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Last time you saw a cheater in game?

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For me, it was the start of 2018 when I was still playing Minecraft. I was playing PVP(Person VS Player) and someone was using aimbot and kill aura.Ā  I earned in-game credits to purchase a set of diamond armour ( a lot of kills and hard work) and then he proceeded to kill me. Luckily, I was recording with Bandicam and I uploaded the video to YouTube (Unlisted) and shared it with the server admins and he now has a lifetime ban for hacking.

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On 10/24/2018 at 1:06 AM, Keranov said:

When was the last time when you spotted a player who is cheating in game?

For me it was just 20 minutes ago. I was playing CS:GO and got matched versus an aim hacker.

Cheaters must be so annoying in CS! I remember my friends nagging about it every day about it

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For me it was yesterday. I decided to log into Dark Souls 3 and see if I can play the expansions without my PC crashing. What I got instead was a guy that bolted on me with light speed and one shoted me with a one handed sword. Least I say is that I'm a sissy tank that has tons of hp since I can't dodge effectively šŸ˜„

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On 11/30/2018 at 2:17 AM, xXInfectedXx said:

For me, it was the start of 2018 when I was still playing Minecraft. I was playing PVP(Person VS Player) and someone was using aimbot and kill aura.Ā  I earned in-game credits to purchase a set of diamond armour ( a lot of kills and hard work) and then he proceeded to kill me. Luckily, I was recording with Bandicam and I uploaded the video to YouTube (Unlisted) and shared it with the server admins and he now has a lifetime ban for hacking.

I used to have that issue with my friends. We were starting a new server, agreeing that none will cheat. I started building and mining and making my empire šŸ˜„Ā At some point I needed some sand I think to make tiles and my best friend said I got some come to my place. He had a huge house with more than 50 stacks of diamond inside and a full box of each material. I quit and never played Minecraft after that šŸ˜„

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Oh, this was when I played on the ladder on Battle.net, with StarCraft. THere were times I would play back in the day on the ladder, only to be playing against someone who thought they would level up faster by using mods and cheat systems to out play people. I haven't played much in the ladder anymore, and Blizzard does pretty well now to block those cheaters now, since most people are now stuck playing on their servers without using a third party host for their games to record wins.

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On 12/3/2018 at 4:03 PM, Keranov said:

It was just yesterday when I was playing Counter Strike: Global Offensive with my friends. Got matched with a wallhacker in the enemy team and of course lost the match because of the cheater.

Sounds like someone who doesn;t know how to play without a hack to play on par with everyone else. I hate these types of people.

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I can't remember the last time I actually saw a cheater in a game, however, I do believe in every game somewhere along the lines you will get a cheater in every game at some point. Not all games will have cheaters I understand but the majority of older games will have these cheating issues. I personally would never dream of cheating in a video game, it ruins the games for others and if it's a game that you love it runs you off it because of the cheating.

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I haven't seen a hacker or cheater in a game for years. And that's mainly because I game on the PlayStation 4 which I believe is almost impossible to hack. The last time that I saw a hacker was on the last generation and it was the first Christmas after Grand Theft Auto 5 came out on the Xbox 360 and PS3. It was amazing actually because what the hackers did was give out money to everyone so we all had billions of money. It lasted us so long because a lot of us bought cars with the money and Rockstar didn't bother to remove our cars so we just sold them after our money was removed.

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