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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Domestic rats are absolutely not like wild ones. They are playful and loving. My life was saved by a wild rat, and ever since then I have had an emotional need to have them. My rats are the cutest little farts. I probably have somewhere between 30-40. I haven't actually tried to count them. Granted, some rats are just assholes, but it's that way with anything that has a pulse.
  2. The main thing I would tell you about NA, would probably be a warning about the egotism. People here have it in their heads that they are superior to everything and everyone. We're probably the only country that says we're "the greatest country in the world". I beg to differ. We have our good points, but they're far outweighed by our bad points. The divide in this country right now is mainly along political parties. There's a civil war going on, but it hasn't involved guns and militias just yet. The right wing is taking rights away, while the left wing is sadly doing nothing. I'm a left wing liberal Democrat, and at the moment I'm ashamed of my party for their inaction. Muslims and Arabs were denied entry for four years due to his bigotry. But that's what seems to run this country. Bigotry, superiority, and entitlement are the key factors here. I know those are worldwide issues, but I would wager that they're nowhere near as bad anywhere else as they are here in America.
  3. I remember Atari celebrating their first ten years. While not the first gaming device, it's the OG of gaming. The games are as enjoyable today as they were in 1977. It truly is a one of a kind system.
  4. If catching really funny glitches counts, then I've been lucky as hell in RDR2. From a guy going flying down the main drag in Valentine level with the roofs of the buildings to watching Uncle playing air banjo (and it making music) I've seen all sorts of hilarious glitches in that game. Yesterday I went fishing with Dutch and Hosea, and there was a snake swimming in our boat. It kept merging with Dutch's leg and swimming back out.
  5. I also have to say RDR2. You're both the protagonist and an antagonist as well. Not many games can pull off that kind of thing. You can be as wicked and evil as you want, or you can be as honorable as possible. That one tops it for me.
  6. I would probably write more. Maybe get back into weaving more. I might even try to learn a few more scripting languages like Javascript. I don't really know.
  7. Aside from Hatred, I don't actually play any games where you can choose the difficulty. I do play a lot of games through a Game Genie, simply to make them harder. These are games that I have flat out mastered though. After you get to a point where there is nothing left to learn, the game gets boring extremely quick. Hell in Zelda A Link To The Past, one thing I no longer do is collect heart pieces. I skip over a lot of items as well, like the bug net and bottles. I don't get the magic cape or Cane Of Byrna. I don't upgrade my sword past the initial master sword. There's a lot of things I try to make it more challenging.
  8. David Draiman. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Disturbed. And he is by far the most talented singer today.
  9. Guns N Roses Metallica Now both of them are great bands, musically speaking. But there was so much drama and fighting within the band, that I wonder how they ever made it past their demo. Not to mention egos that would outweigh the entire solar system.
  10. Even though he whines about not getting the money from Mark Zuckerberg?
  11. I have absolutely nothing planned for the 4th. It's not a holiday I celebrate. The last holiday I celebrated was Hexennacht. The next is Unveiling Day. They're religious holidays. And to reply to an earlier conversation, I have been to Hell several times. It's a city in Grand Caiman, and the name is entirely appropriate, considering how hot it gets there.
  12. Gas Water Electricity Houses
  13. Kill some people I hate. After 7 days it starts all over, so no harm no foul.
  14. Two simple words: Piss off
  15. Probably the books I've written. The short stories are good too.
  16. I would look young and feel old. I already feel old, but I sure as hell don't look young.
  17. Africa is a totally different culture than places like North America. People here are too conceited and have a superiority complex that prevents us from having that kind of culture. If people would just get the hell over themselves, then maybe we can get to something like that. Unfortunately I don't see that happening within my lifetime.
  18. Beauty pageants for women is all about vanity. They're usually shallow girls that only care what other people think about them. With young girls, that's a hard no. They should not be subjected to that kind of thing.
  19. A small cabin deep in the woods, with a front porch and a porch swing. Completely surrounded by trees, creeks, and wildlife. That would be absolute heavenly bliss for me. I don't need a lot of fancy things. I don't want a lot of fancy things. I just want a simple life that's comfortable.
  20. Backstabbing, lying, talking shit behind your back, and theft. I've beaten several asses for those things. The only difference now, is that I'm 10x more violent than before.
  21. Love is more often shown from women than men. Men are afraid of being seen as "soft" or "weak" so they hide their emotions. Women on the other hand are more open with their feelings. We can say "I love you" to other women who are just friends and not a romantic interest. Men sure as hell don't do that unless tehy want to hear their friends calling them "fags" or something like that. As for who I like spending time with, for me it's the animals here. @Rain Dew is the only human I spend time with, but if we didn't have the dogs, rats, and my bird, I wouldn't be able to function.
  22. Did you hit your head or something? No drug on this earth causes in any way ADD or Autism. That's a simple fact. There is no correlation in any shape or form. It's a bullshit lie that anti-vaxxers made up to fight protecting themselves and others. They're among the stupidest fucking people on earth. To answer the question: Having an opinion Disagreeing with politicians Being true instead of a carbon copy automaton Fighting for the tiny few rights we still have, and the mountains of rights we have lost Those are only a few of the things are under fire.
  23. There was a local store called Asian Gifts that I really miss. As for chain stores, I can't really think of any specifics. I have a couple that I wish would go the hell away, but can't think of any that I would want back.
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