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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It's a fantastic game with lots of replayability. Definitely one of the contenders for game of the year.
  2. What kind of sickness was it?
  3. I think the person I've seen perform most is Snoop Dogg. I've somehow always been to events where he always performs even when I was planning on going but I enjoyed them all.
  4. I'd have to disagree. There were quite a few up to the mid 2000s. After that, everything really went left.
  5. Personally, I dance to Hip Hop, Pop, Rap, Soca and Dancehall but I also haven't been clubbing much in the past decade.
  6. Facts. Yep. The media is the one pushing all the degeneracy.
  7. 100% agree. Music adds color to a bland existence.
  8. I’ve been thinking about the concepts of happiness and contentment lately. Are they the same thing, or is there a distinction? Happiness often feels like a fleeting emotion, tied to specific events or achievements, while contentment seems more like a lasting state of being. Can you be content but not happy? Or is happiness a necessary component of true contentment?
  9. Have you ever experienced a coincidence so uncanny that it felt like fate or karma was at play? Maybe you ran into an old friend on a trip halfway across the world or found a lost item at the exact moment you needed it. Share your stories of those surreal moments when everything aligned perfectly, leaving you questioning the randomness of life. What happened, and how did it impact you?
  10. In today’s fast-paced world, the debate between experience and knowledge often arises. Some argue that hands-on experience provides practical skills and insights that theoretical knowledge cannot match. Others believe that knowledge is crucial for informed decision-making and understanding complex concepts. Which do you think holds more value in personal and professional growth?
  11. We all have that one coworker who stands out for their quirks! Maybe they have an unusual hobby, a unique way of working, or a bizarre ritual they follow daily. Share your stories about the strangest coworker you’ve encountered. What made them so memorable? Did their oddities lead to any funny or awkward moments in the office?
  12. If someone offered you a free billboard for a month, what would you choose to display? Would you promote a cause you’re passionate about, advertise your business, or share an inspirational quote? Maybe you’d go for something humorous or a piece of local art. Let’s keep it creative - imagine it’s your only shot to share a message with the world. What would you want people to see when they drive by?
  13. We all have those clumsy moments, but some of them are just plain bizarre. What’s the oddest or funniest way you’ve accidentally hurt yourself? Whether it was tripping over your own feet, a mishap in the kitchen, or an unexpected encounter with a household item, share your stories here.
  14. If you had the chance to pick a completely new name for yourself, what would you go with? Would it be something meaningful, unique, or just sound cool? Share your reasons behind the name you'd choose and if it represents a side of you that your current name doesn't.
  15. Imagine you had the chance to relive one day from your past just for the experience, not to change anything. Which day would you choose, and why? Was it a day of joy, an important turning point, or maybe even a regular day that holds special meaning?
  16. Have you ever felt drawn to a particular purpose or passion in life? Whether it's related to your career, a creative endeavor, or a personal mission, I'm curious to hear what others believe their calling is. How did you discover it, and what impact has it had on your life so far?
  17. Life can be full of surprises, both good and bad. What’s the most unexpected event or decision that completely changed the course of your life? Whether it was a spontaneous move, a career change, or a relationship, I’d love to hear your stories about how life took you in a direction you never saw coming.
  18. Hell is Us sounds intriguing! I'm always up for a good action-adventure with supernatural elements, especially if it's got some Souls-like difficulty.
  19. Ghost of Yotei sounds awesome! I'm really excited about the shift in timeline and the idea of playing as Atsu. It’s always refreshing to explore new perspectives in a series, especially through characters that bring different dynamics to the story. Can't wait for 2025!
  20. ArcheAge Chronicles definitely looks interesting! I didn’t play the original either, but I’ve heard mixed things about its P2W (pay-to-win) mechanics. Hopefully, Chronicles avoids that. The trailer looks polished though, so I'm cautiously optimistic. I’ll keep an eye on it, but I’ll probably wait for more reviews before making it a day one buy.
  21. I used to dabble with some of the earlier games, but it sounds like Origins could be a great place to get back into the series.
  22. Fear the Spotlight sounds intriguing! I love the idea of bringing back the retro graphical style of '90s horror games - there's something unsettling about those low-poly aesthetics that newer graphics can’t quite capture. With Blumhouse involved, it makes sense they'd dive into horror games, too.
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