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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. @Kane99 You already created a topic here about basically the same thing, so I'm going to lock this thread. Feel free to continue the discussion on the thread we already have.
  2. Shagger

    Ask m76

    Well, you didn't say if you wanted any toast, so... no.
  3. You were that close Amazon! I am, however, going to assume this service does make its way to the free world at some point. I like the price and I like the line up of games. What I'm not sure about, and this is important given what Amazon's experience with streaming services is like, how reliable the service will be. I'll give them credit, they'e not as bad as they used to be, but game streaming is still an emerging technology and I'm still very unsure that the current infrastructure we have to support it is up to the task. This looks like it could wipe the floor with Stadia's complicated and expensive model, but I still think there's nothing that can touch Xbox Game Pass right now. Still, Luna is cheaper, so if it's reliable it could be worth looking onto.
  4. Glad to see these game finally make their way to PC. Find them of sale at GOG.com here. I don't know what this means for the heavily rumoured remake of MGS1, but for now we do have this and there will be no objections from me. But still, Fuckonami. This is a reminder of the company they used to be.
  5. I only like any of them when the're publicly drunk, a sadly rare occurrence these days. Would it really be asking too much for the Queen to have a few too many brandys one night, drunkenly call Vladimir Putin and declare war?
  6. No, I don't. I don't have anything against the franchise (aside from some of Activision's business practices), it just isn't my sort of thing. To me, COD is kind of like birthdays in your 30's. May have had good reason to get exited for a new one in past years, but there's been so many before, there'll be more after and I've just got no reason to get excited about the one that's next. All a new COD game is to me is a reminder I'm a little older.
  7. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. This is NOT a remaster. This is a game that is finally being finished. I'm so looking forward to it though, the original Neir was a very good game just incomplete. It's rare to see projects like this given a second chance.
  8. The games sudden surge in popularity is exactly why the second game has been pushed back. So many people are just getting into this now, so it doesn't really make sense to release the sequel at this time. Give the player base some time to enjoy the first game before brining out this new one, it makes sense to me.
  9. Shagger

    Ask m76

    Any question? Any question at all and you shall answer? OK, here's my question. Given that god is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite... ... Would you like some toast?
  10. Well, looks like I've kinda dropped the ball here, a few new questions I didn't even notice. Well, let's just clear these up. Well, the last character I've played as at the time of posting this is my latest light armour/sword and bow build in Oblivion. It is a female, an Ainmhi. A rave of people that are somewhere between Khajiit and human. That race isn't a part of the base game, It's part of a mod I installed to enhance the character creator. And now that I stop to look at her... ... I suppose she is kinda cute. So maybe, if she was real, I would consi... ... on second thought, never mind. I'll change my mind in about 5 minutes, but my top 10 in no particular order; Horizon: Zero Dawn The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time The Last of Us 1 and 2 Burnout 3: Takedown Metal Gear Solid Franchise Final Fantasy 10 and 12 Tales of Berseria Perfect Dark Shadow of the Colossus Skyrim An interesting question because I live in Scotland, a country famous throughout the world for its natural beauty, but in fact only has one National Park, The Cairngorms, and I've never actually been there. But yeah, I would love to visit Yellowstone.
  11. Been playing and modding TES IV: Oblivion. It's been an interesting one because I'm using a mouse and keyboard when I would usually use a controller for these kinds of games. This game have never supported a controller on PC, so I kinda had to. I know there's way's round that problem in form of mods and third party programs, but the only so well, especially when the game in question was never designed to be compatible. I even got a new mouse realizing that this was something I would be better off trying to get more accustomed to. Anyway, despite this game's issues, It's still fun, especially with mods. Got all my important skills and attributes maxed and I'm focusing now on The Shivering Isles expansion.
  12. There're rumours about talks between Microsoft and SEGA, and also rumours about Sony wanting to acquire Ubisoft. Of course, they are just rumours, so take it with a grain of salt. I'm not sure I like this trend of big publishers being bought up by even bigger console manufactures. I've been saying for years that it's exclusives that define a platform and that's what matters most, but that didn't mean Sony and Microsoft should just buy up huge publishers and their franchises to create that distinction. A few studios is one thing, but entire AAA publishers is another.
  13. That was nicely put together. Well edited, good choice of music and good in-game skills. I'm not gonna like, these videos aren't really my sort of thing, but I still enjoyed that. Nice work.
  14. Shagger

