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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Adding a bunch of moderators sometimes adds to the problems. If the wrong person is made a mod or admin, their ego could take over their duties. They would let their friends get away with whatever they wanted, while going after the ones they don't particularly like for the smallest thing. I've seen that happen. It happened on a forum I used to run, so I had to fire those mods, and appoint new ones. I've also seen it on forums that I joined. There's one that I'm on right now, and for whatever reason one of the mods took a real hatred of me. She attacked me for no reason. She was fired as a mod, and put on a parole type status. She eventually left the forum all together. I don't know what her problem was, but she absolutely hated me. And she abused her position to attack me at every opportunity. Too many mods often equals more problems. But it also depends on who the person is. Some are great, and a true asset. Others should never be offered the privilege of assisting in running a forum for someone. It depends completely on the individual.
  2. So I'm just a joke to you? I never knew that my pain was a source of comedy for others. I guess that makes me rather pathetic then, right?
  3. These candyass chickenshits should have no say whatsoever. If they are too much of a pussy to have their kids actually learn then their only option should be homeschooling. Don't punish the rest of the kids because you're too stupid, and too much of a coward to let your kids learn reality because it makes you "uncomfortable". History isn't always comfortable. But that's no reason to ban it from schools. Do you think black students are comfortable talking about slavery? I would be willing to say they're not. But they still learn it to know what was done to their race by whites in the SA (States of America). You can't fix the scars with a fucking bandaid. You can help try to mend the scars with an education. This segregation of keeping kids from an education is going backwards 100 years. The Titanic is still being built during these kids' education timeline.
  4. Actually they thought witches kept black cats as familiars and could possess the cat. As for the black plague, they blamed rats at the time. But history shows that it wasn't actually the rats, but instead was the fleas they carried that spread the plague.
  5. It would only be over the top only if it wasn't true, and they didn't openly support white supremacy. Even their golden calf refers to nazis as "very fine people" which is something that shows where his personal allegiance lies. The Klan, Proud boys, Westboro Baptist Church, Red Ice, Full Haus, Stormfront, Mannerbund, and hundreds of others all align with the republiKKKlan party and are openly supported by the republiKKKlan party. Then there are the nazis and white supremacists that aren't part of any organizations that also are republiKKKlans. A huge portion of the right wing base is these kind of people. If they all suddenly turned away from politics and never voted again, or switched to another party (not necessarily Democrats), the right wing would dissolve and never have any form of majority or power again.
  6. Most dogs understand instinctively that the child doesn't understand what they're doing. When I was a toddler, I was mean as hell to our animals. They never attacked me once. One even went out of her way to protect me. The only ones that ever got mean were actually our cats. But cats are the spawn of Satan anyway. And there may be some wondering about what @Crazycrab said about poodles. That goofy ass haircut that you see poodles with today? That was actually developed by hunters to keep their joints warm and protected, yet keep them light and slick enough to move through water quickly. It wasn't developed by some pompous rich bitch.
  7. I was about to ask this very question. Arthur became more than a digital character to me, the same as he has to many other people. He was a father, brother, and best friend. All three are things I never truly had. I found them all in him. When he died it broke my heart. I lost all three when I lost him. Even now I'm starting to cry. Go ahead and laugh if you want. Sure, this may not bother a lot of people. But when you develop a relationship, it hurts when you lose that person. And when you feel that pain, REAL MEN CRY.
  8. I remember watching her. And during her tenure as a WWE superstar, I don't remember her fighting even one of the WWE Divas. She fought the men. And kicked some serious ass doing it. I also remember her first Playboy spread, and a guy referring to her as a "linebacker with tits". That was one of the most misogynistic comments I had ever heard. If she was still alive, I would dare any man to try to take her on. And I would film the whole thing and put it straight up on YouTube. "Guy gets his ass kicked by a girl part 1"
  9. Ah, AOE2. While the first one was great, AOE2 was far superior.In my opinion, the best one of the entire series. I haven't been able to play it in years, due to the incompatibility of modern computers. And I don't feel like buying it again from steam, when I already have the CD-ROM's for it.
  10. This subject is already being discussed in the Video Games forum. As such, I am locking this thread to simplify the discussion.
  11. From what I can see, assuming PC is truly less popular than console gaming, the only reason I could see for it is the cost. A good gaming PC can run you up to $2000 for a basic prebuilt PC. If you're building your own I don't know the actual cost range, but I'm sure it's not cheap either. For example, My PC is a prebuilt gaming PC and it cost $1800. But that was several years ago. A couple years ago I bought @Rain Dew a gaming laptop (again prebuilt) that cost $4000. The faster and more powerful they are, the more they cost. Whereas with a console they tend to run $500 or less for a brand new one. Depending where you get it. But unless you're buying from a scalper (fuck you if you are) you're never going to spend PC money. So I think some console gamers just settle because they can't afford PC gaming. Which in turn, ups the numbers of console gamers, which in turn, skews the numbers to yield an incorrect ratio of popularity. I'm a console gamer by preference, but that's not to say I have never, or will never game on PC. One of my favorite games is only available on PC, as no consoles will release it. Hatred.
  12. If these companies would advertise at either the beginning or end of the video it wouldn't be a problem. Or just let the YouTuber do the advertisement. But interrupting in the middle of the fucking video and making you lose your train of thought following the video is just plain old and pure bullshit.
