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Everything posted by skyfire

  1. Does this game or app mines the crypto from the device? And how heavy it can be? Is it reliable?
  2. I think if you are playing with some high config game cards and the overall display graphics is good then it can be worth going with the framerate I'd assume. But other than that I think framerate doesn't matter.
  3. So xiaomi is releasing the second phone in the black shark series. It has snapdragon 855, and it has 12GB RAM. There are some reviews and tests coming out for this phone. And so far positive reviews. But something I can't afford personally though. What do you think about gaming specific phones?
  4. skyfire

    PC Storage

    I think more space is good but my focus is always on the RAM though. I mean RAM and the graphics card is what gets me going on most of the games. Except NFS and few other games, I think space requirement is not much for me.
  5. skyfire

    Best Gaming PC?

    I think some of the time custom built options are good and some of the time you have to go for the laptops which are tested with the configuration in the pre built and customized one. That's what I have noticed.
  6. skyfire

    AMD Build

    I think overall performance tests and also the reviews on games would take like 1 or more months for the same. I think decision making is a bit difficult on that part if the processor is too good to be true with what I have noticed.
  7. I am on PC and I record the gameplay videos. I don't have enough bandwidth for the regular streaming and considering I have limited internet, I try to avoid watching too many online streams too. Coming to you, do you stream and how much bandwidth you have for the streaming?
  8. I wonder if people learn patience from the gaming. Most of the psychologists say people tend to get more desperate as time goes on with the gaming. So I guess patience is out of question.
  9. I think gaming often gives temporary feeling of good, due to chemicals but that is short term. And it becomes kind of like addiction. And it is pretty hard to get out of that feeling.
  10. I don't even look at the framerate and go with what I have in the default. I think that's good enough for me. I don't try to pick framerate than the one default added.
  11. I am sure I am not one of those who finished silent hill here. I am sure there must be others who did the same.
  12. Yes rapture has this interesting mystery feeling in it. And the whole setup looks like it is made for some 1% rich peoples cult. It's a good movie concept.
  13. I have seen some of the people liking the new game, named sekiro. So it seems like they hated based on the online reviews. I'd say that people sometimes have to play the game before making judgement.
  14. Caves. I kind of get confused with the caves and the small roads in the valleys. For example in AVP games you may find that or notice that.
  15. Many games, I have noticed this on GTA mostly where you can go or see through the trees and see the objects as boxes. Same with Duke nukem game and few other pre 2010 games mostly.
  16. I think some games are like that. And also some people just want to get over with it. That's what I can consider there.
  17. We don't have much craiglist experience. I think in such case I'd just prefer the ebay or similar sites where the old stuff can be flipped for some cash. I am sure once new PS launches old would be on sales.
  18. I think now cricket has started this month. My betting at the most would be on the apps and websites for the games. I don't think I'd be spending on video games for the betting. I don't see strong reason for the same.
  19. As far as learning concerned. I think battle royale games or any weapon based games teach you a lot about the weapons names, type and what they are made up of and how to use them.
  20. Yes I think that's one reason why I don't consider the opinion of other people stop me on this. I think some people were super quick on judging the game. Glad you enjoyed it.
  21. Yes too much money to be made. And every gaming company wants the piece of the profit out of this trend. I guess in order to let this trend die, there needs to be less money for them now.
  22. I noticed one thing about serious sam game series. That in order to repair the timeline this guy goes on back in time and mess it up even more further. Then comes back in the future to see it even more messed up. That's because he is sticking with same timeline and doesn't pay attention to changed tangent timelines.
  23. If any DLC adds more levels into the campaign based games, I am the one who is the most happy for that game. But if it adds more microtransaction levels. I see no point in them. Android market is now filled with such games.
  24. For example cyberpilot and young blood. Most of the plot changes you see in them are pure SJW driven. And they are trying their hard to put on the left wing narrative. Which I am not surprised about.
  25. If you are into browser based games then you have some options like don't escape. The game seems to have now third installment from the makers. And it's free to play on the browser.
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