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  1. Past hour
  2. I wonder how long this thread will go on until somebody says "phone"...
  3. The app that I would say I find most useful on my phone would be my banking app, it allows me to keep up with my in goings and out goings which in turns help me feel less stressed and anxious about money and finances.
  4. Today
  5. I have tried many different virtual pet games on my phone but none of them have ever been able to keep me interested enough to want to continue playing them. There was one that I started to play a few weeks ago called My Tamagotchi Forever, many had said it was similar to Tamagotchi's that we used to have when we were younger but I found it to be so much more different to what I remember.
  6. This game looks fun and interesting but it's not a game I have picked up as of yet. It's definitely a different game and one that looks as thought it would be a lot of fun to play through. Going to keep an eye out to see if their is any deals for this game the next time I jump on my Nintendo Switch
  7. I remember we had Wii Music, it was a game my mum bought for herself when she had the Nintendo Wii and she gave us the console when she stopped using it for my kids to use with Wii Music. We played the game a few times but it wasn't one of the greatest games and we found that we easily got bored of it.
  8. I have seen Amiibos still being released but from what I understand, there are no games at the moment that they could be used on like there used to be. We have some Amiibos that we purchased years ago but I can't say I have bought any recently.
  9. I only have the original switch but those who have been able to get hold of the OLED Nintendo Switch have said how great the screen is! I too prefer to play my Nintendo Switch on the dock so that I can play on the big screen but my kids don't mind playing handheld and have asked for the Nintendo Switch Lite in the past, my issue with the handheld is once you get stick drift, you are left with it.
  10. Nintendo has been around for many years and a lot of the games that we know Nintendo for you can't get on any other consoles. I also believe that the Nintendo Switch Online offers that they have when you are subscribed to Nintendo Switch Online, including older games you can play on the Switch is another reason why they still even now sell so many consoles even thought their console is not as overpowered as others.
  11. I must have missed this as I had no clue they were available on the Nintendo Switch! I do love how much Nintendo offers if you are subscribed to their Nintendo Switch Online, especially the older games they are bringing back on the latest consoles! I will be checking out Mega Man now that I know it is available.
  12. It's a shame they made it so that it was not possible to switch the hard drives out from one console to another on the Xbox One but I guess in a sense, understandable with cloud saving that we have now. I always remember the hard drives on the Xbox 360 you were able to remove those and add them to another console, I did like that.
  13. I remember these faceplates very well, I never bought any myself but we did once buy an Xbox 360 from someone who had faceplates on the console, they were the only faceplates we ever owned, they were Forza faceplates and looked awesome on the console. It would be awesome to see customization like this again on the newer Xbox consoles but I don't know if we will ever see that again.
  14. At this point, I would save up and attempt to get the Series X, doesn't seem worth it now to get your Xbox One repaired and would make more sense to use that money and save it towards a newer console which will last longer than a repaired one.
  15. It would be a bad move for Xbox to get an exclusive Xbox title for Call of Duty, that is one good way to drive the fanbase away as has been said and it wouldn't be good for either the developer or Xbox. Keeping it the way it is, available on all consoles with no exclusives is the best way forward.
  16. Well, I just find games too hard, or boring. All the new horror games either have too much combat, or none. There has to be a balance. I don't just wanna run around in the dark, or shooting things just to collect the loot the enemies leave behind. Capcom is just milking Resident Evil into the earth, because for the past 5 years, they've been churning out semi-decent games (usually remakes) with half the original game's material omitted. So they tend to feel undercooked, and the gameplay is sluggish too. The old RE games had weapons that packed a punch. The handgun in RE7 feels so weak. But the zombies in the remakes can get multiple headshots and still moan, and their grip is strong. 🤪
  17. Aries has been informed, but yeah. I don't see the point in contributing any more, as it is hard to tell if the users are genuine members.
  18. The community knows Konami is just trying to play catch up with Capcom. 🤣
  19. I was going through my Steam Library and playing some the games I've not touched since I bought them and I was playing Pro Cycling Manager 2020. I'm still trying to remember how even got that game in the first place. It's alright I guess but it's not quite my thing.
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