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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. I wouldn't. I can't see the point on having enough cash to retire on to then not be able to enjoy something to love. There's plenty of other ways to have fun when you have money, but sooner or later I would miss it and regret that choice.
  2. W Whilst I would disagree with what you said about modern games being creativity inept, there is certainly nothing wrong with holding on to a love of the past. Good for you to embrace that. 80's metal kicks all ass to, no reason to justify that.
  3. Tried to edit, double posted instead. Feel free to delete this post @DC
  4. I feel like I've got little to say now as Ellie and Dorian are the two that come to mind for me as well. Dorian is very noble, courageous and, whilst he's obviously been tormented and exiled as a result of sexuality, he still retains a kind of pride and focus and that's makes him a very admirable and selfless hero. There's other LGBTQ characters in the game obviously, but he stands out for me because as he undeniably he wears his sexuality and how it affects his life on his sleeve, but you ultimately come to admire him not because he's deals with his sexuality with that aforementioned pride and courage, but because he deals with everything with that pride and courage. Gay or not, a good buy, but being gay may have shaped him into an even better guy in the end and that's a very positive message. Ellie is quite different. She's more down to earth and relatable, but no less admirable and that was achieved through imperfection. She's very rude, stubborn and foul-mouthed. Despite that, she's also the kind of character that somebody in the closet can observe and look up to. As I think @Crazycrab pointed out in the other thread, the main story on TLOU didn't focus on nor even define Ellie's sexuality at all and instead focused on the father daughter like bond forming between her and Joel and didn't go onto her sexuality until the Left Behind DLC and that's good because it let us bond with Ellie in a similar way Joel did. This made us care about her to the point that we didn't care about her sexuality much at all. We were surprised perhaps, but not bothered and willing to support her, and that's they way it should be when somebody comes to somebody close to you coming out. That's a very different, but equally positive message as Dorian.
  5. Be sure you stay safe. I have got to be honest, I don't like the idea of someone in isolation during this crisis, never mind before and after. Feel free to DM or ask for my social media/contact info anytime.
  6. I actually really appreciate this from Ubisoft. Yes, ultimately cooperate interest is still at the heart of it all, but they could have also tried to cash in on the current circumstance (Just take a look at Game Stop) and offer nothing to help anyone except themselves. Will this sell more copies of the game as at least as part of the purpose? Yes, but that doesn't change the fact it's a nice gesture. I'll certainly partake.
  7. My workplace is still open, but as an asthma sufferer and considered at a higher risk of complications I've been asked to stay home for the foreseeable future. I'm not under quarantine or self-isolation (thank fuck), but I don't think I'll be spending much time outside the house for the foreseeable future.
  8. As I would expect, as your level of technical adept surpasses mine by quite a margin, a great breakdown about what all this means. Thank you. I think I get what you're saying, the X-Box might be the faster runner, but it's wearing a greasy pair of shoes and just case use what it has as effectively, at least on paper anyway.
  9. So the spec's have been revealed and, whilst this looks promising in alot of ways, to be honest one or two things are giving me cause for concern. The positives. I like the CPU. The weak CPU's on the PS4 and XBox One were problematic right from the start so glad to see a major upgrade there. I also like that it has the Blu-ray drive, we've not gone fully digital, and that's good. What I'm not sure about is storage. Good speed on that custom SSD, but that's a very strange size and I feel that's too small. The drive also can't be removed and swapped out like previous Playstation consoles. Instead you get expandable storage through an empty NVMe slot, and that's gonna make upgrading the storage more expensive that it really needed to be. Also, compared to the Series X;  The PS5 has a weaker GPU, the same CPU, less storage as standard and more flexibility when it comes to storage upgrades. Overall Sony, I'm not that impressed. Still have high hopes for the console as the line if launch games I think will be stronger, but especially with the retro compatibility confirmed I actually believe the Series X looks like the superior console at the moment.
  10. What is your problem? Since I doubt that someone has strapped you to a chair and forced to watch the LGBT friendly content on Netflix "A Clockwork Orange" style, what is the point of this unceasing complaining about it? Netflix's content has nothing to do with the topic at hand anyway and none of us agree with nor give a shit about your homophobic ranting. You've clearly never played the game and most likely never will, something that's probably true of the sequel as well, so you've got noting of value to bring to this topic in the first place. So please, spare us your poison and direct your attention to other threads where you might have something to offer.
  11. That was certainly true in the 90's and into the 2000's. Most movie producers and movie directors were of a generation that didn't grow up with video games and the idea of video games telling stories to compare in quality to movies and TV shows wasn't really a reality. Things are changing, though imo. Games as a creative entertainment media are taken more seriously now than they were even a few years ago, so these adaptations are getting better.
  12. I'm not actually that bothered about backwards compatibility. It's a great and always welcome feature and I'm always glad to see it included, but I don't see the point on buying a next generation console to play old games. I'm as guilty of buying remasters and re-releases as much as anyone, but I only do so if there is something to distinguish these versions. Just playing the exact same version of the exact same game on a brand-new console only make if there's hardware issues with your old system, and that's why it's a good feature, but it's not a system seller for me.