    Gaming TV

    Typically, TV's are not ideal for PC gaming. They often don't have the kind of refresh rates modern GPU's a capable off, lack more indigenous features like G-Sync, too large to sit in front of PC gamers tend to do, cumbersome to put on a desk and way more expensive. However, this is definitely a hidden expense for people who are looking t next-gen consoles as compatible TV's (some of which you have listed) are very expensive at the moment. 4k resolution, HDMI 2.1, the latest HDR and a refresh rate of at least 120Hz is what needed to get the best out of a PS5 or XBSX. I found an article from To's Hardware that's got load of great advice on the matter. https://www.tomsguide.com/uk/best-picks/best-tv-for-ps5-xbox-series-x
  15. The game is now live on Epic Store as FPT. Claim in the first 30 days for money off coupon as well. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/rocket-league/home
  16. Whilst I'm unsure of the legality of a forum mod winning MOTM (maybe @DC can clarify), I still really appreciate the nomination and you kind words. Thank you. My nomination is @The Blackangel. I could list a number of reason, but really, it's for this. It is also my introduction to Lowbrow Studios, and what I've seen of their vids are hilarious. So, thank you @The Blackangel.
  17. Pre-orders have now started for the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, the next Generation of Xbox Consoles Replacing the 3rd Generation of Xbox Consoles that started with the Xbox One. Then we got later versions of The Xbox One in the form of The Xbox One S and the Xbox One X. Now, imagine you not a gamer and don't follow the industry like, let's say, a parent trying to secure a pre-order for the new Xbox for Christmas, and today was the first chance to do so, would this get confusing? Well, apparently it did because sales of the Xbox One X consoles, NOT the new Xbox Series X have rocketed on Amazon apparently as high as 747%! This snip I got from a link to the US Amazon shows a figure of 431%, but I believe each region has their own stats and the stats may have changed as the day's gone on. Sorry, but there is no other explanation for this to be happening on the same day the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S pre-orders start, it can't be a coincidence. There's going to be some very disappointed kids on December 25nth and some equally frustrated parents and I put the blame solely on Microsoft. The Xbox branding might make perfect sense to Phil Spencer and his fluent-in-geek PR department, but that doesn't mean it's going to translate well to everyone else. This is now second generation in a row that, in my opinion, Microsoft have messed this up, but even the Xbox One didn't cause this level of confusion. It's not like Microsoft are the only ones to make this kind of mistake, like Nintendo did with the Wii-U, but they made that mistake once. Every other time, their branding, design and promotion made it clear what was the old and what was the new. Sony's method is also very simple, just name the consoles in a numerical scale. It may not be very creative, but nobody is going to get confused by it. What do you guys think? Do you believe that this is Microsoft's fault? Do you think that Console Manufactures should stifle creativity with branding and naming to make things more simple for the customer to understand? Or do you perhaps think that the people who have bought the current console in error have nobody to blame but themselves? Let's hear your thoughts.
  18. I think discs will work, but one will probably have to download the game, or at least part of it, then install that file similar to the way XB1 backwards compatibility worked.
  19. Welcome to VGR. Looking forward to your content.
  20. Nah, I'm with the @The Blackangel. Screw daylight! It burns, like holy water.
  21. That's pessimistic, but also very hard to ague with. Bethesda and Zenimax were both pretty safe and stable as businesses before, and I honestly they still all under Microsoft. If anyone is going to suffer over this, it's the fans.
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