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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I would only buy a copy of a game that I already have on a new gen system if it fixes issues with the game. For example, from what I have gathered here, the PS3 Skyrim is buggy as hell. But when they released it for PS4, a lot of the bugs had been fixed, and the gameplay was smoother. Not perfect mind you, but a more enjoyable experience all around.
  2. I've been considering getting Blasphemous on my Switch. It's really worth it?
  3. I never really played any race games that were lifelike. Unless Excitebike counts as lifelike. But I was always good at Mario Kart and F-Zero.
  4. I've had it since the PS3 heyday, and never even put it into the console until this post.
  5. I can't argue with anything you said. But there's one thing you did leave out. A lot of us are on an extremely thin budget and even with trying to save up, simply can't afford a decent PC to game on. My PC is a cheap all-in-one PC. It's all I could afford, and is absolutely horrible for gaming. But with consoles you can get a used one for a lot less money than a new one, and don't need to keep upgrading your console to keep up with the games released on PC. They release games to fit that consoles capabilities, until they release the next edition in the line. I mean PlayStation doesn't do anything with the PS2 anymore, and Nintendo doesn't do anything with the N64 anymore. They've moved on to bigger things. Now all this doesn't apply so much to me personally, because I'm a classic gamer with a bit of PS3 games in the mix. But still, it's hard not to admit.
  6. Bad. I can't get used to the controls. One stick moves you forward while the other turns you, R1 is the attack button, every time I try to talk to someone I end up making an attempt to pickpocket them, and have to fight them. It's more of a bitch to just walk down the god damn street than it is to actually fight anything. This game has the worst and most fucked up controls I've ever seen in a game. And the biggest bitch Is that I don't even have the option of customizing them.
  7. Playing Zelda OoT again. I only have to beat the Shadow Temple before I can enter Ganon's Tower.
  8. What's the most morbid collection you have ever heard of? In general, and from a VGR member?
  9. I've never played it, so I have no basis to form an opinion.
  10. If I had to pick, it would be 1080° and Cool Boarders, but that's just because they're snowboarding games.
  11. Any open world game that I can just wander around aimlessly in without having to fight something constantly. Also several of the old Atari games. Q*Bert, Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Frogger, and Dig Dug to name a few. I did always enjoy the hell out of the beginning of Twilight Princess when Link was still in Ordon Village. That is always relaxing.
  12. Labyrinth, Beetlejuice, and the TMNT trilogy. Nowadays the movies I rewatch the most are Johnny Depp and Tim Burton movies. Or if I find a really good horror or thriller movie. I'm a big fan of the 8 Films To Die For: After Dark Horrorfest series.
  13. Everyone says Waterworld was pure shit, but I love it.
  14. I know, but they’re never gonna stop. So I thought maybe this could possibly at least curb it a bit.
  15. We’re getting a lot of people coming in and spamming the forums trying to promote their YouTube channel, or some game they’re working on or some other bullshit. So the idea hit me to start a thread specifically for spammers to have a place to post whatever, so that everyone doesn’t have to weed through it to find the worthwhile posts and threads.
  16. I'm considering getting a tarantula. My question is, has anyone here had a tarantula? What species did you have? How was its temperament? Was it comfortable being handled? What was its habitat setup? Pretty much anything you can tell me. Also my biggest question, is what species you would recommend for a first timer. I've been reading at http://www.tomsbigspiders.com and there's a great list of suitable species for beginners. There's a few I like, but I want to see what those that have had them have to say. I had a scorpion when I was a teenager, and know how to handle them. But even though they are both arachnids, that's like comparing a dog and a bird. So any advice? I'm all ears.
  17. If you could marry any celebrity, who would it be and why?
  18. You don't want to bring that up in Missouri. A lot of the lunatics here are going on and on about the coronavirus being no more serious than a runny nose. I'm not trying to get in a political debate, but they're republicans. There's also both republicans and democrats that are trying to educate them that the coronavirus is a serious disease, but they won't budge from their lunacy. And they go nuclear in the attacks on anyone that challenges their idiotic and ignorant opinion. Political parties aside, I just wish people would accept facts, without making themselves the authority on something they know nothing about.
  19. Does anyone else do this? Whenever I start a new file on Zelda OoT, I always make up a cheatsheet pertaining to gold skulltulas. I list each temple and put checkboxes next to it so that I can check off each time I get a skulltula. that way I know if I have gotten all of them in that temple or not, so that I can get all 100. And that if I miss any I don't have to go back through every temple trying to figure out where the hell I missed one. I don't think it takes away from the game or anything. It just helps me keep track. Due to the MD, I have no short term memory so I wouldn't have the slightest clue if I had gotten one or not without it. And If I missed any, that would ruin the whole game for me. So I keep the experience fun by doing this one simple thing. So does anyone else make their own cheatsheets for any games?
  20. "I threw my colostomy bag, covered him in shite, and said 'Get out of that fucker you fucker!'" Huh? Oh wait...….DAMN! Wrong topic. 77
  21. My back has been absolutely killing me for the last week. If the pain doesn't stop or lessen, I may be taking a trip to the ER. I hate hospitals though, so I'm trying to put that off as long as I can.
  22. When you die, do you want cremation, pyre, or burial?
  23. Of all hairstyles, what do you think is the absolute worst?
  24. Sprechen sie Deutsch?
  25. It helps keep my violence in check. Also I love watching anything in which a human is suffering and in pain. Their screaming is beautiful music to me. I love listening to them beg, promising them release, and then breaking that promise just to see the despair in their eyes. Unfortunately that’s not something I can easily get away with IRL. I’m not the Zodiac, or Jack The Ripper. So the more unimaginable pain I can inflict on a character, both mentally and physically, the more I enjoy the game. The sad thing is that the best I have found so far is Hatred. It’s a lot more tame than what I want/need, but it’s better than nothing.
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