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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Since you know everything, I would like you to tell me how many children I have molested. I mean I obviously do it since I'm a lesbian, right? Also please remind me again, what my agenda is. I've forgotten it and need to know from someone who obviously knows more about me than even I do.
  2. What's the problem? Women are lighter, and slimmer which gives them less resistance from the water, allowing them to move faster. Saying there was no equality, and implying that the cis gendered women had no chance, is flat out wrong.
  3. The reason people hate right wingers is because they're ignorant, intolerant, extremist bigots that commit terrorist attacks against their own country and get off scot free. They manipulate, deceive, and make up false facts to push their agenda, while trying to daemonize people they know nothing about. They're the scum of the earth.
  4. You've just proven that you know absolutely nothing about the breed. Pitbulls are extremely gentle dogs. I know this because I have raised pitbulls and been around them all my life. They want to love on you. Not injure you. They get this bad reputation because they're popular among the sickest criminals on earth. Dog fighters. The reason they're so popular is because they're very stocky and strong. People claim pitbulls were the attacking dog because they don't know what it was and jump on the bandwagon to daemonize pitbulls. Maybe the dog that attacked them had a similar characteristic, such as head shape, but was in fact NOT a pitbull. It used to be dobermans that people hated. It was rottweillers for a while. It was also German shepherds for a while too. Now it's pitbulls. What's next? Yorkies?
  5. The teaching of Critical Race Theory isn't actually a thing. No public school system in the country teaches it. It's a talking point from right wing radicals to use as a base to attack freedoms. They use it to attack teachers and education in general. They have decided that when all else fails, to make up something completely false and try that. They're pulling shit out of their ass (no pun intended) that is so far out of left field it's circling the moon. They're insane. Plain and simple.
  6. @Jayson We have all noticed that your only talking points are centering around abortion and telling anyone that is pro-choice how wrong and bad they are. The topic is fine to discuss, but discussion requires a civil exchange. Many people have made points and quite valid ones at that, but when they do so you have consistently run away and started a new thread. Either stick with your one thread, or don't post. Offer your ideas in one thread about said subject, or drop the subject. Also you need to stop taking bigoted and intolerant talking points as if they are fact. Your comments about "the gay agenda" are extremely bigoted. Especially to me, as I'm a lesbian. There is no such thing as a "gay agenda". We're not plotting anything. We have no agenda other than trying to live our lives in peace. Take a step back. Examine your post. It's easier to take your head out of your ass if you don't have your foot in your mouth.
  7. Getting started is expensive. You have to decide if you're going for crops, stock, or both first. Then you have to get the land for it. You have to have the necessary equipment. A decent combine can run you $250,000 alone. You'll need a good tractor. If you're raising stock, you'll have to know how to feed them, what to feed them, how to take care of them when they're sick. Also what are you going to raise? Cattle are notorious for getting pink eye. I've doctored hundreds for that. You have to know how to birth a calf and a colt. So if you have interest in doing it, your best bet is to either find a job working on one so you can see how it's all done, or volunteer. Also you need to understand how much hard work it is before you say "I want to be a farmer". It's up at 5:00AM and not until bed before 10:00PM. It's long days, and it's not easy work, no matter how long you have been doing it.
  8. I have to say that bean bag tossing was suddenly called cornholing. As for the last infinity years "cornhole" meant something entirely different. It's like thongs. in the 80's thongs were flip flops. Now they're extremely uncomfortable butt floss. You're basically walking around with an intentional wedgie all day. Assuming you can walk at all. I would much rather have my ass cheeks covered and prevent rug burn from my jeans, than go around with a strip of fabric running up the crack of my ass.
  9. Some things I actually prefer the generic over the name brand. Some things (very few actually) I prefer the name brand. For example I drink diet Pepsi. I've tried other brands and so far only found one that I liked, but Dollar Tree no longer sells it. So like @Empire it's a simple matter of trial and error.
  10. As long as the message comes through clear, I don't really give a shit. It bugs me too. The biggest one though it there, their, they're in my opinion. But even though the wrong one is often used, the message still comes through clear the majority of the time.