  13. I fall on the side of story. It's fantastic for a game to have great combat and action, but it'll inevitably feel empty lack purpose if the player doesn't feel like they're fighting for something.
  14. So you're a full on homophobe then. I don't understand people like you. I don't see how the fact two people who love, respect and trust each other hurts you just because they're the same gender. But whatever, you be the horrid, prejudiced, disgusting you that you want to be, but no opinion you have on the subject will be taken seriously by me. I'll give you one piece of advice though, if you hate gay people and that "SJW crap" that much, stay away from TLOU and especially it's Left Behind DLC and you'll almost certainly want to avoid THOU part 2 as well. All games that feature female leads and/or gay characters and/or female characters that are not just obedient dish washers or made purely for the spank bank. So also avoid the Mass Effect series, the Dragon Age series, the Life is Strange games, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Metal Gear Solid Games Control, Metrioid, Tomb Raider, pick the "right" COD's and Assassin Creed games, Skyrim, Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher games, Final Fantasy, Tales of Berseria, Detriot: Become Human, Until Dawn, Beyond: Two Souls... actually just Play Duke Nukem Forever quite literally forever because nobody is making games for you any more.
  15. That shit is annoying. Anyway, happy to see PC players getting the chance to experience this game. I'm cautious about the pork as on PS4 this game didn't run like a normal game and, along with Death Stranding, will only be the second game on PC using the Decima engine. This early use of the engine on PC combined with the fact this is Sony we're talking about who will want to control this carefully, means I'm sorry @kingpotato and@Crazycrab, but I would not hold out for mod support anytime soon. Even hackers will need time to figure this one out imo. Still, a beefy PC running this could look amazing and I'm looking forward to seeing how this goes. Great move by Sony, and great promotion for the PS5 and the next game that is sure to come.
  16. On topic though, these kinds of adaptations normally make me pessimistic, but this looks promising. It's good that it's a TV show and not a movie. HBO I think is a good network to take this on, especially with Neil Druckmann being so closely involved. The one thing I'm not sure of is why this series needed to be made as an adaptation for what's already a very story-centric game. It's not like the Sonic movie and other such adaptations that have a lot of room for creative liberty, nor The Witcher series on Netflix as both the game and series was based on other source material, so a plausible case could be made that this adaptation is kinda pointless. As a fan, it is still excited for this, but I still can't help but wonder why someone would want this show bad enough to be excited, but are not willing to play the game.
  17. If you had played the game you would know TLOU is neither typical Hollywood nor the so called "SJW pandering" (I'm really getting quite sick of "gamers" banding any form of diversity as "SJW pandering". The same straight white man stories with the same straight white men doing the same straight white man things we've seen a million times is "creative liberty", but anything that deviates from that has to political for some reason, it's fucking stupid). However, I am interested on what you would do to make TLOU "deeper" because that's quite the bar you've set.
  18. I've been using an ASUS TUF FX505DV Gaming Laptop for about 5 months and haven't regretted it for a second. I knew buying it I would have to buy a second storage drive as it only came with a single 512Gb NVMe SSD and having all the port's on the left hand side is a little annoying, but love the GPU (GTX 2060 6GB), it performs well and it's been solid as a rock so far.
  19. There are popular games like Minecraft and Fortnight that just aren't my sort of thing, but a game that should be right up my alley and most people seem to love it, but I really can't stand it, Deamon Soul's. I've discussed it before on the forum;
  20. A hard question. I've had three noteworthy injuries. Are these injuries dumb-worthy? Well, it depends on perspective. The first two described here are my own fault really, the last one, well... A wrist breaking through a bike fall. Not interesting, moving on. Then two major burns on the job. One time I allowed a droplet of molten metal drop onto my wrist whilst trying to tack weld an overhead pipe bracket. Ouch. Expect it didn't hurt. The skin damage was so severe there was no nerves left to register any pain. A tip to anyone. It's a good thing if a burn hurts. It if does, water it for at least 10 minutes. If the burn doesn't hurt, ambulance. The other burn was years earlier, very different and far worse. I was working at a cheese factory (call that the embarrassing part) when as the result of badly labeled storage and literally no training on my employer's part, I ended up spilling a highly alkaline cleaning chemical on my legs. Let me tell you, chemical burns are far worse than thermal burns. At least fire is out when it's out. It took over a day to neutralise this chemical that spilled on me and stop it from furthering this burn. There was skin grafts and almost two weeks if being bedridden in hospital. It was hell.
  21. Wow. I mean wow! It's not like I expected a response that would change my perspective on the matter, but I at least expected one that was mature worded with due respect, but apparently that was asking too much. You can believe whatever scapegoating nonsense that the right wing politicians have forced down your throat all you want, but can you at least conduct yourself like a grown up? Thank you.
  22. That is a very cool and healthy attitude. Welcome to the forums.
  23. Why aren't you posting links? I know, because those studies are corruptly funded by the NRA and other such organizations who want to deflect blame on gun violence to anyone else. @Crazycrabactually posted evidence, why aren't you?
  24. Sorry, I meant to nominate @The Blackangel as well.
  25. Because adults are willing to learn. If you didn't want to receive what knowledge we were trying to impart, why did you ask for it in first place?
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