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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Yes I would, but i would want to actually do it IRL instead of through VR. For me, it would be a waste of time to visit the Pyramids, Stonehenge, or Maccu Piccu in VR.
  2. For me that wouldn't be a worthwhile experience. I can see all those things virtually through pictures and videos online. I mean, would you rather see a picture of the Mona Lisa or go to the Louvre and see it firsthand?
  3. If you had looked, you would see that it WAS released on SNES BY THE DEVELOPERS. Thus meaning that it IS NOT ALWAYS A REPRODUCTION. Yes, there are reproduction copies on the market. But the fact that the developers released it for said console does not mean that it is a reproduction, no matter how badly you want it to be. You are acting like a MAGAt claiming the election was stolen when they KNOW they're wrong. I'm trying to help you understand this, but you keep refusing to accept it simply because you refuse to admit that you are wrong.
  4. Has anyone else watched these? I have Ouija and Ouija: Origin Of Evil. They're both GREAT films. origin Of Evil is somewhat a prequel to Ouija. It shows what all caused the phenomenon in the first one. My only wonder is if anyone from the cast of either movie had any kind of paranormal issues after making the movie, due to using a Ouija board.
  5. Unfriended: Dark Web Solid 10/10. Hell I would give it 15/10.
  6. I was a child of the 80's, and I remember when VCR's came out. You could actually rent a VCR when you rented movies to watch. They did that because VCR's were so expensive in the beginning that not many people could afford them. It was the same with DVD's. In the beginning not many people could afford them. But like you said, as time went on they got cheaper and cheaper. Now you can buy one for $25. With Blu-ray and 4K, I don't go in specifically for that as I can't see a damn bit of difference. Also Blu-ray is a pain in the ass, so I tend to stick with DVD's.
  7. Watching the Red Wings win the cup in 2008. I was elated seeing that. We haven't taken the cup since then, and we lost a LOT of our best players. Some due to retirement, others due to injury. We even traded a couple of our best, which still pisses me off. Also the first game I went to was a win for us. It was in the final minutes of the game and we were down by two. But we pulled it out and won. The second game I went to was on my birthday, and we won that one. So I've had some good moments with my team.
  8. What am I missing here? If it's something to do with wrestling I know why I don't get it. I haven't watched wrestling since Wrestlemania 20. If it's all something to do with Kingdom Hearts, well I've never played it, so it's a given that I wouldn't get it. Otherwise, I feel like an idiot.
  9. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I know losing someone you love is heartbreaking. While others may see it as just a drawing, they don't have a clue what it could mean to someone. There's something I have said (not on VGR) that might be relatable. If you're a thief (fuck you if you are) stick to stealing from a store corporation like Walmart or Target. Don't steal from someone's house or car. That Linkin Park CD you just stole could be a person's most prized possession because for all you know, they were gifted it by someone they loved dearly who is no longer alive. It could be worth more than money to them. It may just be a copy of Hybrid Theory to you, but it may be something they would run into a burning house to save. Sentimental value is far more valuable than any amount of money.
  10. These are reasons I don't trust cryptocurrency in any capacity. There is no guarantee that it will stay afloat, and simple accounts are easy enough to hack for anyone educated enough to try. This is why I invest in physical, tangible, things. For example, I have said in many threads that I invest in silver. I would invest in gold, but simply can't afford it. That I know will hold it's value. Cryptocurrency however, has no guarantee that it will not crash and the investors to lose millions to billions across all accounts. It claims to be "untraceable" but that's just a smoke screen to lure people in. There is no such thing as "untraceable" with today's technology.
  11. I got a bit carried away with FF5. I didn't realize that I had typed it. So that one I don't have. But saying it was an impossibility is flat out incorrect. It WAS released on the SNES. A simple Google search would show you that.