  11. I've written 2 full length novels, several short stories, and a hell of a lot of unconventional poetry.
  12. I just picked COD from a hat. It's their biggest franchise and spans both systems with thousands of players. But any game Activision/Blizzard makes is in the same boat. Lets say you have someone who is a massive fan and plays it on PlayStation, or possibly even Nintendo. They're going to have to give the future releases of the game up, if they're not willing to game on Xbox.
  13. The thread is for unpopular opinions. As long as it isn't something that is flat out bigoted or promoting illegal activities, you can post pretty much anything. Bigoted and promoting illegal things will most definitely get removed, and possibly carry with them a temporary ban. But otherwise post away. If you're worried, read back through the thread and see what people have been posting. Yes you can go dark, but not obscene. For example I derive pleasure from the pain of others. That's not a popular opinion is it?
  14. But the downside is that if someone is a massive fan of a series (lets say COD) that Activision/Blizzard makes, but absolutely hates Xbox or Microsoft in general, they're fucked for future releases of their favorite game. Microsoft won't allow it to release on competitor systems, despite the fact that it would only earn them massive capital. They'll treat it the way Sony treats GOW, and Nintendo treats Mario. System exclusives. So to all you PlayStation loyalist COD nuts, you're fucked.
  15. The Blackangel

    Hair Bands

    As someone who was full on goth in HS, I listened to the same music that I listen to now. Black metal, death metal, 80’s rock, and a couple mainstream bands. But I could count the mainstream bands on one hand and have fingers left over. Our tastes tent to not change.
  16. I love that special. I've watched it tons of times.
  17. It's not just gaming. Microsoft is also a PC giant. Microchips are required to build computers, and everything else that is an electronic device. If they halt all sales and deliveries to Russia, their economy will end up being crippled, which will mean that Putin won't be able to do much of anything for his war against Ukraine. Yes it will also affect the citizens who have done nothing wrong, but we can't really avoid that. Also there are some gamers who only game online. If they can't game with their friends in Australia and Brazil, then they're kinda screwed unless they learn to game offline. My question here is, what about VPN's? Couldn't they subscribe to one and set their location to the states or some other country? Would that be a loophole that would get them around the sanctions that are keeping them from the online services set by Sony and Microsoft?
  18. What about Tay-Sachs? Would you demand a woman give birth after finding out that the fetus has it? Pregnant women can have their unborn babies tested for Tay-Sachs disease through chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis. A baby born with it will die a torturous death by the ages of 3-5. Is that something that would be better than an abortion? Would you condemn me if I had an abortion for that reason? To spare my potential child an extremely short life of nothing but torture? What if I was raped? Would you demand that I give birth to something that is a constant reminder of what happened to me? Even if I gave the baby up, I would still know that it's out there. Your bible says that a woman can be sold to her rapist. Deuteronomy 22:29 "he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives." So basically I'm cattle sold to the first man that rapes me if he has roughly $15. Which means that if I get pregnant from my rapist, I have to do what a man says and I have no other options. Fuck you and fuck all men who think they have the right to tell me what I can and can not do with my own body. What's next? Telling people whether or not they are allowed to get a tattoo or piercing? Telling people whether or not they are allowed to wear a certain color of clothing? Where does it end????
  19. You make a lot of good points. I honestly can't find anything I disagree with, or could argue a is wrong.
  20. In no particular order: Skyrim RDR2 GTA5 Mario Odyssey Zelda BOTW
  21. There’s that idiom “Variety is the spice of life”. That’s kinda where I’m at on this.
  22. I had s 49cc scooter that I absolutely loved to ride for recreational purposes. It got stolen by some worthless piece of shit in 2012 during the brief time that we lived in Denver. I loved going out around 2:00AM when there is little to no traffic and it’s quiet and peaceful. It’s as if the city is deserted. I would love to come up with another one, but money is telling me fuck you.
  23. Let’s get one thing fucking straight right god damn now. BEING POOR DOES NOT MAKE SOMEONE A CHEAT, BUM, OR LOSER DESPITE YOUR DESPERATE DESIRE TO MAKE IT SO. I grew up bottom of the barrel poor. Not much has changed. If it wasn’t for disability and food stamps I would still be homeless, and still be dumpster diving for food. And it’s because of people like YOU. You don’t care to learn. You throw your labels and definitions onto other people, as if your opinion is the be-all-end-all of who and what they are. Have you ever even MET anyone who is or was homeless? Have you ever met someone who never had a chance in life? Your sense of superiority is what makes a huge portion of the population puke. The enmity we feel for you is because you intentionally use your ignorance to breed stupidity. And you really think no stupid richies exist who get by on mommy and daddy’s buck? Try Paris Hilton.