  13. I have run a couple websites too. I still have one forum up, but no one uses it anymore. Hell, there's only a couple boards on it at the moment, because there's no one there so nothing specific is in any kind demand.
  14. You want to see a victim? Look at the republiKKKlan party. Democrats didn't commit terrorist attacks when Bush Sr. was elected. Democrats didn't commit terrorist attacks when Bush Jr. was elected. Democrats didn't commit terrorist attacks when Reagan was elected. Democrats didn't commit terrorist attacks when Teddy Roosevelt was elected. Democrats didn't commit terrorist attacks when Eisenhower was elected. Democrats didn't commit terrorist attacks when Nixon was elected. Democrats didn't commit terrorist attacks when Ford was elected. Democrats didn't commit terrorist attacks when Adolf seized power. And to try to say the civil war was Democrat vs republiKKKlan is flat out stupid and proves someone knows absolutely nothing about the war, so don't even try that one.
  15. Women's Right to vote (Woodrow WIlson) Social Security (FDR) Minimum Wage Law (FDR) Unemployment Insurance (FDR) Rural Electrification Act (FDR) FDIC Bank Account Insurance (FDR) G.I. Bill Of Rights (FDR) Securities And Exchange (FDR) Marshall Plan (Truman) School Lunch Program (Truman) NATO (Truman) Water Quality Act Of 1948 (Truman) Peace Corps (Kennedy) First Man On The Moon (Kennedy) Civil Rights Act Of 1964 (LBJ) Voting Rights Act Of 1965 (LBJ) Medicare (LBJ) Medicaid (LBJ) Guaranteed Pell Student Loan Program (LBJ) Operation Head Start (LBJ) Motor Voter Act (Clinton) Clinton Budget Surplus (Clinton) Family And Medical Leave Act (Clinton) Affordable Care Act (Obama) Now name me a single republiKKKlan accomplishment.... If you can.
  16. How is that concluding that everyone isn't the same? Of course no two people are the same. It's what attracts certain people to each other. But implying that people are different because of the pigment in their skin, is flat out idiotic. Sure their experiences are different, but that's due to prejudice on ALL sides, not just one. My experiences are different than anyone else's. I'm willing to bet that no one else here has muscular dystrophy. But i don't use it as a crutch to try to garner sympathy. It's part of my life and nothing more. It sucks, but it is what it is. So quit trying to make it a racial issue. Everyone is an asshole. No one is an exception. P.S. - I'm white and voted for Obama both twice.
  17. Now I'm fascinated. How the ever living fuck did the drug war get pulled into this?
  18. Is that the only word you took out of his entire comment? That's enough. It's not my job to police people's opinions or beliefs, but you need to get off the soapbox of talking about only abortion. This is not an abortion debate site or forum. If abortion is the only thing you care about, you're in the wrong place. You need to start talking about gaming as well. I know I'm not the only one to come here every day, and see you on a tirade about abortion. Either agree to disagree, or please shut the fuck up.
  19. And you know this how? Have you been monitoring their medications? Did you monitor them about taking hormone blockers prior to puberty and hormone replacements prior to puberty? And while we're on the subject of females being weaker than men, I have only one word for you: Chyna
  20. So your solution is either you get to make the decision on who can marry whom or they have to get the hell out of your 'murica? I was unaware that there were no white people who vote Democrat. As for non-whites voting democrat, that only shows that they're not stupid enough to vote republiKKKlan. Also, who made that assumption? Was it Marjorie Taylor Greene? Tucker Carlson? Lauren Boebert? Mike Lindell? The Buffalo Man? Mike Dense? Adolf himself?
  21. In the past, @DC didn't care. But then we started getting people nominating 5-10 people at a time. So now in the name of simplicity and fairness, he has limited it to one nomination per member. Sure you can nominate a member that someone else has already chosen, but that's rather pointless since they have already been nominated. Also there's never any kind of requirement to make a nomination, nor is there one to even vote. You can join in, or you can opt out. There have even been members who have asked to not be nominated. And if you are nominated, you are also welcome to vote for yourself. But voting isn't multiple answer. Like voting in any election, it's one and done until the next election.
  22. I don't think a discord channel is the answer. I actually see it becoming a problem. Too many topics, too much chat, all jumbled up together, even through different channels. It would end up just being another forum, but with the same problems only compounded and participation here would dwindle until people slowly stopped using the forum. I've seen it happen with good forums more than once in the past. What we could do is start to split topics when they go from auto mechanics to monkey brain pizza. @DC you could create a sub-forum for split topics to be moved to, so people could continue those conversations if they so choose, and at the same time let the initial topic become the focus of the conversation once again. Obviously we wouldn't move every discussion, and we couldn't move every discussion. But for the ones that go completely nuts away from the topic, it's an idea. That only applies to @DC and @Shagger I'm afraid. I'm on disability, and have nothing but open time. As for family, I have none except for @Rain Dew, my dogs, bird, and rats. So I'm in and out here several times daily, unless it's a day that I just don't feel like getting online and do something else instead. But those days are few and far between. Also, as was pointed out, isn't the General Chat forum supposed to be used for these kinds of things?
  23. I don't even post in the General Gaming board anymore, with a rare exception. Threads get lost there so easy, and most of them go way off topic. Which is what this thread is doing. So lets all get back on topic. @DC locks the nomination threads anyway once he posts the voting thread.
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