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Everything posted by Bravosi

  1. I've heard about it, but never played it. It reminds me those type of games that you adore watching, but not playing. Don't know why. :P
  2. To be honest until to this point I've never know about it. Doesn't seem all that impressive.
  3. I used to play some game which was a slashing horror. After a train accident you reach a castle with zombies searching for your family. Don't remember the name :/
  4. Wow! You can make a living that way haha! 😄
  5. I don't get it, he sold his game to someone else? I haven't been following the news lately.
  6. Bravosi

    Rage 2

    Oh, lol. Made me think there's a new Rage of Mages game. 😄
  7. That's wonderful news! Why did they decide on that exactly?
  8. Probably this if it comes to an online game Runescape
  9. I would love to try it out! Is it an online game? Reminds me AoE Online
  10. Man, I miss runescape, the old one. I sometimes listen to the old theme a lot.
  11. Mostly some old classical one's. Same like Borderlands
  12. Awww this looks so cute haha! Brings back old memories of old games and such :D
  13. Myself I've got no idea how a channel gets so popular without 3rd party advertisement. It's simply impossible.
  14. I hate both options, actually. But I guess rechargable batteries is better.
  15. It's hard to define popular. There's mainstream and not so mainstream. CSGO still has half a million players active.
  16. I recently downloaded CSGO again, and playing Skyrim as well.
  17. Yeah, I don't mind indie games. Some of them are awesome. Did you hear about a game called "The Light"?
  18. Yeah, somewhere around that time. But it's not raymonds adventure. There were only humans there. 😄
  19. I was about to ask what lovecraft is, then I saw Call of Cthulhu. I played only the 1st game.
  20. I used to have some explorer game, don't remember the name. But it started with a guy telling me to collect my back pack with most important stuff. He'd laugh if I had chosen a fridge with me on my journey.
  21. Never ended up there as well. Curious subject, really.
  22. Usually watch a guide or two (YouTube or else) then simply try it out in the game itself. Practise makes perfect. ^^
  23. I used to suffer from it. Then I stopped playing games at night and began to sleep much better. I'm playing action games therefore they get me way too hyped.
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