  24. Dragon Strike was always one of my favorites.
  25. Around 20 years ago, I was homeless. I spent 3 years on the street with nowhere to go. I lived in an old abandoned feed mill. My egg donor (aka mother) and female DNA match (aka sister) only lived a few blocks from me, but neither would take me in. During that time I was alone. Virtually. Where I was staying there was an old pile of sawdust and grain. It was about 6 feet high and probably about 12 feet wide. There was a colony of rats living in it. I would say close to 100 there. I knew that they would tear me up if I tried to dominate them, but I also knew they would do the same if I submitted to them too much. The patriarch of the colony defended his colony fiercely at first. I never attacked, but I didn't back down either. Eventually we grew to trust each other. After that we became friends. I named him Star, because he was black with a white star on his belly. Over time I gained the confidence of the whole colony. My home at the time was a sleeping bag and a duffle bag that had clothes in it for a pillow. I would often wake up with rats sleeping either on top of me, or even in the sleeping bag with me. There was once I woke up to a female giving birth on my sleeping bag. While I was living there it was hard to find food at first. Normally I would end up stealing what I could from grocery stores. Not a good idea, I know, but when you're starving you don't have many options. Then I got to thinking. When I was 16 I worked at Pizza Hut. I remembered that at the end of the night, we always threw a ton of pizza in the trash. Stuff that people who dined in didn't finish, or pizza that just never got picked up. So I started dumpster diving there. It was a gold mine. I never had to steal food again. A lot of it was water logged due to throwing cups of ice and stuff in the trash. I always passed on that. But the dry stuff I took with me. I got burnt out on pizza REAL quick, but hey I had to eat. It also gave the rats a better meal too. Granted rats are scavengers, and will even resort to cannibalism if they have to, but we had some good meals together. Water was never hard to come by. Every building has an outdoor water spigot, and a couple 2 liter bottles kept me hydrated. Granted I wouldn't have minded a soda once in a while, but that just wasn't in the cards at the time. So I found a steady supply of food and water. Over the years my spirits got lower and lower. I had less and less will to go on. Star was always there to keep me going, but he didn't have magical powers to make everything ok. He always followed me around like a puppy. When I would leave the mill, I would either put him on my shoulder and take him with me, or he would sit there at the door waiting for me looking so sad that I was gone. And when I got back he would go absolutely nuts. He was so sweet. But one day, I decided that I was done. I couldn't live like that anymore. I decided it was time to die. So I climbed up the stairs to the top floor which was about 5 stories up. There was an old window there that was busted out. I looked out of it and decided that a head first dive would do the trick. I started to climb up into the window when I felt this small tug on my pants leg. I turned around thinking I was caught on something. I was caught sure enough, but not how I was thinking. It was Star. He had followed me up the stairs. I tried to move him away so he didn't go with me. I started climbing up again, and again I felt that tug. He had me again. Somehow he knew what I was going to do, and he was determined to stop me. His heart was bigger than any I had ever encountered. He was the first one that loved me unconditionally. He fought me to stop me from killing myself. I couldn't believe it. A wild rat loved me that much. I sat down with him and he climbed up on my shoulder. I started crying. If he loved me that much, there was no way I could do that to him. From then on everywhere I went, he went. Not just because I wanted him with me, but because he wouldn't let me out of his sight. Even if I just stepped around the door to pee, he was right there with me. I'm crying right now as I'm writing this. If it wasn't for Star I wouldn't be here right now. To this day, no breathing creature holds as much of a place in my heart as a rat. I have probably about 40 little guys here with me. I have an emotional need for them. It's all in thanks to Star. I wish rats lived longer or were immortal so I could have him here with me. But unfortunately he's gone. And I'm the only one that even knew he existed. Maybe, if I'm lucky enough, I'll see him again. On the other side. I just hope he's patient, because while I'm eager to see him again, I'm not eager enough to go for a permanent visit. At least not right now.
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