out there calling the pussy out. If he wants to fuck with someone, try taking me on. He'll regret being born in his last few moments.
  7. We’ve been speculating about a rerelease for a while now, but now it’s confirmed. On August 17th RDR1 alongside Undead Nightmare will be released together! I’m definitely getting it. I’m not particularly interested in Undead Nightmare, but as ling as I can just play RDR1, I’m happy. Being that it’s coming out now, I’m absolutely sure that it has been remastered as well. It’s technically a PS4 game, but is backwards compatible with the PS5.
  8. I’m kinda weird on this. I had no problem with TMNT and Zelda II with only a hiccup here and there. Now with ROM-hacks, I have 3 (all Zelda titles) and after trying to play one of them, I know know for a fact that the games were designed NOT to be beaten. I played it for well over 5 years, and so far have only made it to the third dungeon. And this one isn’t even the hardest one out there among them all.
  9. I prefer physical media too. With the option between the versions of the PS5, I honestly don’t understand why anyone would want the digital version. By foregoing a disc drive, they’re just, for lack of a better term, “crippling” themselves. You’re not required to use it, and it also does everything that the digital version does. The same goes for the Series X/S. Let’s say the next GTA is only on disc, and never gets released digitally. Or that there’s important content that is only available on disc. Those of you who are GTA fanatics and got the digital console are screwed. I have almost 130 DDL’s on my Switch, but virtually all of them are games that are only released digitally. Games like Goblin Sword. It’s an indie title, and sells for around a dollar if I remember correctly. I’ve had it for several years, and honestly don’t remember what it cost. If you’re a fan of Sega style graphics, you’ll love Goblin Sword. There are other games that are big hits that, as far as I know, are only available digitally. Layers Of Fear: Legacy, Cuphead, and Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. I’ve never seen any of them available on physical media.That doesn’t mean that I stuffed the card slot full of crackers.
  10. Ok, just got home. THE MOVIE WAS FUCKING AWESOME!!!! It was better than the first one. The first one was a masterpiece, but this made the first one look like a dog turd in a film can. Whether or not you liked the first one is irrelevant. SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!
  11. It's a cash grab and nothing more. The way I see it, just buy some paint or stickers and decorate it yourself. I have a bunch of stickers on my PC tower. So in my eyes, it's not worth it. They'll definitely jack up the price for them. The Pokemon edition, the Halo edition, blah blah blah. Every system that has ever been made has been remade at some point. This is just one thing that drives me nuts. Short trip, I know. I guess I'm just not the type that goes for decoration on these things, unless I'm doing it myself.
  12. Has anyone seen it yet? We're going to the late showing tonight so we can see it in 3D. I'm really looking forward to this. I absolutely LOVED the first one. Li Bingbing is drop dead gorgeous, and Jason Statham was just the right mix of cynic and action star for the movie. I'm really curious about what (if anything) developed between Suyin and Jonas.
  13. Did you really expect anything else? Of course he’s going out of his way to intimidate anyone on the prosecutor’s side. He has most likely put a hit on them, which would explain his rotating door of lawyers leaving him. They don’t want to get their own felony charges themselves, so they abandon ship. And the prosecutors that are on the case right now as I’m typing this aren’t the first prosecutors to take up the case. Also, anyone who thinks he’ll face trial is unfortunately deluding themselves. He won’t be here. He’s going to run away to Russia (or possibly NK) like the little bitch coward that he is. He’ll find one of his Nazi lackeys with a pilot’s license to fly him out of the country. Plus a couple to lick his balls and serve him like slaves on the trip. And whatever country he chooses is going to be a nonextradition country. Or one that he happily drops to his knees, the way he does for Putin. We all know Putin won’t return him to America. Don’t forget that he said he was “in love” with Kimmy. Ivanka will be happy he left the country. She might get an actual break from him raping her. Maybe I’m the only one that thinks this, but it’s the most likely scenario from what I’m seeing.
  14. The only one that has done that for me is RDR2. When I started playing it, I realized that I had found the family I had wanted all my life. People that would accept me. Not beat me every chance they got, or remind me how worthless I am all day long. Arthur is the father/brother/friend that I have never had. It's why I can no longer play the game past Chapter 4, or possibly Chapter 5. I will definitely never go past Guarma. I can't handle the entire gang collapsing and turning on each other. And then Arthur's death, I can't even deal. If I was into men, he would probably be the love of my life. I know it's ridiculous to talk about falling love with a digital image, but still, he would be the man of my dreams.
  15. I love strategy games. Especially the ore difficult ones. When you have to plan 3 steps ahead, it's a rush to succeed.
  16. Mario Odyssey It’s going good. I deleted all my save data for the game because it’s been a long time since I played it, and honestly couldn’t remember a damn thing. So I’m starting over from the beginning. Despite that, it’s a hell of a lot of fun. It’s one of those games that are so good they suck.
  17. This has been a buzz word that republiKKKLans have started throwing around. But what the hell is it? They can't define it, and so far I have heard no realistic definition of it from both the right and the left. Is it just an umbrella term to encapsulate everything they don't like? Or is it something they don't even understand. Whether they can define it or not, they throw it on everyone on the left, but don't even know what they're saying. They might as well start saying "essen scheiße" thinking it means something positive for themselves. But that would make sense if they started telling each other to eat shit. So that's out. I might as well say it: Essen Scheiße republiKKKLans!!!!!!!!!!
  18. We modeled our government system after the Romans. We all know their civilization collapsed partly due to the governing system they used. The American government was predestined to collapse and throw the country into complete chaos. That's what's happening right now. Chaos is ruling the land. The government has no power anymore. The title "President" is just that. A meaningless title. No different than calling someone "doctor" like Dr Martin Luther King Jr. We have no country anymore. If someone was to invade, we would fall immediately. This wasn't a bad country 30+ years ago. I just wonder who it is that's going to overtake us. Probably either Russia of North Korea.
  19. When my old ones needed cleaning, I took them apart, put all the keys and the frame in the dishwasher but left the electrical components on my desk. I would let the frame and keys dry overnight, then put it all back together. The keyboard I have now, I wouldn't be able to do that with. I wish I could.
  20. Mario Odyssey. I had played it a bit, then got into other games, so I deleted my original save data, and completely started over again. So far, it's going pretty great. I wasn't able to play it much this weekend because I was at a religious event, but I did get some gaming in. Unless Cards Against Humanity counts that is.
  21. Starting about this time last year, I really got into horror games and have found a whole new genre that I absolutely love. The best so far that I've played is Layers Of Fear. That one is absolutely amazing.
  22. I have very large hands (especially for a woman) and have found the PlayStation controllers to fit perfectly in my hands in relation to the thumb sticks. I'm not trying to be rude or condescending, but have you held a PS5 controller? They are much bigger than the previous controllers, and should fit large hands much better than most would typically think. My only real experience with a thumb stick at the top that I can actually remember is with the Xbox. While that does fall directly where my thumb lands on that particular controller. With the Dualshock 5 however, those thumb sticks are exactly where my thumb falls instinctively as well. I'm sure that someone has made a controller that is physically bigger, which are typically cheap knockoffs that cost just as much, but break within a couple months. So I always tell people to go with a controller from the console maker unless you're ok with spending money replacing the broken controller regularly. As for the Game Cube controller, for me was a nightmare. The buttons were completely jacked up, mostly in relation to where they were located. TL/DR - See how controllers you're not familiar with feel, and try going from there. Depending on where you live, there's usually some form of a used gaming store within a reasonable distance, and usually they will let you hold a controller for whatever system so you can at the very least see how it feels in your hands.
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