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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Nuclear annihilation. We’re headed there as we sit. It won’t be long now.
  2. Soli. I want to rely on myself, and not have to deal with anyone else’s playing speed. Whether they move faster or slower than me is irrelevant. I just don’t have the patience or tolerance to deal with others in my game.
  3. I’ve used a lot or players guides. When I approach a new game and have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing, I’ll give it a look. Or if I’m hopelessly stuck I’ll crack one open, but other than that I typically don’t use them.
  4. I was talking about a “once the design was finalized and orders were being shipped” kind of situation.
  5. You may not have been all that active, but your contributions definitely warrant a nomination.
  6. I know I played something yesterday, but the whole day was so mind numbingly boring I honestly don't remember what it was. I was so bored, I was about to the point of ripping my hair out.
  7. If it's just a hobby, then like @Jayson said, I doubt anyone at the corporate level would notice. And if they did notice, I doubt they would care. All you would have to say if someone got their feathers ruffled, is that you were using their software as a prototype to make sure your design would work before you started getting your own games written and made compatible. Tell them that they would be credited for their system being so much assistance, and I'm sure that as long as they got a cut of the profits (assuming you went into production large or small) there wouldn't be any hard feelings. I don't have the knowhow to do any of this so I can't offer much on the technical side. Actually I can't offer jack shit on the technical side. All I can do is make extremely simple YouTube videos.
  8. I would love to upgrade my PC as well, but money keeps me down. My computer is a 4 year old all-in-one that is starting to show its age. If I could come up with the money to get something that would keep its value for at least 5 years before turning to shit, I would be all over that. But it’s not in the cards.
  9. Look we ARE a civil group. Most of the community is actually extremely friendly. But when you go into an area with an attack on that demographic, you’re not going to get any warm responses.
  10. Damn right. It’s not the 70’s anymore. We’re dealing with the big boys now, and they don’t take kindly to 3rd party developers.
  11. It’s not that simple. It’s a scapegoat situation. People are not willing to accept any blame so they look for someone else to blame.
  12. @Joshua Farrell by your logic, the internet is responsible for the 2 girls who attempted to kill their friend as a sacrifice to Slenderman.
  13. I got an Xbox One for only one game. I'm waiting for Tell Me Why to come out later this year. I've always hated Xbox, but that game is a system exclusive. So I had no choice but to get an Xbox.
  14. @Crazycrab is exactly right. Video Games have no affect on behavior with the exception of a child throwing a temper tantrum when told to shut the thing off. Gaming in no way makes a person violent. Why is it that people only want to pull this argument out of their ass? What about the games that teach children to be a better person? Don't they have the same place in the arguments against video games? Take This Link For Example. Where the hell is the argument now? VIDEO GAMES DO NOT, WILL NOT, AND CAN NOT MAKE YOU VIOLENT. THE VIOLENCE WAS THERE PRIOR TO ANY VIDEO GAME. Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, and Jack The Ripper didn't play video games.
  15. Plastic tubs under a coffee table and in the closet. That's how I do it. They're stored and easily accessible at the same time.
  16. Yes, I've saved lives. No humans, only animals. Humans aren't worth saving, however animals are.
  17. I nominate @kingpotato @DylanC @killamch89 @Executor Akamia @Crazycrab @Shagger
  18. I got to looking, and I do have some digital games. But the amount I have I can count on one hand and still have fingers left over. I've never been the biggest on digital downloads. It's a trust issue that's hard for me to explain. As for physical copies of games, in total I have several hundred. Probably close to 600 if you span every system I have, including the ones I don't really play anymore. If you only include the ones I play, then the number is closer to 500. My library is so damn big, that if I played a different game every day, I couldn't play but just over half of them in a year.
  19. That's definitely me. I would much rather bring my own system than have to rely on whatever they chose for me to play.
  20. Hogans Alley wasn't bad. it wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. It was mediocre. it fit the bill when you wanted something else to shoot at. Since I was a kid I always enjoyed shooting pigeons. Well we called them pigeons. They were the clay disks. You yell "pull" and someone pulls a string and you fire at the disk. I was the only one that could take down 3 on one pull. The only shotgun I have now is a single shot .410, but I'm looking to get a good 12 gauge automatic. I don't want another pump.
  21. It would probably be monetarily a better investment if you were to put together one of those consoles with hundreds of games. I don't know how well it works with new stuff like PS4 and Xbox One games, but I know it's easily done with old stuff. I see those things all over the place here.
  22. Uh........Conker’s Bad Fur Day anybody?
  23. Reviews don’t mean jack to me. I have a lot of games I flat out love that reviews trashed. I also have had games that I hated that reviews considered a golden gift from the Gods. I don’t let others make up my mind. I do it for myself.
  24. There are a lot of open world games available on Switch. I don’t think it would be a real problem if you started after the plane reached its cruising altitude, and before it began its landing procedure.
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