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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Messi - probably not. Ronaldo - I'm more leaning towards a probably not but Portugese coaches always try to shoehorn him into the team even when he's past his prime like we've seen in the past year.
  2. Same here - I've been riding motorcycles since I was about 12-13 and I think a Pogo stick is very dangerous. I've done Bungee jumping and would rather do that again than get on a Pogo stick.
  3. I've had Chyavanprash before with bread and I really enjoyed it but I'll have to ask my Indian friend about this.
  4. I've thought about it and honestly, money is nice to have but happiness is something that has to come from within. I know plenty of people who are rich but they're absolutely freaking miserable.
  5. Same here - nobody likes to lose but I don't really take it all that seriously even though I do have bit of competitiveness in me. I've learnt as a kid that losing in videogames is a thing that can happen and there's no point in throwing a fit over it.
  6. Mine's a hoodie with joggers and some sneakers. I love throwing that on when I'm just running to the store or running some errands.
  7. I'm also a pretty clean person. While I don't get that upset if it's messy, I'll make sure it's rectified immediately. I don't like to see piles of mess all over the place. Same here. If it happens by accident, I can deal with that but misplacing things on purpose is not ideal for me.
  8. In my opinion, it depends on what you do with that knowledge. It only gives you power if you utilize it instead of just sitting on it. Without action, you'll never accomplish anything.
  9. You're missing out if you've never been to the beach. The water hitting your legs, the sun on your skin and the sand between your toes is a feeling only being on the seashore and looking out at the sea can bring. Plus, it's a good place to meditate.
  10. Depends on my mood. Although I'd be leaning towards the car more, travelling by train isn't bad as you get a very scenic view as you travel along. On top of that, it's a much quicker way to travel.
  11. My choice would be the Cristo Rey Trail in Tamesis, Colombia. I went about 8 years ago and it was a breathtaking view of the Colombian part of the Andes.
  12. Played some Sekiro but tried it out with mods and I must say that the game is even better (no surprise really).
  13. Yep. Ever since Spain defeated Germany, I knew it was all them. France was misfiring the entire tournament, England under Southgate are going to bottle it especially with Harry Kane upfront. Harry Kane went to Bayern and they've not won anything since. We're talking about the first time in like 15 years they've gone an entire season trophy less - I've never seen a man so cursed in my life. He ALWAYS goes missing in tough situations but the English media wants to make out Harry Kane as some kind of golden child when he's the least decorated player in the English Team. He shouldn't be leading it.
  14. Nobody can see the future but I can't believe they actually offered him a new contract because of an FA Cup win over a Man City team that was on the beach. I mean, it's not like they dropped out of the Champions League in the group stages finishing last in their group, right? It still doesn't make sense to me.
  15. That's a lot of money for an 18 year old with one year on his contract. I know that Real Madrid wanted him but that doesn't mean you should overspend like that. I hope it works out well for him but United has been a graveyard for many a talent in recent years.
  16. This isn't just a football issue. If you've ever been to Argentina, you'll quickly come to realize that the racism is heavily ingrained in their culture. And they're not the only South American country with that kind of mentality either.
  17. Amad will definitely bench him. It was happening at the end of last season and that's how it will be from now on barring injuries. Antony hasn't done anything of note since signing for Manchester United.
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