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Everything posted by skyfire

  1. I am into Cricket. I like the game because I am more into the way ball goes spin and also swing. And it is definitely fun to play with the computer too.
  2. These days gaming review should not be based on the paid influence of the company. A lot of writers do that. And it often shows in the game. I think review should point out bugs and other things which many people notice later.
  3. Arena of Valor new season and heroes. I kind of had fun with it.
  4. I think to some extent it is gambling and considering the crypto and the money laundering chances through this. I think there needs to be some sort of watch.
  5. I think a lot can't be said as of now because there are some part of consumers who are not standing up for this as they have money in hand and they support the narrative.
  6. It is happening in many context indeed. And the thing is that when the pure massacre will happen things are going to be in the wrong outcome.
  7. I think slowmotion parts in the game do matter or used to matter for me in FPS. It was fun with maxpayne. And I think some of such games are fun to play.
  8. I definitely like some of the realistic movements like ducking and aiming while running or so. I kind of use them in some games too.
  9. Space invaders is definitely classic and I'd say it kind of reminds of those old slow days of internet and computers.
  10. I have been playing with some characters for like 8 months so far.
  11. Indeed without story nothing moves ahead. Without story we are just playing capture the flag and battle royale.
  12. And the thing is the reason clashes happen is because radicals are increasing in number and can't keep up with the capitalism.. even capitalism is bent to accept certain communist reforms in society since last few years. which includes things like open source, money over social structure, lack of respect for religion etc. so eventually people will be pushed in some way.
  13. So I watched this new gameplay. Kind of impressive how it is. I know that many of those who wanted to see this since last year they must be loving it.
  14. The thing is the current generation of kids are so much feminized, except one religion rest of the others are feminized to the core and won't even stand up on side of evil. school shootings and new zealand shooting was just from previous generation trying to resist this change.. but this minority bullying and messing with every social norm will some day will take some serious toll. like way more serious. nobody wants to accept that but yeah it's going to happen.
  15. A lot I can think of. Contra, Pooyan, House of Dead, X-men, Street Fighter. Some of those games were ported to DOS which were arcade only.
  16. For me this in no specific order. 1. Graphics. something like no mans sky. or similar games. 2. Plot deep as darksiders. 3. Some multiplayer elements like say fortnite? battle royale mode with jungling capacity. These three things are in my current radar. Ofcourse I am taking character development and story for granted here.
  17. One look at Lisa and my heart said, no thanks. my cousin played it though. I just watched.
  18. I kind of like picking the kills while running. That habit got me lesser kills over the time.
  19. skyfire

    Building a PC

    Lenovo's gaming PC and Laptop ranges are good though. I am not sure if they have Ryzen in their series as of yet. But that would be surely a good experience if they do manage to have it.
  20. skyfire

    AMD Build

    Yes and the thing is that Ryzen sales are strong even before christmas. I am sure once the december passes we get new stats.
  21. I could be wrong but Riot games have yet to get the LOL on android. I am not sure if the EPIC games who is publisher for the Riot games is going to release it any time soon. Anyone have any success of seeing the league of legends on the mobile devices?
  22. Huge success? Only for people who have money to burn. Streaming is hot but burning money like this for cloud gaming is not meant for the average gamers.
  23. You got to be kidding right? SJWism in some parts of UK and Ireland is as serious as it can get. For example some were forced to wear hijab in campus. So yeah it's very much real and ignoring it and ridiculing it does not reduces its impact on people who tolerate it in real life.
  24. I think if someone like bernie sanders becomes socialist leader, america will become second Venezuela as it is. then things will get even more out of control.
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