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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I'm an introvert, and don't do well in loud situations. Unless I'm at a concert, I like it to be silent as the grave.
  2. Some of the male sopranos I've heard have been able to hit notes and sounds that most could never dream of. For example Andrew de Leon is one of the most amazing sopranos I've ever heard. Also with women being basses, I can definitely offer an example of that with 3 simple words: Alyssa White-Gluz. Also I have a voice deep enough that I've been called "sir" on the god damn phone. 🤬
  3. I'm sorry you're having to go through this. It's never easy to lose someone you love. If you need to take a sabbatical for a while we completely understand. Just remember to not fight it, and to let yourself grieve. For your grandmother: Ut illa in pace. For you:
  4. I typically prefer text. I hate having to deal with someone over the phone. Too many people leave out the biggest part of a phone call, which is the ability to punch them through the speaker. With text, if it's someone that you didn't want to deal with in the first place, you can just delete it without reading it, and then pretend you never got it. Kinda hard for a person to do that if your hands are wrapped around their throat.
  5. Playing RDR2, screwing around online, dreading tonight, and going to about 1000 different doctors.
  6. We're definitely gonna break that this year. There's new members almost daily, and the ones that stick around are posting at a rate that makes it difficult to read everything that interests. But we're getting there.
  7. I like it. It's a cool avatar, and kinda fits you. I'm not familiar with the image, but despite that @Shagger did well recommending it.
  8. Despite being female, I never had any kind of falsetto to begin with. People always thing women can naturally hit that kind of note, but that's just false. It has always bugged me, because it also means I can't wail to sing 80's rock. The singers back then could almost all hit such a high note, that I simply can't even come close to.😢
  9. That's a hard one as most everything pisses me off somehow. But to give a couple specifics, I'll name one that's just in general and one that is directly related to gaming. IN GENERAL: Stupidity and entitlement top the list for me. I have neither the ability nor the will to tolerate either. They are completely 110% inexcusable. I would happily harm people for both. You all know I'm a violent person anyway, but when the cause is either of those, you will see a nuclear karen on overdrive. GAMING: Surprise attacks that you have no way to defend against, and bullshit mechanics. For example in RDR2, there are several places to hunt cougars, with one sticking out above the rest. When I go there, quite often a cougar materializes out of absolutely nowhere. I don't have the time or slightest possible chance of coming out alive. As for the bullshit mechanics, if you're riding your horse and a cougar is coming, the fucking horse literally stops, throws you, then runs off. Unless you're lucky, you're not going to come out alive. It doesn't matter how fast you were riding or where you were going. The fucking horse stops dead in its tracks, throws your ass to the ground, then runs away. It's a serious fuckup from Rockstar, and it severely pisses me off. Side note, it's nice to see that you've finally chosen an avatar.
  10. Yeah, Blu-ray and 4K have pretty much replaced DVD completely. Also more people are streaming these days as well. Personally I prefer to have the physical media. If I want to watch a movie, I don’t have to worry about connection issues. I don’t have to worry about the service being down or saying it can’t play the title in question either. Also I take great care of my DVD’s and disc games, so the worry of them being damaged is almost nil. I still have a VCR/TV combo. I use it a lot if I want to watch a movie on cassette.
  11. I wasn’t “stepping”. I was telling everyone to return to the topic of this thread. If I had been stepping, I would have deleted posts. None were deleted, nor were and edited.
  12. I'm not all that up on generation of games, so I'm just going to list them as they came out. Most of my experience is with Nintendo, so virtually everything will be Nintendo. Atari 2600 - Pitfall NES - Zelda II Game Boy - Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins SNES - DKC Sega Genesis - Mortal Kombat Sega Game Gear - Sonic Virtual Boy - Mario Tennis N64 - Zelda OoT PS1 - FF8 Game Cube - Soul Calibur 2 PS2 - can't say as I missed that era Dreamcast - never played it. Wii - Zelda again. Absolutely beautiful graphics PS3 - Dante's Inferno Wii U - never played it. Switch - So many DLC indie games make this one a hard choice. But I'm thinking maybe Outlast or Layers Of Fear. PS4 - RDR2 PS5 - FF7. But I haven't played a whole lot of PS5 games.
  13. For the love of.... What the hell were they thinking? They sold off games they were making bank on.... to focus on NFT's? What the hell does Square Enix expect to do with this? Selling nonexistent items for real money? I've heard some dumbass ideas in my 40 years on this planet, but if this one doesn't top them all, it's pretty damn close.
  14. I don't recommend eBay or Amazon. Scalpers rule them in this instance. Go to someplace like Walmart online. You can at least trust them to not be scalping. Their prices are about the same as what you would find on Bay and Amazon.
  15. And it also has nothing to do with the topic at hand. This is not about games you want. It is about consoles you want, EXCLUDING current gen systems. Get back on topic people.
