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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. Update : Rumors Jeff Grubb said that the possible price might be 10 dlls a month for the lower tier, (possibly only ps plus and PS now stream), a medium or premium tier of 13 dlls that will include games dowloands similar to gamepass and another higher tier of 16dlls that will add retro games, suposedly will be announced on the Playstation showcase in March. Back to you Tom at Channel 5 news
  2. Fair enough, is there any rate or average as to how often the investigations turn out to be real or fake, like 1 in 10 or something like that based in your experience ?
  3. Same here only lights at night and stuff like that. What would you do if they actually came to visit us ? would you fight or talk ?
  4. It came out today actually
  5. Bastards, I will still buy the game eventually but its really disappointing but expected I guess.
  6. How about UFOs , have you ever seen one ?
  7. Then will that lead to a civil war between crabs and lobsters ?
  8. Do you make public the results of the cases that you have worked on , like on a blog or youtube ?
  9. Well is there any particular song that annoys you ?
  10. What new games have you played this year and which one has been your favorite so far ?
  11. Whats your favorite videogame ?
  12. Yeah they put too much emphasis on customization but you cant even see your own character, you might as well use the default look. They should really add a third person view to the game
  13. Whyy!!! I dont get that, why the fuck cant we not pause the game, those online features should be optional, specially on a game as big as elden ring. What if I have to take a leak or answer a phone call during a boss fight ?? I have been in that situation many times when playing souls games, I once had to evade roll for 20 minutes when playing against a boss in mortal shell because I was on a call
  14. Its because Spiderman is owned by Sony and Netflix has to pay for rights to show that movie.
  15. Has anybody played Elden ring yet ? I have one big question, Can it be paused ??? I mean if there is one thing that I hate about souls games is that they cannot be paused, so Im thinking about getting the game but I want to know if it can be paused
  16. By the way shouldnt this thread be on another section of the forum ? I never would have guess it was in the deals section and nobody here really checks out the deals section of the forum. @Shagger
  17. PS plus games for March have been updated, Ark: Survival Evolved (for PlayStation 4), Team Sonic Racing (PS4), Ghostrunner (for PlayStation 5), and Ghost of Tsushima: Legends (PS4/PS5). I have never played Ark Survival it doesnt really interest me, and I dont have a ps5 so Im not going to be playing Ghostrunner anytime soon. I have played Sonic racing on the 3ds I though it was okay , but I do really want to play Ghost of Tsushima: Legends which as to what I understand is a standalone game of the multiplayer version of Ghost of Tsushima
  18. The first time that I actually purchase a console myself with my own money was the Xbox 360 that came with the kinnect, I was 18.
  19. Only of a stained couch in my living room, thats the reach of my kingdom.
  20. The first console that I can remember was the NES I think I was probably 4 or 5 years old I dont remember, but I do remember playing the first Super Mario game and Excite Bike the first day that we got the console. You should create your own interview section as well https://www.vgr.com/forum/forum/14-member-interviews/
  21. On my ps4 it runs very well and on Switch there is some lag in between and overall slower
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