  12. We do our best to keep conversations interesting, engaging, and clear for all who choose to take part in said conversation. But issues arise with some choosing to post nonsensical replies, that (quite often) have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Some members are worse at this than others. We also understand that English is not everyone's first language. We absolutely do take that into consideration when dealing with part of the community. Language barriers can often have a large impact on how someone responds. But others seem to simply not care. Those are the main problem members that we are forced to deal with. We try to be as fair as possible, but sometimes we simply can't do it anymore as it becomes completely pointless. Not because we give up, but because the member in question refuses to listen after multiple warnings. So take this to heart: make sure you have read the initial post for the thread and know what the OP is talking about. Read through the replies. And above all, make sure you know what you're talking about when you reply.
  13. That was their biggest problem. They came out at the same time as the SNES, and due to that, they were destined to fail. Mainly because (in the states at least) everyone was on Nintendo, and everyone wanted Nintendo consoles. Releasing a completely different kind of console at the time was basically suicide. Sony waited until the N64 era, and (thankfully) completely blew up and are now one of the biggest competitors with the PlayStation. Xbox came around a little later, and it blew up as well. It all takes timing and tech. If you want to succeed you have to know what to offer and when. Sega just released at the worst time. If they had waited a bit, I'm sure there would be a Sega board under the Platforms section.
  14. I understand, but trust me, they are all original. The games that were released on the SNES were numbered differently than the Japanese entries. When a game is a big hit, it's translated by the developers, not the fans, to be released in English speaking countries. I have played all the Final Fantasy games in my library somewhat extensively, and none of them are the same. The only FF games that are the same are the ones that are direct sequels, such as FFX2. So don't argue with me about my own personal library. I know what I have, I know what I have played, and I know what I'm talking about.
  15. They're originals. What their correlation to the Japanese releases are, I don't know. All I know is that I have them and enjoy them. I won't buy a reproduction. I only buy authentic carts. Nostalgia is a big thing for me, so if I bought a repro, I may as well be playing a ROM on my PC.
  16. Everyone has items that mean the world to them. We all have that item, big or small. Why does it mean so much to you? For me it’s my stuff rabbit. I named him Sleepy Bunny. He means so much to me because I’ve had him since I was a baby. He’s the only one that I have ever been able to rely on, with the exception of my grandmother. If you can (and are willing) post a pic of your priceless possession. And only one item, not a collection or multiple items. I’m asking for the ONE item that means more to you than anything.
  17. Actually you can. Go to the PlayStation website and you can register to be notified when they have some available. It takes a long time but they sell them at their retail price. I registered last year, and they didn't have enough supply until last month. I would have bought one, but didn't come up with the money in time. They give you about a 10-15 minute shopping window, and they bring you into a queue to be let into the store. So it's a lot of waiting, but they are selling them from the website
  18. We all know what I game on. So I clicked the 70's, 80's, and 90's games. I also clicked Switch, Nintendo handhelds, PS3, PS4, and iOS options, as I do game on them as well.
  19. I have a few RPG's on the SNES. Here's some of the titles. Mario RPG Legend Of The 7 Stars Secret Of Mana Illusion Of Gaia Final Fantasy 2,3,4,5 Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Lagoon
  20. The pink one looks to be some kind of special edition. I'm basing that on the paw print thumbsticks. I could be way the hell off, but that's the best I can come up with.
  21. Are you asking for Nintendo exclusives (Zelda, Mario, etc.), or any game that is available on Switch?
  22. I'm a classic gamer myself. With a handful of exceptions, everything I play is N64 and back. I grew up on Nintendo, so that's the majority of what I play. But I still play Atari 2600, Sega Genesis, and PS1 just to name a few. I'm just about the only classic gamer here. There are a few members who would call me the classic gaming expert here. While I don't know if that's true or not, I do know that some of the systems I'm on all the time are at least twice as old as several members.
  23. Ave For your classic games, do you play them or just collect them?
  24. I've currently got around 10 PS2's. I get them in bundles when I buy one. I have the slim and the big one. I don't really use them, as I haven't got many (if any) games for them. I play my PS1 games on my PS3, so I don't need the PS2 for that. That said, this thread is getting off track. Get back on topic everyone.
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