  16. Dike was the Goddess of justice and moral order in Greek history. She was the daughter of Zeus and Themis. Although both Dike and Themis were considered personifications of justice, Dike represented more the justice based on socially enforced norms and conventional rules, human justice, while Themis was the representation of divine justice. She was considered to be a young woman holding a balance scale; Her Roman counterpart was depicted in the same way but also blindfolded. Along with Eunomia and Eirene, Dike belonged to the second-generation Horae, Goddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time. She was represented in the sky by the constellation Virgo; according to an account concerning the origins of the constellation, Dike lived on the earth during the first two Ages of Man, the Golden and the Silver ages. During that period, men lived in peace with each other, grew crops and there was no disease. However, men became greedy and Dike, enraged, decided to go to the sky. That's when mankind went into the bronze age.
  17. If I remember right, Hotmail more or less is a branch of Outlook. Both are Microsoft accounts, and I think they use the same codes. I couldn't say though, because I don't specifically use Outlook. Unless they are one and the same, which I highly doubt. I'm not particularly educated on Outlook. Although it does say "outlook" on the tab, so it could be the same. I took this screenshot of my email account. I did block out a few things, that are not to be public information, like the names of some friends and what emails I have in my inbox. But, other than that, nothing was altered.
  18. I am not willing to tolerate it either. Using "abuse of power" claims is not something a staff member should be subjected to, unless they are undoubtedly without any question about it, obviously abusing their power. There are plenty of people here that I personally am not a friend of theirs and for the most part that I strongly disagree with. Yet while I have debated them, I have not deleted or edited any posts just because we aren't particularly "friends". Yes, I have deleted and edited posts, but those were situations where the post in question heavily broke the rules of the forum. And to suggest that as a mod we are exempt from the rules is absolutely uncalled for. There is a reason I was made a mod. It's because @DC trusted me enough to have me as a staff member. That is not something that is offered without merit. @Grungie Taking your frustrations out on me is out of line. Just because you have had mod issues at other forums, doesn't mean that all mods are like that. Nor does it give you the right to bring those grievances here. Not all forums are the same, nor are all mods the same. I did not insult you. I never called you a name, nor brought your intelligence into question. Did I use the word ignorant in my posts? Yes, I did. Did I use the word stupid in my posts? No, I did not. And if you had actually looked at the image I gave you, you would have seen that it was not a link to a wikipedia page. It was separate information. Yes the wikipedia article was linked nearby. But what I showed you was not from wikipedia. All that said, we welcome you to the forum. But insulting the staff will cause anyone here problems. Everyone is subject to that. We all have to abide by the rules. And if you look at them, you will see that @DC is the one that outlined the rules. Neither @Shagger nor myself have edited them. I do however suggest that you brush up on them before continuing to post in this manner.
  19. It's always that way. I was at the mall the other day, and a game store there (Vintage Stock) had both a Series X and a PS5 for sale. I would have bought the X but they would only sell it if you bought a game that was at least $60 and a brand new controller (which is about $70) with it. In total, it was more than $800 for the damn thing. They wouldn't sell just the system. It was the same situation with the PS5. Bullshit if you ask me, so I pretty much said "fuck you" to that.
  20. The battery pack gave it a little longer play time, but not much. Also the damn thing was heavy as hell. If you lacked endurance or strength, it was better to lay it on a table, which is completely pointless. If you're doing that, just play a regular Sega on the TV.
  21. I'm not going to waste anymore time on you. You don't know what you're talking about. And if you knew anything, you would know that wikipedia is a site written by individual people, and is not an accurate or reliable record of anything. I could create a wikipedia page that says I've been to every planet in our solar system. I can also create "quotes" to back up my information. The "quotes" you posted mean absolutely nothing. As for your FF wiki, same thing. Opinions and ignorance. It's time for you to move on from this topic.
  22. By far it's Red Dead Redemption 2. I can't play very far past Guarma because I can't handle everything falling apart and Arthur dying. It tears me up to see all that. Hell I don't always play much past chapter 4. Typically I like to keep it in chapters 2-3. It's an emotional thing that I just can't stand. I will do one more playthrough of the entire game, but that's only for our YouTube channel. After that, I will never play all the way through the game again. I just can't do it.
  23. Considering that the universe is infinite, there's no way possible to even attempt to calculate it. We as a species, simply don't have the intelligence, tools, or capability to try.
  24. It's just something I would kill to see. I also want to visit Easter Island, Machu Picchu, the Pyramids, a few specific Greek temples to the Gods/Goddesses, the Great Wall of China, Spedlins Tower, Ben MacDhui, Auschwitz, the Colosseum, Teotihuacan, Nazca Lines, Uluru, and see Mt. Everest just to name a few things.
  25. I've done shrooms, many many times. They're a lot of fun, until the road gnomes start popping up. Especially when you're on a motorcycle. That said, don't do drugs people. I almost died getting clean. It's not worth it. I would also want to travel if I could afford it.
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